What obscure licenses would you like to see come into the game?

What are some obscure or lesser known licenses would you like to see to the game? It'd be pretty funny if the giant red blob from Carrion came into the game and it started pinning Survivors down with tentacles or webbing them on walls
Clock tower
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Mary Shaw from Dead Silence
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Dog Girl from Tokyo Gore Police.
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Serial Mom.
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Don’t Starve Together
Charlie as killer, preferably Wickerbottom as survivor (would more likely be Wilson though…)
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Bob the Builder.
Sadly though I don't think even he can fix this game.
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That was good ngl
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Night of the Demons.
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Not that obscure but Insidious:
Killer: Either Red Demon or Old Lady.
Survivor: Elise Rainier
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Take my upvote good sir!
Angela was creepy AF and would be a great fit!
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Obviously Tony the Pimp from Demons. Just waiting for the rest of the world to wake up.
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I keep thinking about this. Since BHVR already got a collaboration with Capcom, it is possible to happen, but due to BHVR's policies, I'm having a bit of a problem figuring it how.
I mean... arguably, it'd have to be based around the 1996 game which features a 15 year old Jennifer. Bobby and Dan being 8-10 may be a problem, but I suppose they can alter sequences to make it match like they did with Silent Hill and Cheryl where an adult Jennifer perhaps re-encounters the evils from her past at some degree. At least, I'd think Clock Tower and Clock Tower: The First Fear are the most iconic games of the saga since Clock Tower: Ghost Head went unnoticed and everyone hated Clock Tower 3.
Another possibility akin to it may be a chapter based off of Demento or, in its defect, Clock Tower's spiritual successor Remothered.
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Lesley Vernon: Behind the mask
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Exactly what I came here to say. Clock Tower pretty much founded the stalker genre; Scissorman and Jennifer would fit so well into this game. DBD is made for emulating that kind of gameplay.
The spiritual successor, Haunting Grounds, would work just fine too (since Clock Tower's sequels went gradually further off the rails), but I think the original would be more iconic.
Barring that, I'd have a stroke out of sheer happiness if [PROTOTYPE] ended up in the game; Alex Mercer and then either Dana Mercer or Captain Cross.
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Jennifer's Body
The Babysitter
Post edited by Pizzasauce on1 -
I agree! Angela would be a great killer with maybe Judy or Roger as survivors.
I love Demons. Tony would be a great survivor. It's too bad these movies aren't well known.
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Homestuck. It's not super likely because it's not a horror property and it's probably a little too sci-fi, but I'd die happy with at least a legendary suite of skins, maybe Oni for Grand Highblood or Damara/Handmaid for Spirit- hell, go weird and do a genderbend skin making Hillbilly into Kanaya, that'd rule.
More likely and a little less obscure - to the point that it was actually on their survey a while back - is Hellblazer. The original incarnation of John Constantine is basically the perfect Survivor.
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I've always wanted Jacket from Hotline Miami in, but my concept for his power was mostly just Trickster's power but with bullets instead of blades and a different system instead of Main Event called Deadline, which worked a bit like Pinhead's box but on a much stricter timer and if not completed in time gave him a huge power-up. It's funny how close it ended up being to Trickster in the end. Now that Trickster is a killer I think he's better off as a legendary skin for Trickster, which he would fit the role of perfectly in almost every way.
For an actual chapter, I already got what I wanted with Silent Hill. The ones I'd be most excited to see now would be FNaF, Outlast, Little Nightmares, (in a fantasy world) and Candyman, I guess.
Oh, and Art the Clown from Terrifier. He's got a unique powerset and could be executed very well, I think.
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Horror Express.
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Chucky. I was thinking about the other day If you could play as Tiffany/ Charles (I think that his name) controlling some Chucky dolls scattered around the map, passing your soul to them or If you'd be the puppet the entire time, but to carry around a body to a hook the killer uses a voodoo Doll to smack them (kinda like the Black Magic that happens on the original one) or if Chucky just nails your voodoo doll and stuck you in place, but at the same time it would make hooks useless. Idk, I feel like child's play would make a great chapter.
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Rule of rose definitely
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bhvr pls give soma chapter
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Killer - Gremlins
Survivor - Gizmo
This would be so unique, awesome, and ######### hilarious all at the same time.
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Resident Evil
Really though I want Maniac Cop.
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That movie is awesome. 🙂 I love the scene where he talks about how much cross training he has to do because he has to be able to catch up to the victim but make it look like he’s walking.
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I'm so glad a lot of people are commenting about Hotline Miami, it's also my most wanted license. It's not exactly obscure, but most people wouldn't say it's a horror game.
I think there's enough death & destruction in it to qualify for DBD though.
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Everybody is suggesting killers, but what about more Bruce Campbell skins?
- Prince of Thieves survivor skin (for the Greek collection)
- Bubba Ho Tep
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Also for killer, the Butcher from Midnight Meat Train. Heck, he literally hangs people from hooks, he was born to do his job!
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For Honor
Warmonger would probably be the best fit, since her Corruption could be played around with and has quite a bit of potential.
We also know the For Honor devs are likely gonna be very lenient since their whole Halloween Event this year was DbD themed, whole game mode, mask outfits, event battle pass and more
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Ginger snaps
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Not really obscure considering Ash is in the game, but I'd love to see Evil Ash come in a complete Evil Dead chapter. The issue is that the ownership and licenses are messed up for the series. As far as I know, Army of Darkness is canon to the Evil Dead continuity, but it couldn't be mentioned in the show because it would entail having to make partnerships. Having a killer just use a conventional medieval sword would be cool.
Besides an Evil Dead killer, a Manhunt chapter would also be cool. Preferably focusing on the original game with James Cash as a survivor, Starkweather's mansion as a new map, and Piggsy as the killer... although that would make for the 3rd chainsaw killer in the game, and the 2nd to appear as a pig, so a bit repetitive. I'd hope for his gameplay to involve some stealth components considering in Manhunt both you and Piggsy stalk each other throughout the fight. I wouldn't know how to make him different from 3 other already existing killers though...
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really anything junji ito
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Tallman from Phantasm 1 - 5.