What Really Grinds Your Gears?

For me, not any perk in the game. Not gen speeds. Not even SWF or MMR. What really gets me is when the LEAST SKILLED survivor teabags in the gates. Like the ones who you feel bad for so you don't hook them a third time because they get two tapped by a hag without traps LMAO. Just something that really gets me going lmao makes me chuckle to see it.
This is as a survivor as well. I hate to see the survivor that urban evaded in the edge of the map teabag a killer when that killer totally destroyed that survivor during the match. A lot of the time I see them escape because they are carried.
As survivor, teammates who wander around doing nothing/only doing gens instead of helping other downed/hooked teammates.
As killer, flashlight clickers. I hate flashlights with a burning passion, but flashlight clicking is where it makes me VERY annoyed.
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people who wait at the gates til the very end when the killer has clearly given up. ik you can just push em out but it's such a dick move to go out of your way to waste someone's time when they clearly just want to move to the next match.
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Facing quite toxic streamers and their communities, late at night. I don't want to play against them and can usually tell who they are based on how they play, who they play and how they act. Getting judged/ridiculed by a toxic community and their streamer for the entirety of a game is really unappealing to me even if I "win". I try to avoid it.
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Being tunneled. I understand in some scenarios, but it seems to happen to me way too often. It feels like I have a target on my back that just says "please tunnel me!"...
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Agreed. The good part about that though is you as killer can walk around and farm points while they sit there like an idiot.
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To be fair Tunneling is so common now that it doesn't even phase me. I bring anti tunnel perks because of how common a strat it is at High MMR. Killers goota end chases aand kill people quickly or they 100% lose the game so I see why tunneling is so common now a days.
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MMR was the worst thing to happen to this game. It has literally turned it into something that is totally unfun for one side.
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How flipping impossible the Myers 4 kill perma within achievement is. It does not matter how good you are, the survivor can DC, or commit to the locker game and deny you everytime.
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Another thing that gets me is instead of saving to get points when a game is lost and even though I saved them the other coward hides for an entire 2 hook states to get hatch. So dirty.
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Yep. Before it was fine to try during rank reset but now...... MMR
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Not even, purposely tanked my MR, but it still matches me with 1000 hour plus survivors who all understand the achievement and most likely take joy in denying it, because if I get to the point where the locker beats me you're still going to die.
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Right now, I'm getting real tired of people saying 'gg' and then *****ing about how you played.
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As a survivor, I can't stand it when I'm the last man standing, and the Killer pretends to give me the hatch, or pretends to give me the door just to be a jerk and then hook me. I faced a Wraith once who only won because he practically face-camped (cloaked of course). Two survivors D/C'd, one died, and instead of just hooking me, he left me on the ground to bleed out while he constantly rang his bell. Those types of players are just there to ruin someone's day. Nothing more.
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As killer: When I spare a survivor and they tbag and talk ######### in the endgame chat anyway.
As survivor: Teammates that don't do anything or sandbag the team. Also killers that are blatantly playing to farm salt.
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As killer: Survivors who hide all game then tbag at the hatch (specifically) and then talk in endgame chat like they're the best player in the world and how I have no skill
As survivor: the grind and how it never feels like I get any bloodpoints during the round
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The grind.
Seriously, I just want to play with things, why is this a second job to even get to try new things?
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Performance issues. Just frustrating getting a freeze that gets me killed or robs me of a hit.
As survivor being matched against the same killer multiple times in a row. Atleast when it happens as killer I can dodge but not as survivor. It's been happening much more frequently - I have all different teammates but same killer. Being instantly matched too, it's not like I'm waiting awhile to get in a match or that the killer in the lobby has been switched out while I'm in it. Really wish there was something to prevent back to back matches against the same players - just give me a couple games not playing against same people, I'll take a longer queue time instead of instant lobby with them.
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Reading the forums and seeing all the new Epic players crying about the most useless things like they've been playing since Beta and know everything about the game
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Seeing the worst survivor in a swf drop bags on me like they looped me for 5 years when I never saw them at all lol
That and when you go to give someone hatch or let them go free and they start wiggling it's just like really dude
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Bad maps that haven't been changed for like 4 years
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Perks that have been meta for years getting buffs.
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Take delight in the new roaches we have to squash!
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How slow balance changes are.
Perk and map changes should be monthly minimum.
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The guy who sat on gens, scared of the killer all game talks the most sh!t in chat. It's always David Kings too
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This and flashlight macro clickers. That stuff is really annoying.
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You would be suprised how many players will just leave when you get close.
I am fine with those who want to farm extra points, but some are just toxic shits.
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Losing game, because I got validated multiple times.
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Big maps.
Yes I’m a clown main how could you tell?
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Yep just think of it like it's their first time escaping all week :P you were nice enough to play fair, let them have their moment
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Teabagging should be adressed. Slow down animation and give debuffs to survivors who teabags too much. Like reduced movement speed and unable to escape
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What annoys me in matches are especially:
- Camping / Tunneling, proxy-camping killers.
- Survivors who unhook you, and literally run their butt behind you through the entire map to heal you even though you dont want to be healed.
- Survivors unhooking you, in the killers face without even having borrowed time.
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Sandbagging survivors.
People who dont do anything all game and just hide and the killer decides to give them hatch.
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Being sandbagged.
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As a Survivor:
When my teammates are doing nothing. Like I am on a hook, Killer is in a far corner chasing someone, teammate is coming to get me, and a rando is crouching behind a desk not even in the Killer's terror radius?
What are you doing? DO SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Do a dull totem. Loot a chest. Literally anything is fine!
As a Killer:
Just leave. Please just leave. I am not coming to watch you twerk. I will stare at a wall in the basement and ALT TAB to go get a Coke from the fridge. So do us both a favor and #JUSTLEAVE.
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Dead Hard and Circle Of Healing. These 2 Perks are way too good with no drawbacks. Dead Hard grants a 3rd Health State, invincibility frames and distance without having any counters while Circle Of Healing completely killed Hit N Run, Wraith and Ghostface. Fair Perks amirit
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Exactly why I just spam my power and look foor walls and pallets to break.
They can sit there for abs nothing. They think they are annoying you but youre occupied farming bps while they sit in the gate getting none.
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RIP sloppy
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Of course the killer will give them hatch they were the best player on the killers team. :)
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People who, for whatever reason, cannot take responsibility for their own failings - willing to blame anyone and anything, just so long as it doesn't mean looking at their own faults.
Screamers - Streamers who use their position to promote abuse, toxicity and always seem to scream and mock. They also tend to be the people included in the previous point.
Nothing to do with any player, as I kinda get it, but the belief that you need to have a specific build to win. People can win with most builds, so long as they know how to use what they've been given and rely more on skill, awareness and experience over any perk or item.
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Borrowed time , and unhooking infront of me as a killer .. sometime i can get them down but other time its annoying. Body blocking at the same time.
Those three pretty much made me quit the game. Like make me loop , make me acutally chase .... not oh ... your unhooked i have to wait FOREVER for it to drop off .... To punish you. Like does BHVR even listen to the common complaints are ... if your killer are not having a good time then that longer wait time for your 4 man survivors to do anything.
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As survivor, the fact that I just cannot seem to get into a decent match anymore. There’s always an utter newbie, a god nurse, facecamping bubba, or a blatant thrower.
As killer, Dead Hard. Not even CoH. It’s just Dead Hard that gets under my skin.
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Bad sports.
If we have a very good game, one that was very close to going in the others favour, don't teabag and clicky me at the exits, its just so immature and it kills my mood. Be happy that you won thats cool, it was exciting for me too, but bm is just unnecessary.
People that just try and annoy you on purpose at the very start of the match are also big problems.
Some people in this game just want to ruin your fun on purpose and its so ridiculous.
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That actually annoys me even as a Survivor. This baby survivor got carried by the rest of the team while as soon as he got chased gets downed in 15 seconds and he has the audacity to Tbag the killer at the exit gates. Not that I'm saying Tbag is fine but it especially makes me scratch my head when the baby survivor who can only predrop pallet does it.
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On either side:
Survivor players who blame killers for their teammates' laziness or bad plays. A few examples:
Playing survivor, hooked by killer, see teammates running around the hook. I die because nobody rescued me, and in chat one of them claims the killer was camping. No dude, you kept him interested in hanging out, that's on you.
Playing against a killer who obviously has nurses, rescue a teammate, but we are in TR, so I don't risk the heal right away, they run off and try to self care while still in TR, killer sees them of course, and gives them a smack. They claim they were tunneled. No, you made sure they noticed you, what is the killer supposed to do?
Playing as killer, Chase and down the first survivor, hook them and move to #2, while chasing 2, #1 decides to try and body block despite being injured. I figure it's a BT play, but give them a smack anyway and they drop, so I hook them. Afterwards survivor 1 says I tunneled him. Nope, you ran in front of me while I chased your teammate and made yourself a better target. That's on you.
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Bad teammates for me.
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Face camping bubbas at 5 gens
survivors that Tbag or flashlight click after pre dropping a pallet. Also flashlight saves when I’m obviously just trying to meme around
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If you ever run into me it won't be like this. I get so tired of gross dbd players with their gross communities.
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today i had a challenge to escape hatch with the perk Alert. Leatherface went afk on me after running him for a few gens. You would think that the survivors would just escape and move on to the next match, since this is like an AFK killer match to them, right? No.
They waited until last second and I had no choice but to go through the gates. And it took me a lot more matches to complete this stupid challenge. I seriously, seriously hate survivors who stay at the gate for no damn reason.
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When I get lucky & find a Survivor within the first 30-ish seconds, down them inside a minute, and they proceed to kill themselves on first hook (Seriously; just remove the ability to kobe without perks), wait out the entire match, and badmouth me in end game chat.
No my fault that survivor sucks.
Oh! My favorite:
A 2-man who sold out the 2 solos (I did not realize it at the time). Then, when I caught one of them, he kobe-killed himself to give the hatch to his friend, who was camping it. Then started talking crap about how much I suck because I could not get the 4K.
Because it's a Killer's skill that determined hatch back then, what with Cheat With Friends + Voice Comms basically giving it to Survivors 99% of the time. 🤣
Or how about when you hook someone, turn around, and see the Survivors in a queue to unhook. Literally standing behind the Killer.
I chase one off, others go for the hook, so I turn back around, chase them off, and the first one goes back, so I turn back around again.
And, of course, that gets me called 'scrub camper'. Because apparently Killers are supposed to 12 hook every game. 🤦♂️