Yes, another Boon Totem post

Did we really need this new mechanic?

As McLean himself said "if it were me I would reduce the radius to 16 meters and take away the benefit of the speed of the cure from COH, leaving only the possibility of healing without medkit".

I can't agree more, now even the walls have realized that this type of mechanic breaks the game, especially in some maps.


  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    Yes, would still be strong. The heal speed buff is way too much.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327
    edited December 2021

    Are you arguing against the boon totem mechanic, or against Circle of Healing? The post is a little unclear, the first and last sentence are about the mechanic but your example is more to do with CoH specifically.

    If we're talking about CoH specifically, that perk is OP and needs some hefty nerfing to bring it in line with the rest of the healing options + stop it from breaking the game. If we're talking about the mechanic in general, it's actually a good and interesting design that could easily benefit the game immensely with just a few small tweaks.

  • Ravenlord4711
    Ravenlord4711 Member Posts: 115

    i personally feel boon would be fine if it had 2 tokens and would auto spawn each time so it spawns on a random totem in the game, when the killer snuffs it it spawns on another and once its snuffed again its gone for good. or if you get 2 tokens and you choose when and where to put it but killer can hear it as long as they are in its radius unlike now where you have to be pretty close to it,

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    McLean said he thinks the ranges might be too large, mainly on small maps, but he’s never said he thinks the Boon system as a whole is broken (i.e. he didn’t say he thinks Boons should be permanently destroyed by killers or single use perks, etc)

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    I'm fine with boons but they do too much. radius is too large and they all have 2 effects. Each boon should only apply 1 effect since it applies that effect to all survivors in the radius. So COH should not be both healing speed plus self heal, just one. Also i'd love to see killers have the option to break the totem or snuff it out. give killers the option to choose just like survivors can cleanse or bless

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Not saying he aint, but his phrasing feels so agressive, just unpleasant to read and all

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 383

    With that change, nobody would bother running COH, and it goes back to being a waste of space, clogging the blood web. A group version of Self-Care is slow and very much a waste of a perk slot if that's all it brings, especially adding 16 more seconds just to boon a totem. Everyone would ignore the perk and rush the generators.