So when are the artist and blight nerfs coming?

Im hoping they do something about them in the mid-chapter patch.
Blight hopefully. He's been broken for over a year now. I don't think we can say how strong Artist is yet. It's only been a few weeks.
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artist really isn't as strong as u make out
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You're kidding, right?
(Please leave Artist and Blight alone, they are fine as they are)
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Nerf the world.
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Artist isn't even that great? Like yeah, she's good, but she isn't absurd.
Blight is also good. Get rid of Alchemist's Ring and make Adrenaline Vial useful and that's all he needs
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Maybe I exaggerated with artist but yeah alchemist rings and the ridiculous flicks need to go.
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hopefully never
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Blight's flicks are fine.
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The first rule of any PvP game: I don't like it, and I don't use it; it must be nerfed.
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When? Sooner than you'd think, but not as soon as you'd hope, I'm sure.
It's a race to the bottom.
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Nah they are fine the way they are
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Very committed and long time Bligh main here, and I have to say, as much as I love doing it, Blight flicking is not fair for a couple reasons. First of all, it makes most of the tiles unplayable for survivors, especially when running Blighted Crow.
Secondly, it put PC players and "richer" (I don't mean rich people, just players who can afford to spend a lottle bit more than others) people at an advantage, let me explain: The first thing I mentioned is pretty easy, controllers can't do that, so if you're a console player you can't do that. The second reason is that in order to Blight flick (as far as I know) you need some specific features on your mouse, such as a sensitivity clutch and of course, only more expensive mice have that (since you also need a decent mouse software too). I'm currently using a Basilisk v2 with a button that higher my DPI only when and while it's pressed from 600 to 1200. I know that you could apply the same logic to PC components, that the better your computer is, the more frames you have, the better you can perform, but let's just not extend this privileges more :).
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Blight is balanced,
Artist has alot of downsides, just learn to outplay,
this is a gitgud post if i see one,
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I'm speaking about default flicking, not about using external modifications.
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That's not an external modification (it's just a mouse)...? What's default flicking then?
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blight just needs add on changes and artist just came out
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You say 'Artist just came out' like that matters.
I've seen Killers on the PTB for ONE DAY get screamed for nerfs by angry Survivors. 😬
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Yeah nerf all the strong killers! Because ######### variety am I right? We only want sub-par killers who are boring because they get steamrolled every game!
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I have never said this on the forums before but if they touch my Camilla I will ######### quit.
Pssf I sound like @TheGannMan im going to go slap myself. Be back later.
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Y'know..this is curios to me.. I've seen a lot of people arguing how nurse is broken and stuff but everyone seems to agree that blight is ok???
I mean, I think he's in a position better than nurse right now cause his power is easier to master than her's and the mobility is S tier. and Judging by the amount of Blight's I encounter nowadays it seems about right.. I lost the count at how many I've faced and literally the team was destroyed in 3 or 4 gens,sometimes 5 if the guy is a slugger one.
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Yes they better not ruin her. Also why are you slapping yourself?
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We don't need to nerf one of the most fun to play killers in the game. Blight takes a lot of practice to get good with.
If you're struggling to loop the artist, here's some advice: stop trying to loop the artist. Legit, when she sets down a trap, just run to a different loop.
Both these killers are fine in their current states, they don't need any nerfs.
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js. the dpi stuff don't really work for blight anymore,
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Blight doesn't need a nerf.
Artist, much like every Killer apart from Blight that came since 2020 began, needs major adjustments to be actually fun to go against while also buffing them.
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Why? Because they're somewhat a threat to the survivors?
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People act like how she plays is a mistake and not how the devs intended.
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Tomorrow, at 3 pm pst.
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No they do not, Survivor meta perks need nerfs, healing stopping the Killer from picking up a Survivor should be removed, and Survivors shouldn't spawn on Gens.
Maaaybe after these happen we can start nerfing some of the stronger Killers, but probably not.
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Git gud, none of the Killers you mentioned are in any way op
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Best way to learn how to play against those killers is to play them yourself for a while.
But I guess thats not an option for you?
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Umm....if you play blight. You would realize 180 flicks are dead now. The only way to get those is using hug techs and you can work around that as a Survivor. I have seen people do '180 flicks' on console too using hugs.
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After Pig and Deathslinger.
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Honestly, I cant wait for it.
No more viable killer, will be very enjoyable !
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Artist is fine. Blight is not fine at all.
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This post is the definition of "how to tell you are bad at survivor withot telling you are bad at survivor".
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######### you mean? Deathslinger just got nerfed and pig needed adjustments that she just got
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Console blight.
Hug tech - checked
Shack plays - checked
Side look before bump - checked
S flick - checked
180 around car or flick around LT - checked
moonrush - checked
lag flick - we cant. its also an ugly exploit
Did I miss anything?
Console is my personal choice, as many others fellow console players.
I am a proud owner and user of all playstation generations as it brings nostalgia.
Judging people on their income which represents console vs pc master race is just an absurd
and to be fair, blight flicks can be easily dodged. Running straight line or trying always to clip walls will end up in hit.
I also never understood, when you see blight bump for speed, before hugging car. Why stand still at pallet rather then just running away?
Landing those flicks is your fault and not blights exploit
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At least for Blight, it is really strange that they did not nerf Alchemist Ring AT LEAST. Blight-players know how stupid this Add On is, they used them when it was announced that Blight will receive Add On-Changes (for a Midchapter Patch some months ago), which turned out to only be a buff.
So Alchemist Ring and the Speed Add Ons should go for Blight. Basekit Blight is fine.
For Artist, I dont really know. I almost never see her and I did not play her that much to have a really good opinion currently. Crows damaging unswarmed Survivors is somewhat stupid, because it forces lose/lose-Situations. But dont really know how to fix that.
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Why do you want to nerf a Killer that has only been out for a few day?
Survivors need time to adept and Killers need to figure out all of her tricks. We can not have that on PTB due to a small audience. No reason to nerf her if good survivors come up with techs against her. No reason to nerf her now when some sick combos exist with her that should be addressed too.
So far Artist is doing fine and the only problem with her does not come from her but once again from "Hex: Ruin" which should just get grounded for good.
As with Blight. Most times he is fine. Adjust his Ring and have a looks at his add-ons and he is a good top-tier Killer. We need strong Killers and Blight offers you strong power for a hard learning curve. Oh and he makes for good montages!
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When surv can only walk straight to escape from killers.
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Blight is totally fine. The only thing i would change is the "alchemists ring" and maybe think about giving him a fixed turn rate similar to billy.
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make blight 110 prayge
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When they will nerf SWF? This is a real problem. its a joke
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They're not
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Kill rates for Blight looked just fine last time we saw them, and Artist is probably the most balanced-on-release killer they've added.
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alchemist ring and compound 33 are the real problem with blights. remove those 2 addons and he'll be fine.
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Blight needs an Addon pass. Maybe punish botched rushes a little more, either with a SLIGHTLY larger cd or power recovery being a bit heavier the more the tokens are used, because right now even as I play him, I barely feel punished for liberally using the power. His flicks should really be revised too, especially with speed addons (hopefully they get a pass). Exploits constantly found each patch aside, he can still do dumb flicks that make his power far more generous than people think. PLEASE don't nerf his base kit, just make him less abusable. Most turds just use his cheese factors and it's boring.
Artist doesn't so much need a nerf as she may need some revisions. She's a solid top A tier. I LOVE how she can skillshot people anywhere. I think this needs to stay. What I hate is that there's minimal gameplay in loops. This is terrible. I would rather they weaken her anti-loop but allow for more skillshot opportunities. Maybe a faster CD or a change to how crows are repelled to give more chance for the Artist's skill to shine without oppressing every survivor into mindlessly holding W and acting like total bafoons.
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Learn to play against them. Artist is nothing special and Blight well.... He has a few things that need to be ironed out in terms of his movement flicking.
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Nerf Trapper, the fact he can put traps on the ground, even if it costs him like three generators to use one, is OP. I'm not kidding, nerf Trapper!
(OK, as I know some will think I'm serious, I have to break the joke now: yes, I'm joking.)
I stopped to meet The Artist a week ago. It was like, everyone was playing her because she got released and now, everyone forgot about her. I'm wondering if she's strong... Because when people played her, they were discovering her power mostly. I've heard she's A or S tier, but as no one is player her now... She might be not that great... Well, I like her crows. They're cute. And Blight? I don't know. I love to face him. I don't see an issue with Blight.
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Examples on how easily you can more or less avoid flicks.