turn off the mega aimbot

"aimassist" remove aim assist on pc its so annoying to have ur mega aimbot spin around when someone dead hards xd... i mean aimassist is off and it should only be for controller... but sometimes when you lunge it tracks the deadhard perfectly and it always catches me off guard when you suddenly do a random 180.
EDIT: for people not understanding im talking out of A KILLER PERSPECTIVE!!!!!! and i said aimbot as a joke because it basically locks you aim on people sometimes its used as a "joke" so switch it our for aimdressing or aimassist whatever u want
Auto aim into a wall for no reason other than miss attack is my favorite
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Aimbot? Are we playing the same game? Is not an FPS.
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wat xD dude cannot use dh properly and getting hammered is accusing them as cheaters
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First of all, he doesnt mean a aimbot, but i also forgot how exactly the devs called it here.. But it is compareable to one i guess.
Second, aimbot isnt used by First person shooters only..
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Aimbot sounds like some kind of aim assist which is generally an FPS thing if you want to be pendantic.
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It shouldn't even exist in the first place
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Its mostly used on FPS but there are also other genres.
Oh and it was called aim dressing.
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Thank you Ruma for the enlightening response!
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yeah because ironically it favors survivors.
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Aim dressing is incredibly bad (And I am 100% positive it'll end lunges early if it thinks it'll hit so I've missed lunges because it just ended randomly)
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There are adventure games that use some kind of aimbots, and other fighting games and third person shooters exists aswell.
Mostly its not a aimbot ofc but more like aim assists and aim dressing but you started this so you really shouldnt act like this.
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I'm not sure what you mean? Acting like what? I am sorry if you took offense at my comments.
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as cheaters?? IM THE KILLER!!!! and they dead hard it flicks my camera into a 180 i would rather just miss and know where im looking
idk how poorly ur english is i mean i do tons of spelling mistakes but if you read "have ur mega aimbot spin around when someone dead hards" when SOMEONE... SOMEONE means another player dead hards... not that i dead hard and get hit
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no i dont mean aimbot, aimbot is most common in fps games yes but i used it because this is not even aim "assist" sometimes sometimes it does a 180 for u without u even moving your mouse :)
but i haev like 10 years of FPS games on my back so thats why im calling it aimbot ;)
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Yea dead by daylight uses aim dressing.
And no one asked for it and alnost everyone wants it removed for obvious reasons.
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Not to mention as lunge goes into some corner of loop. And it (im pretty sure) also priorities to try and perform protection hit rather than downing injurer survivor
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yes i would rather just aim myself even if it does help once in a while i still feel like it ruins more lunges than help... and i mean they dont need to remove it if they dont want to, they can just give us an option to turn it on or off.
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Here comes the comment of "actually its aim dressing" when they basically both do the same thing but one cucks you over because its so poorly made.
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It never helps. Aim dressing will never help the killer get a hit they wouldn't otherwise get, it can only cause them to miss a hit they should have gotten.
The aim dressing isn't there to help with the mechanics. It adjusts the animation so that the game looks better, so hits visually connect. That's its reason for existing. The devs won't give us an option to turn it on or off because it's not there for the killer's benefit in the first place.
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Ye true aim assist is ######### annoying but we all know that the devs dont even know this exists.
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It's not cheating because it's actually intended. It needs to be removed because is so bad on console the hallway outside the study on Larry's its so bad 9/10 I'll randomly swing left or right in to the wall when the survivor is right in front of me.
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Huntress says hello?
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There should be an option to turn off aim assist. It's honestly making it more difficult for me to play rather than "assisting" me. I can't count how many times I've hit a wall instead of a survivor because if it lmao
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It’s likely not gonna happen bro. I opened a discussion like this like two years ago and there were people actually denying the aim assists existence in the first place.
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Someone explained it a little bit earlier in this thread. It is not an aimbot. It happens after you did the hit to fix the animation. So the hit was already done. The idea is that after the hit your character should look into the direction of the survivors position. It should only happen when your client "thinks" you hit the survivor. That's why the devs call it aim dressing and not aim bot. Because it's only for the visual appearance.
Why did I wrote "thinks"? Of course this is could be a problem with hit validations, because your camera will rotate into a survivor's direction and there is maybe now a wall between you and the survivor. With a normal hit this shouldn't be a big problem. But now, if the server refuses the hit (which the client does not know before) you're looking into a wall and that makes this situation a little bit annoying for some players.
Of course there can be bugs, like in every software. But that's the idea behind it and how they described it in a dev stream.
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I agree completely, I wish this feature was disabled 100%