Hag is weak?

LoneSlinger Member Posts: 500
edited December 2021 in General Discussions

Lately more and more on this forums I have been seeing people say that hag is weak because of coh and hag got nerfed because of so many boons

I just wanna say deathslinger will always be my main but lately I've been playing hag cause she's always been my secondary and Im not seeing it honestly

For me when I play hag I love when people run off to a boon because it means 2 things

1: 9 times out of 10 I can guesstimate where the boon is cause ik most totem spawns and based on the direction they run off in

And 2: I never smash boons on hag I just trap the hell out of them works most of the time lol especially in the library in rpd they always run their


  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Hag is still an amazing killer. A good hag is easily just as good as a good huntress, and I'd say huntress and hag are A tier, right below S tier where Blight and Nurse are.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Hag is à power house

    Under the right hands

    If you know how to quickly set up your Web and play around with the surv, hag just wreeks the game tbh

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Who says Hag is weak?

    Hag struggles against an experienced comms SWF, or a stars-align solo team where all four players are well above average, flashlights are involved, and one or two players are both fantastic loopers and very proactive about disarming her traps when she's busy. She also struggles when the Hag player has no idea how to play Hag.

    Otherwise, she's one of the most dangerous killers in the game. Boons can be annoying for her, as they can be annoying for everyone who isn't Plague, but they don't even slightly hinder her ability to guard hooks or trap relevant loops.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Honestly when I play survivor it feels broken but surprisingly I’ve had no major issues with it as killer and I main clown so I really should

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I imagine CoH hurts Hag simply because anything that helps survivors healing after being injured by a Hag hit is detrimental to her opportunistic hit strategy. That said, I also think Hag generally gets a bad rap among some people who just aren’t as good with her as they could be. Tru3ta1ent for instance constantly complained about how bad Hag is but never struck me as nearly as good at Hag as a hag main like Michi for example.

    It’d be interesting to see Michi’s thoughts on CoH, I’ve seen him do a few videos since Mikaela came out and he still kicks ass with Hag even when Boons are used. I think it’s partly because he uses Make Your Choice for instant downs and also knows how to chain Hag traps to get two hits in a row on people. And he has great game sense in general on where survivors are, etc. My guess is he probably found CoH annoying but not something he couldn’t overcome, but that’s just the impression I got.

  • LoneSlinger
    LoneSlinger Member Posts: 500

    I won't lie I watch a lot of Michi and I mean a lot I've probably seen every single vid of his lol that's why I consider myself above average on her

    I use the build he used vs otz team awhile back

    Agitation,starstruck,make your choice,and dark devotion

    I don't win every game but I do win idk 8/10 but I'm also not your average hag so I would say it's fair that I don't struggle much vs boons

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Right, I think Hag is unusual in that she has both a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling. You can kind of do ok with her just by spamming her traps and spamming teleport and get by, but against tougher opponents you need to used more advanced techniques.

  • LoneSlinger
    LoneSlinger Member Posts: 500
    edited December 2021

    Oh I agree 100% any low tier or even Medicare hags can stomp solo players that don't know what to do vs her

    But when you play vs a coordinated team that sets off traps on purpose and knows how to crouch and brings flashlights then you have to bust out more advanced techniques like using the trap to snap their camera around and setting a bait trap you don't tp to that leads into a real trap

    Edit: I was gonna fix my medicare to be mediocre like It should be but Medicare sounded funny lol

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    vault block addon hag is still strong af

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Hag got weaker, because of CoH.

    But she is still good killer, probably not S tier anymore, but still high.

    Problem is that she is really hard to deal with as soloQ, but if you have SWF with some flashlights or just people that know how to play against her, it will be hard for her.

    I have played only against few teams that actually was triggering my traps on purpose, so I never got my full web. It's super annoying.

    It's kinda hard for hag to commit to chases, so CoH is just pain.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Hag can take advantage of the weak link of a team. That and in general matches are wars of attrition and survivors randomly decide to move on.

    But if everyone on the team knows the macro strategy, she literally doesn't have a power. Remember the route you took and if you trigger a trap, run back to the other side if the map. Reset. Repeat. Coh basically enforces the correct strategy. If she chases, she loses. If she doesn't, she slowly gets overwhelmed. And loses. However, if there's a weak link in the team, she brezees through the trial.

    In dead by esports recently they managed to bring her back in the pool... by banning 47 survivor perks and making 2 shrouds mandatory on survivor side. That's how much of a pubstomper she is.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Hag still powerful and for me she seems rarely affected by any meta change.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    It depends on killer... some killers just can't commit to each chase, which is what you have to do against CoH...

    What CoH does is that you can always recover and there is low chance for snowball. It's actually not always true that you waste time by doing this, if you have at least 2 heals done by CoH, then you basically gained time. 12+16+16 vs 4 x 16. You have infinite medkits for your whole team in 1 perk on 1 survivor, it's better to use 2, so there is CoH always active.

    I really don't wanna use low MMR BS, but thing is that new players don't know totem spawns, so they are going to waste a lot of time searching for totems. Also they are really not thinking about when or where to use your boon.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    She's definitely not weak. She can struggle against a 4 stack that stays super patient, knows the counterplay, and is willing to have a 20 minute match. But that type of team is a unicorn in a public match. 99.999% of players don't know to hold W up the edges of the map away from gens instead of running tiles against her.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Hag is great and still is.

    The problem with hag and COH is she was really good at spreading a lot of damage and not committing to chases but rather letting her web of traps get her downs.

    COH makes it very easy to reset spread damage without needing to stop a split up team doing gens. All you really need is a healthy survivor to charge through a trapped area and pop everything while she's hooking or similarly distracted and you have basically shut down her power and can then uber heal up with COH resetting her pressure.

    A hag with no traps and all healthy survivors is basically neutered. COH and a bit of map awareness makes it pretty easy to get this scenario mid game and reset any and all pressure she has built up.

    I'd say like most things Hag gets a lot of value out of survivors playing stupid, everybody is cocky these days and wants to play bold, run everywhere with impunity and not pay attention. This kind of player is the Hag bread and butter because the counter to Hag is a bit of caution, patience and map sense.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Hag was great before, now she's alright but she's definitely been watered down by the COH meta. As her biggest strength before (other than camping of course) is her ability to tag multiple survivors in a relatively small time if she sets up her traps around the map properly.

    Hurting multiple survivors to slowdown the game as they heal or waste time triggering traps for their teammates.

    With coh she can't hit and run as effectively, because the survivor will simply go find one or two boon spots and heal up, so they can just go around tanking hits. where's before they might run around injured or repair while they hurt and when the hag is near them, they would run into her traps and get a down.

    i saw a stat post say that boons are ran 15% of the time so that normally means at least one survivor on the team is running them.

    shes still a beast of a camper if you wanna play her like that tho, you cant use COH if you're getting tunneled or camp.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    Hag is very map dependent as well. Even with her traps, there is only so much distance she can cover if the survivors are aware and spread out on gens. She is very strong on indoor maps but outdoor maps are challenging. COH has definitely hurt her.