Do you think Circle of Healing will get a change in the Mid-Chapter patch?

If it doesn’t, we can expect a change in 3-4 years, if the Devs are generous :D
It’s the only boon perk that I think needs to be hit with something.
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Probably not, but who knows.
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Defs not otherwise why would survivors buy cosmetics if they couldn't bully the killer take a slap then run away and heal instantly
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Given the pattern now probably not.
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I feel like it's fine when two or more survivors are involved but imo I feel like Self Healing should be slower but not by much when it's a lone survivor healing.
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I'm in a such a weird place with that perk. As survivor I feel like it's way too strong, being able to directly see how much pressure is lost when a killer tries to split pressure is nuts. Sure, it's less gen progress going on but in a match with randoms that perk feels stupidly strong sometimes.
On the Killer side I don't mind it as much because when I lose I feel it's more because I played badly and not the boons. I've also gotten quite a few cheeky downs by finding people by totems or knowing where they're going to hide after getting injured.
I do think the perk will see some change to it eventually but I don't really know what they'll do. I think a simple decrease in size and maybe only have it work on the floor it's on would be good. That one RPD totem in the library is the biggest offender to show why multi-floor healing is downright stupid.
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I think CoH is overtuned, but I'd prefer a Shadowstep change first tbh. I'd unironically prefer it if SS concealed Pools of Blood over Auras, I hate it that much.
Or nerf/eliminate the Linger effect.
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They nerfed mettle of man in 2 months though so that doesn’t make sense? Yes I get it, it took 4 years to nerf OoO and DS to be balanced. But they nerfed the other perk 2 months later cause it was to strong. This perk almost as more complaints then mettle of man.
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I don't think it'll get nerfed that quickly, as much as it deserves to.
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I definitely feel like something does needs to happen
But i doubt that the Devs are going to do anything (cause it a Survivor perk... I kid)
It going to be like the Hex: Pentimento... We would've liked to see this perks before Boons came out
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Probably not even though it's more powerful than OG MoM
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My prediction is it will get a very slight nerf (something like a slightly smaller radius) so the devs can claim that they nerfed it while still leaving it broken AF
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Absolutely not. CoH is here to stay and hinder future perk creation.
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No because the Dev's are greedy and want to keep selling Mikaela, only at the mere cost of Killer players being ######### miserable.
If they don't nerf it, I'm just not gonna play until they do. I have better used of my time, this game aint worth it, not even close.
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Would you like me to call a physician to take a look at that chip in your shoulder?
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I hope so. It's possible they have something larger planned that won't hit until the next full patch, but I certainly hope that we see a quicker change than that.
It's one of the few situations where I do actually support a quick band-aid fix while they look at wider issues, because it really is broken.
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I think the standard schedule they work under nowadays is they do a balance pass on new characters about three months after release. Assuming I’m right about that we should hopefully see Mikaela’s perks, including Circle of Healing, getting tweaked in the next mid-chapter. I don’t know specifically what they’ll do, but if they nerf anything it would probably be Circle of Healing’s healing speed. They may not do much or anything with Shadowstep or Clairvoyance since those don’t seem to be causing as much consternation.
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To be fair, I think soon enough they'll do something about it Just because of the killers complains everywhere..
I think CoH might work in a stack feature or something, giving only 2/3/4 heals per totem between all survivors before being disabled, then, the surv needs to bless it again to work.
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Why is it that because I can recognize that a perk is busted asf that I have to have a chip on my shoulder?
A perk that even many survivors say is strong asf
I have a chip on my shoulder because I recognize and can be real and admit that their are survivor squads that stream on twitch trying to bully killers as hard as they can?
I have a chip on my shoulder because even the devs themselves said gg ez or baby killer isn't a bannable offense even though it's toxic asf?
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If it does it wont be a change that actually makes any difference. They need to smash it with the nerf hammer. I'm talking a MOM level nerf.
Healing should take 30 seconds with no stacking
the boon radius needs to be 10m max if not less
these two changes will make it bearable.
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More because of how hilariously bitter you sound over a game.
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I didn't know admitting facts makes you sound bitter
I hope you never take high level college course your professors might come off as bitter because it's all facts
Different game but I plays popular fighting game named Tekken 7 about a year ago there was a character so busted on release that everyone complained until he was nerfed 3 months later
That doesn't make people bitter for wanting the game to be better
Idk what world you live in that wanting and aspiring for improvements makes you sound bitter
Maybe you need to sit back and think about the way you view things and perhaps look up bitter in the dictionary
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Definitely not bitter.
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It's the truth sorry if you can't admit it I just laid out the facts for you and instead of arguing or discussing all your doing is this
Haha look how mad you are lol
That adds nothing to the discussion and unless you can prove me wrong or at least put together something other then name calling then yeah I'd still say it's a fact
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I can't believe i've actually been hit with a "lol mad"
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I meant you were hitting me with the lol mad :/ how you didn't get that I will never understand
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that'll be seriously awful. might as well use self care instead.
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That makes the perk useless but what do you expect at this point in these forums
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Maybe in 2 years
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It's balanced! It only takes 2 seconds to destroy! The survivors are wasting their time not on gens! Just do bones!
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If how they nerfed keys a year after Mori's is anything to go by, i wouldnt say his arguement is that unfounded.
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Hopefully but no. Personally I'd rather increase time to fully self-heal with Medkit/CoH(w/o Medkit) about 4 sec.
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I think this perk does a good job of closing the solo queue gap a little for Survivors that cannot communicate heals as effectively as comms can.
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I hope so. I think CoH could be changed to just be a simple self heal. Take the broken 100% out of it.
Or better yet make it that 1 totem can be blessed only once. It's still 5 totems per match.
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Exactly. A team wide replaceable buff should not be more powerful then singular personal perks or items.
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Why would they ban someone for trash talking? Trash talking been around since halo and call of duty. If the person was harassing you with slurs and things then it a different story.
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Yeah I think it will be changed. It will be buffed.
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Seems about right. COH will get the DS treatment. Slight nerfs overtime
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Go type gg ez or uninstall you noob your so trash on a league of legends game or a dota game or a CSGO game or a Apex legends game or any professional team game that hosts professional team tournaments and see how fast you get banned
That's all I should have to say
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As killer main, I prefer they changed Dead Hard rather than Circle of Healing... Shadow Step is more problematic boon perk for me.
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Killers complain 24 hours 7 days per week anyway. If they nerf COH next would be predrop, tapping gens, body blocking, gen times, doors opened to 99%, snowmen,... and 2 dozens of perks
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This whole thread in a nutshell
Killer good survivor bad. Devs hate killers, devs like survivors. Give me upvotes
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Most likely a number change to the healing speed buff