Devs need to stop listening to the whiners on this forum

I'm convinced at this point that half the people on this forum's only joy in life comes from complaining about anything they possibly can. So many killers have quit playing because of how badly they've been nerfed or how painful it can be to play killer. Which has forced killers to tunnel or camp just to get some pressure going and get a kill. As annoying as it can be when it happens to me I can't even be mad at them for doing it. Then as survivor once you reach a certain level you go against the same killers over and over again because there are very few viable killers. All the whining and complain has gotten the game to the point it is today and what's the result? More whining and complain from the same people. Y'all just really want to have you cake and eat it too huh?
PS I used to love going against old Spirit because of how she made me feel a sense of heightened anticipation and now, I seen her once since Octoberish and it was so sad going against her knowing exactly where she is and it was such a boring game.
They also got deathslinger nerfed so I agree 👍
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Yeah the Deathslinger nerf was absolutely one of the most ridiculous things I've seen. Slinger was another I used to enjoy going against cause his games were unpredictable and sometimes on the difficult side. Rarely see him anymore and when I do it's just not the same that fear isn't there anymore
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The thing is, if a killer is strong or has different counterplay survivors will complain about it. They don't want to adapt to different playstyles, so when a killer requires them to play differently they get upset and complain about it. Not saying all survivors do this, though.
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I agree there's nothing to fear anymore it feels like he's moving like the tin man nowadays which is just sad
Only 4.4 killer In the game with a 32m terror radius
Feels bad man
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It would be good if devs actually posted on complaint threads, might give some idea about what they are working on.
i.e Yes we are working on this, No this is fine we don't see it as a issue etc.
Then the community could see where the "development" is, only posts i see mods/devs post in are happy cuddle fests rather than concerns.
The last development post was in February.
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I didn't realize they did.
Also, this is ironic.
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They probably are not even allowed to talk about it anymore.
They tried it before, problem was the ######### storm when something failed.
McClean did some streams where he talked about the game tho, it's sad that's gone.
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So you liked have to toss a coin every time spirit phased?
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Yea but McCleans vids didnt give a load of confidence on balance.......then there was the infamous video that had a certain Dev openly saying how they hate Killers and what else can they do to them....
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The irony of the thread title with the actual tone of the op is nothing short of amazing.
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Yes. Devs really need to stop listening to whiners on the forums. Just look at your thread, saying you can only win if you camp and tunnel.
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Right? This thread is basically what all the forums have turned into. "Killer good survivor bad" "I'm forced to camp/tunnel" "nerf this or that"
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I mean I kinda didn't I mentioned a way people have universally agreed on of how killers have had to change their gameplay. If that's what you took out of what I said then I'm sorry for you I guess? lmao
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"Universally" you mean forum whiners?
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I mean I guess this is the way most smooth brain survivors thought of her. I had lots of fun going against spirit
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See that just shows your immature weird attitude I guess lol. Just a heads up it is possible for people to y'know actually talk and debate about things instead of crying all the time. I see you're one of those whiners. Lmao
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Your thread is basically telling people to stop whining while you're whining at the same time.
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How else did you play against her when you were given no feedback to what she was doing?
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Picking up on patterns, attempts to misdirection, trying to mindgame. Kinda like playing chess. I don't just sit at a pallet all match and think oh no which way is she going to come from.
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But if you were injured without iron will it wasn’t a mindgame. The spirit had info and you didn’t
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So what there was still attempts to be made it was still a lot of fun. Besides 80% of the time you could use common sense to figure out where she's gonna pop on you when you're injured
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Complains about whining.
Proceeds to whine their self.
Cool thread. 😎
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This is a self serving apologize thread about playing in the most toxic way but blaming the devs and Survivors because one cries and the other nerfs so they made me do it.
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Yes but saying “I’m guessing she’s going to go around the pallet” and then realising you were wrong doesn’t sound very fun.
Even if you guessed right it was just “cool I got lucky”
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So let me get this straight. People whine about certain things and for reason you perceive as dumb. But your reasons for whining are fine and holy, right?
Your opinion (Bad) vs My opinion (Good), amirite? I'm definitely smooth brained for disagreeing and pointing out how all of this is.
Here's a hot take: Killers whine far more in this forum than survivors, because they feel like victims in a 4 v 1. It doesn't help that killer demands more skill and game knowledge than survivor, and most people would rather whine than admit they're not as good as they think they are. It's just hilarious that I can get the same results as 4 slowdown double mega addon sweaty Blight with just no-addon Nemesis with the scourge hook as my only slowdown. And no, it's not because the survivors are all potatoes, it's because this game isn't as hard or imbalanced as people pretend it is to cope.
Post edited by Mandy on1 -
You are doing exactly what those people are doing though. Shrug.
Also, brains are smooth on purpose just FYI. 😎
0 - if killer players do not do this each time survivors get a new perk that counters something from their meta kit. You should at least stay objective because both sides complain about literally everything.
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Let me guess you play at super high MMR too right you're a god like killer with nemesis and nobody could ever beat you? You're garbage and you know you are that's why you bring that up because it's always the trash people that bring up how they can do as good as the sweatiest player with wayyy less than them. If you say this game isnt as unbalanced as people say it is and you know because you dont even have to play like that then yeah you either don't know what you're talking about or you just stomp noobs all day and feel good about it lmao
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Well a lot of "buff killers", "playing killer is miserable" threads are complaining and whining as well. Not every complaint is unfounded, and that's equally true for both sides and not just one. Devs' job is to find out which complaints are actual problems and which are not.
Most forum posts only tell half the story. I've lost count of how many times I saw people complaining about the state of killers in the game that I felt so bad for them that they get 0-1 kills the vast majority of their games, and finally at some point they said something like "see, I 4k in 95% of my games, but it's more stressful to force 4ks every game than I would like it to be".
Sometimes reading the forums feels like every killer of every skill level (of course they're all in the top 5% MMR) wants to be given the tools to 4k reliably against the sweatiest tournament SWF on comms. And if they tweak the balance towards that, who is then left to play fair games against 90% of the survivor player base?
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Locking this after deleting some comments.
The OP just seems to want to insult people that disagree with them, that's hardly a valid discussion - apologies to those that actually wanted to have a proper discussion about this.