What killers haven't you seen in a long time?

Since mmr theres alot of killers I haven't seen or don't see much. So I'm curious which killers other people dont see.
Freddy, hag, twins (havent seen since mmr)
Wraith, billy, legion, doctor, spirit, deathslinger, pinhead, pig, trickster probably seen once a month (pinhead I seen a few times the day before the nerfed)
Killers I see most often are blight, nurse, huntress. Any other killers that I havent mentioned iv either completely forgot as iv not seen them in forever or they're just sprinkled in and more common that the others listed
How dare you forget about Demogorgon
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Jeffrey Dahmer.
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Pinhead. Other than his day of release, I think I've even seen The Twins more often than I've seen Pinhead.
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I find it interesting how many people say they never see Trickster- whenever I do play survivor, for dailies or archive challenges, it feels like Trickster is a solid half of the killers that I face.
Must be that he's more popular at lower MMR...
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Probably Demo or Blight.
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Deathslinger.... I wonder why
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Demo, Twins, Deathslinger, Hillbilly, Pinhead, and Trickster. I very rarely see any of those killers.
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Don't see twins or pinhead at all.
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Hag, Demo, Twins, Freddy, Billy......they're the ones I can go weeks and not see.
Pinhead and Slinger are starting to go that way, too.
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My list is very similar to yours lol.
Do you play on EU servers by any chance?
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Rarely played against Slinger before nerf and now I never see him. I face off against Stealth a lot. Ghosty/Mike/Pig is see few times a week. Blight is common as well Nurse.
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I've never seen a Pinhead. Like I am starting to think that no one plays him.
I've never went against them.
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EU is pretty much Nurse, Blight, Bubba, Huntress a good 80% of the time.
I think we did a pretty good job so far
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Besides when I play him, Freddy. He pretty much disappeared since his last nerf. I see one once a month if I'm lucky.
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Twins, Billy, Wraith, Freddy, Slinger...
I wonder why 😏
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I've seen 3 Twins since their release, they were all within the first three months.
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I've played against Twins once, and they were a hacker that teleported onto everyone and downed them in seconds.
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Twins, Demo, Pinhead Those are the rarest killers, But honest i rarely see ghosties piggies and legion eather anymore and i cant blame them
Few days i took notes of the killers i got during 4 hours and it was a lot of hillbillies, huntresses tricsters and nurses.
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Freddy and Hag. Also I rarely see Doctor these days.
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Killers I don't see very often:
Killers I literally have seen one time:
Twins no joke I saw them once after they came out and never again
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As always, everyone forgets Demogorgon. While I'm not as good on him (her? it?) as I am on Hag, Cenobite (RIP), Myers or Plague he is easily the most fun killer to play as, with excellent addons (barring a few), a massive skillcap, a fascinating kit and some neat tricks to learn.
I've literally never faced one in maybe 50 hours of survivor gameplay. Ditto Hillbilly, Trapper and Deathslinger.
I've faced 1 Cenobite (prenerf), 2 Twins (lul), 1 Ghostface, 1 Hag, 2 Pyramid Heads, a few Myers and a few Pigs though.
At what I'm going to guess is an intermediate-ish survivor MMR (I escape a fair bit more than I die), I see a lot of Blight, Nemesis, Bubba, Huntress, Nurse, Spirit and a few Artists (just after her release, nothing since then).
Because almost nobody plays him. Even with his removal, I have no idea why. He's bloody excellent fun and while he isn't the strongest, he's certainly not weak. I just pray never to get RPD - for some reason about 3/4 of the map surfaces won't let me put a portal down.
He wasn't all that strong, and then they nerfed most of his good addons to the ground. He'll likely have to get reworked down the line. I still play him from time to time - he's viable with Fang+Pain addons or dual iris, and he's still a newbie stomper supreme. Otherwise, he really struggles - his chains are super easy to juke and without the threat of his old hunt addons, the box is barely a distraction.
I think all the Pigs are hanging around my intermediate MMR. They always run Letter+Straps or Video+Ruleset and I see why. She's as addon dependent as pre-rework Wraith.
Twins...ugh. Just clunky and annoying.
Billy - I have no idea why they nerfed the hell out of him. He had one troublesome addon combination which was an easy fix.
Wraith - RIP. Dash nerf, addon nerf and his entire attrition style negated by COH. Totally necessary.
Freddy - Never liked him before, don't like him now. See him occasionally, but tends to lose badly. Another case of 'to the ground!' nerfs where a few tweaks would have sufficed. Worst addons in the game. Needs another serious rework.
Slinger - All he needed was maybe a longer reload time on misses. He is now as clunky as pre-rework Plague. Awful design decision.
Sadly, I've seen maybe 2 Bubbas not facecamping, and both of them got wrecked.
I don't see many Nurses these days, it's about 30% Blight, 15% Nemesis, 10% Huntress, 10% Nurse, 10% Spirit and the rest is a mixture. It'll probably get even less diverse as my MMR rises.
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Or he can't get out of low mmr. If he does, the game puts him right back in it
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Demo is one of the better Killers on RPD imo. Most of the hallways aren't wide enough to dodge a Shred, and 0 Survivors know that Demogorgon can Shred up and down the stairs of the lobby so those are almost always free hits. His Portals are meh on that map tho
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Pinhead, Hillbilly, Wraith, Demogorgon and Trapper
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Hag and Twins are both ultra rare for me.
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Basically anyone that isn't Nurse, Blight, Bubba or Huntress. These 4 alone are like 80% of the killers I face and then the other 22 share the small 20% pool.
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Twins. There's just no reason to stress out playing such a weak killer, so nobody plays them.
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I started keeping a spreadsheet of my survivor gameplay, planning to share results once I got to 250+ matches or so. At the 136 match mark (either as any combination of SWF I play with or solo), I've seen a whopping ZERO Hags or Twins.
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First the usual ones that nees love from devs like Hag and Twins. But also Cenobite and Oni I see very little of them and Ceno is new so very strange. But taking views from a single person it might for me just be a coincidence.
Also killers I still face but se less and less of is Blight and Wraith.
Killers I see a lot of recently: Artist, Trickster, Nemesis, Trapper, Plague, Ghostface, Bubba
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Basically anyone that isnt doctor, bubba, or trickster nowadays.
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Here's what RPD looks like for me against a decent SWF.
- I spawn in the middle.
- I can go to the West or East wings. There's no way to tell which is right.
- If I pick the wrong one, I will lose 2 gens in the other wing before I get there - without even seeing a survivor.
- About 2/3 of the rooms in both wings cannot have portals placed in them or near them, because the passages are too narrow.
- If I find a survivor, I can probably get 1 shred in on them unless they are near a safe area. Once I've done that, they head to the office, the main hall or one of the rooms with at least 1 safe pallet and 1 safe vault and they can run me there for maybe 45 seconds or they make a mistake. Even after they fixed the infinite, some of the loops are so safe that you can CoH heal in between looping. It's also a map where it's super easy to chain multiple safe pallets and vaults into each other.
- They'll probably have a boon in the library or 'manager office', which will cover half the map and snuffing it is a huge time investment even if I know where it is.
- The only way to handle it is to stake out a 3 or 4 gen super early and never leave it.
Hag is...difficult. Making her a 115% killer would be a nice QOL increase, but she's already a solid 'A' tier. What she really needs is a bit of an addon pass - even her good addons are boring.
Twins needs a complete teardown.
Cenobite needs more power to his chains. They shouldn't be able to break on the environment or his model. He also needs some of his nerfed addons buffed a bit - a few seconds off the solving time ones and the hunt ones would have sufficed. Now they are Freddy level pointless.
Oni is...honestly fine. He has a high skillcap but can be very strong. What hurts him (and most m1 type killers) is some of the ridiculous maps.
I saw a lot of Trickster during the archive, but they've dried up now.
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Fair enough, RPD is horrendous, there's nothing you can really do on that map as a Killer, I just usually do better on it as Demogorgon than other Killers
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on pc at least, i've never had a single match against a pyramid head.
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It's not much better for solos - even at what I'm guessing is an intermediate-high MMR, I still see survivors die to Pig traps because they can't find boxes or lose hook states because nobody can work out how to access them.
Awful, awful map. I'd rather play on Haddonfield or Badham, even if I lose.
You see them a fair amount at higher MMRs, but nowhere near as much as Nemesis, Huntress or Blight. He's just a bit janky and his addons are boring and terrible.
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Freddy and twins
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We all would rather play those maps instead of RPD
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I've never seen a deathslinger besides myself after the nerfs not a single one
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Yeah lol
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I have seen almost all Killers... Except for Nurse, Demo, Blight, Artist (but she's new), Pyramid Head, Hillbilly, Spirit, Pinhead and Nemesis
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Huh. I see Nemesis probably the second most after Blight.
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I don't.... But then again I play Killer more
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I won't say anything cause last time I said I never encountered Twins and then I got two matches with the same Twins player/youtuber in a row making his little videos slugging the hell out of the games...
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pyramid head, plague