
I have played killer before, but the last time I played killer was probably when Pyramid head came out, other than maybe 1 or 2 KYF games. I'm mostly a survivor main. I have probably 3-4k hours in the game (I'm on PlayStation and don't actually know how to find out the exact number), and only like...maybe 10 of them are as a killer.

So, I'm doing an experiment. Play killer for 500 or so games, and write some stuff down, and maybe learn a thing or two about it. "This is the worst time to play killer," I hear you say. "Good luck," you sarcastically yell. Yeah that's kind of the point I'm going for.

What kinds of things should I track? Number or hooks, and kills I think. Maybe the length of the game, the perks I used, the survivors I went against, and their perks. Maybe the BP everyone got. IDK. What do you think?

Also what killer/killers should I play? Should I only do 1 killer? I chose 500 games cuz I'm going to be an absolute noob at first, and I need a decent amount so that doesn't throw off the results. What killer do you definitely think will be the hardest?

IDK just curious on the thoughts.


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Track what the most used Survivor Perks were

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,574

    Match length in relation to the use of Prove Thyself.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    number of healthy survivors waiting to tbag in the open gate

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587
    edited December 2021

    If i were you... Track these in Order:

    Perks that were used alot compared to not used / seen alot (Looking at Dead hard.. gunna be the #1 thing on this list for you)

    How many Hooks / Kills you get (I'd say count dcs too.)

    and to track what killers you're using, (personally this would be a long list, but like you said, it's a Experiment, so i'd love to see which killer was the roughest to win with imho..)

    Edit: And if you want to do one killer... Play Pinball Boi, (that's blight if you don't know the nicknames this boi has..)

    Or be like me and play em all, (and to also say ######### you to your sanity, for trying to keep track of EVERY single killer playstyle there is =D)

    Also a Edit: This is mainly for the mods that look at this post. i only said Screw you to Your sanity... not in a insulting way, but as a means of Keeping track of every single killer playstyle (which is 25) pls no ban

  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 347

    play strong Killers first, and once you get the Hang of M1 Killers, switch to the weaker ones. I would suggest a good switch between all Killers if possible. Also you should start off with Bubba since he has BBQ and he is fairly easy to play.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Play a killer you like or else it's going to be difficult to accrue that many hours.

    As a killer, you're best tracking survivor stats such as perks, offerings, items, and outcomes since you're the only one contributing to the killer side. On another note, you can try to isolate variables like "what impact I had on kill ratio when bringing perk X instead of Y for the same build throughout Z games?" and make sure the number of games is big enough, at least 30 for each variable is a good point to start.

  • AnnaEliza365
    AnnaEliza365 Member Posts: 141

    @ThatOneDemoPlayer @GentlemanFridge @Thrax @Verconissp @TurboTOne @lagosta

    Thank you for all the suggestions, I made a google doc, and I'm going to start tonight when I get out of work!

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    You could track number of off meta perks used compared to meta ones

  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    The grind. Track how long it takes it unlock all the good perks. Then how long it takes to get them on your desired character.