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On average, how long do you think you can you stay alive during chases?

Hanselpup Member Posts: 187

Assuming you are healthy, the (stealth) killer didn't jumpscare you, and the killer doesn't abandon the chase.

On average, how long do you think you can you stay alive during chases? 89 votes

~Five minutes or more
gnehehe 1 vote
~Four minutes
HanselpupCheeseAntonPSPGazgemauchAurelle 5 votes
~Three minutes
OnryosTapeRentalsKaanaDimekXyvieliaFixtionuLIlliterateGenocideFengisKawaiifoxsansboxGamerEzraTacitusKilgore 10 votes
~Two minutes
AdelooCamoRangerTapeKnotDemiurgChordycepsmusstang62TaigaUistreelSebaOutbreak[Deleted User][Deleted User]Awkward_FiendCluelessMadLordJackglitchboiFobboTripleStealdarkcloudlinkGannTMhilapasta 34 votes
~One minute or less
brokedownpalacefeechimacloseJawsIsTheNextKillerpushkinaMrsGhostfacehamada98765PurgatorianChurchofPigAkitoSpookyPumpkinPiezTheEntityNeaDhurl421NoOneKnowsNovaHex_LlamaHerachi_SakuraIdontknowtbh_NIGHTMARE_AnchorTeaDBK1 33 votes
What is a spacebar?
anonymous31337RoboMojoCritical_FishdugmanHex_IgnoredCowabungaDude 6 votes


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030
    ~Three minutes

    two minutes is actually a very decent time. especially in higher ranks.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    ~One minute or less

    I'll be honest, I'm a good gen jockey but a terrible looper. I don't last long against any killer that's more than mediocre or there are lots of pallets close by.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545
    ~Two minutes

    It really depends on the killer played and the skill level of the killer. For example I'm terrible at looping a Huntress unless it's maybe her very first game. But when I've noticed I've been looping Pinheads for pretty long no matter the skill level. I can also run Tricksters for a long time simply because I know every nook and cranny of how he works. But more than likely I can loop long enough for at least 1 gen to pop.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    ~Two minutes

    Highly depends on the killer. If I'm going against a god tier Nurse, Spirit, or Deathslinger, then yeah, I'm not going to last long. If I know what I'm doing (which happens surprisingly often), I can last for a good while.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    ~Three minutes

    I feel confident i can last decently long in a chase. I Tend to bounce between the 2-3 minute mark, but i can usually run for at least 2:30 before i go down. Im not the best survivor, but i've got a lot of game sense.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452
    ~Two minutes

    I have no idea but if i had to guess it would be around 2 minutes

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,870
    ~One minute or less

    The "get chased for x number of seconds" challenges have taught me that I last about 20 seconds per chase. I accept this as part of my identity.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Considering that a single generator takes 80 seconds to complete, you're talking about completing one and a half generators per chase.

    If all four survivors ran the killer for two minutes each it would only take about four chases to get all five generators done.

    Frankly I think that the expectations set within the poll options are unrealistic, and also also weirdly phrased. Average chases against who? There's like 25 killers in the game now and for the most part you can't run them every single one of them in the exact same way. What if I accidentally stepped in a bear trap and the chase ended in 5 seconds, does that negatively impact my average because of the few times that I've stepped in bear traps?

    Or what about god Spirits and Nurses? Are my chase skills reflected more poorly because I can't run a practically professional nurse for even 30 seconds let alone a minute, or the same for an equally experience spirit?

    Or just the sheer level of RNG that exists in Dead By Daylight- Scott Jund has a great video out there somewhere about why tournaments and competitive DBD don't really work and it's because of the great abundance of RNG. My average time chase time on Rotten Fields that I can run the killer is definitely not going to be the same as it would be on The Game. And even if you were comparing the same exact map because of how RNG works you could have one match that spawns with an extremely powerful window loop setup and jungle gyms that chain into each other extremely smoothly one match and then the next have less pallets cumulatively spawn, the position of where said pallets are could be in all the wrong places, different windows could be blocked and so on and so forth.

    And I could keep listing variables like this all day but my point here being is that there are quite frankly too many variables to account for for any player to give a serious and legitimate answer. The only possible way you could answer this in a legitimate way is if you recorded all your matches for a set number of days / weeks (it'd have to be a large amount of time to create a reliable sample size of data) watch all that footage back and then time your chases individually and calculate an average based on the average of all your data. (That is, you're creating an average out of an average, and not discriminating against any data whatsoever and basically making the assumption in your own experiment that it is equally easy to run a chase on different maps against different killers. Which is a bad assumption, it's obviously not true.) Everybody else here who is trying to pass off that they run average of 4 minute chases per game is very clearly just guesstimating at that point- and equally I can say I run 10 minute chases on average and ya'll couldn't say squat.

    Beyond this, just generally this kind of poll question I think promotes the notion that your value / worth as a survivor player is largely dependent on how long you can run a killer. Sure, that's part of your skill when you play as survivor, but to say its the sole focus and determining factor I think is generally a negative perspective as far as survivor gameplay goes.

    All around with these things in mind I'm just not a fan of this particular poll question and the proposed available answers. There's a lot more to the conversation than just "hey dude-bro, how long can you last in a chase?"

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    ~Three minutes

    Depends on the killer tho, if it's a nurse it won't be close to 3 minutes. :(

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    ~Two minutes

    That doesn't mean the surivor was good, it means the pig was terrible and getting bullied. Generally speaking, a chase lasts less than a minute.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    ~Two minutes

    Also, this is assuming I actually drop pallets, which I rarely do. Would definitely be longer if I dragged along second chances.

  • hamada98765
    hamada98765 Member Posts: 28
    ~One minute or less

    I cannot stay so much since i have internet lag and also sometimes drop frames because of a gt 610 gpu pc

    but most times because of ping lag :)

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    All this poll shows is that when getting chased, you aren't properly assessing how long the chase was. If the average survivor ran for even 1 minute than killers would average 1 kill per game.

  • GarlicRice
    GarlicRice Member Posts: 118
    ~One minute or less

    I'm not great at chases, sometimes I go down very fast and other times I surprise myself and get chased for a good while. I probably voted a little harshly on myself but not sure.

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727
    ~One minute or less

    Needless to say I felt like a god when I managed to loop a legion for a good 4 minutes in Gideon Meat Plant.

    This has only ever happened once though - likely it will never happen again. (So please allow me this small moment of pride.)

    As a general rule I'm a terrible looper who still lacks the confidence to look behind them in a chase for fear of bumping into a wall or rock.


  • Leon_S_Kennedy
    Leon_S_Kennedy Member Posts: 66
    ~One minute or less

    When I voted I was thinking irl

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    ~Two minutes

    Between 1 and 2 minutes ?

    But then again it's an average, depending on the killer and the situation it's either 20 secs (Bubba with Tinkerer) or 2 minutes

  • OverratedFool
    OverratedFool Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2021
    ~One minute or less

    Anybody else get the feeling that the OP has about five hours of game time?

    Now I know, from selecting the option to record the last five minutes on my Xbox when I've been hooked after a long chase and seeing the chase not yet started, that I have lasted more than five minutes exactly twice in my 700 hours (65% survivor) of playing the game.

    It's just a funny question that's been asked very badly. I don't consider myself bad in chase. In fact, I'd bet my house on me being above average in chases for my MMR, as I'm frquently taking hits and hooks for randos and going for risky late unhooks that result in random people playing with me getting "my" escape instead of me. I don't value my escape above the escpes of my team mates and I do value taking risks and making mistakes to learn and have fun. My MMR will most definitely be below my skill level and therefore the killers I face will typically be weaker players than myself and yet my "mean" chase is definitely not as long as two minutes.

    A lot of people have lied in this poll.

    Edit: Oh and typically all four perks I run are the help in chase. DH IW Resilience Windows is my current most popular build. Oh AND I quite often play with my GF, who sucks, sometimes having me matched up against genuine baby killers, who honestly I could sometimes run for 10 minutes, but they either repeatedly lose me (I try to help them find me again) or they're snart enough to break off chase intentionally, or simply the game ends and I escape. How do you really have 5 minutes chases?

  • OverratedFool
    OverratedFool Member Posts: 66
    ~One minute or less

    This has been bugging me. I just had to come back and comment again sorry lol.

    If an average chase is ~ 2 mins, then I think it'd be fair to say that the first chase of the game would be ~ 3 mins. You have all the pallets on the map, the killer has broken no walls to help them and none of their perks or powers such as StBfL or main event are tiered up, compare that to chases late on and if the average chase is about 2...

    80x5/3=133. That simple maths means that of you can hold chase for 3 mins, you really should be somewhat annoyed with your team mates if all 5 gens havent popped. If this poll had been answered accurately, the average DbD game would be a 4 man escape with 1 or 0 total hooks.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    What is a spacebar?

    I never play survivor so I can only assume I’m terrible.

    Also anybody saying they last more than two minutes on average in a chase is either exceptionally great or really overestimating how long they last. I’m positive average chase lengths are well below the two minute mark unless the survivor is much, much better at the chase than the killer. It’s pretty simple, the average hooks per game is around 8 or so, and the average game length is around 10-12 minutes with a decent portion of the game not involving any chases. So the average chase lengths from start to down must be around 1 minute or less. There’s just not enough time for games to have average lengths of 2 minutes or more in chases.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716
    edited December 2021
    ~Two minutes

    I once looped a Freddy for all 5 gens and escaped by playing the game normally. Broke this man's ankles so hard that he called me a racial slur in the post game chat. By far my proudest gaming moment.

    Not my average by any means, but it's something I can do from time to time apparently.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561
    ~Two minutes

    Depends on the map if it's pallet town (the game) I can stay there like 3-4 minutes just dropping pallets, maps with less pallets probably around 2 minutes on average...

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    ~Four minutes

    Of course there are plenty of factors to consider (how many pallets are thrown, who's the killer, am I injured as the chase begins, etc.)

    But my usual time in 1v1s on customs with no perks, a 115% movement speed killer not using their power, no used pallets, and starting off in the killer shack, is around ~4 minutes (of course this also doesn't account for if I just got lucky Map RNG or if all of my friends are bad, but there's never a 100% accurate on this, this is the best estimate I have)

  • FixtionuL
    FixtionuL Member Posts: 54
    ~Three minutes

    Like 2 years ago when I played a lot more and obviously before mmr. I got to the point of being able to loop most killers for half the game/gens or more. Now I'm rusty at survivor but can still figure out the tile layouts.

    Anyone not as confident in looping I suggest running buffed Windows. I don't have it on many of my survivor or run it often but seeing some high mmr games with it you can see why chases could go 4 or 5 gens.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,802
    ~One minute or less

    As survivor, I've never been amazing at chases. I generally go down fast, but there are some times on the occasion where I get a rhythm going and can run the killer for 4 gens. Although it's extremely rare and the killer messes up at least once for that to happen.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited December 2021
    ~Two minutes

    Depends on killer and map, but usually if you know how to loop and hold W, you shouldn't get downed under a minute...

    Windows of Opportunity can get you really long chases.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    Depends on the killer you're playing against. Trapper probably even 3+minutes if you shift W to the other side of the map, then his entire power is defeated and he's just a m1 killer.

    Nurse if she's good you won't ever last more than 1 minute consistently.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418
    ~Three minutes

    2-3 gens

    not sure how much time that really is, depending on survivor repair diligence, but wasting pallets always could increase one’s time enough for more gens to get done, but it can be too risky, and inconsiderate for the other survivors to take their pallets.

    using only a couple pallets... a few gens worth