I tried to play Killer here and there at different day times with high MMR and I am just done
Idk if I am having just a REALLY unlucky streak but I got my 19th game in a row with a full meta sweat team. They are not necesarelly swf but they are all VERY experienced and play only to do gens and get the hell out of the game.
I played various different killers, even a lvl 20 doc and still got matched with absolut sweaty ppl.
Again I could be just very very unlucky but still this is just not how I want to play dbd. Sweating for my life in every single game like my life is at stake.
I just want to play chilled to farm BP and also do challanges, but I cant or atleast it takes way longer cuz my game last for like 5-7min. Yes I do sometimes get some kills, even sometimes a 4k.
But guess what how many hooks? 1-4 hooks each game, they all die on their first hook at the endgame or I slug all 4 to death. This is NOT FUN AT ALL.
I took my breakes, played even for weeks something different and havent touched dbd in weeks and STILL I get the exact same matches every time.
Every single game on every single Killer I face from good suvivors (which I face less and less over time) to very sweaty players. I have to play every time pin point perfect without doing any mistakes, if I even miss 1 single hit the survivor will take this to advantage and build alot of distance immidiatly which extends the chase by atleast 20sec longer which steam rolls so high that I may lose this game because of this single mistake.
I have to play always at the highest concentration and make use of this 1-2 hooks I get with everything I got otherwise the game is over.
It feels like my MMR is in heaven and the game treats me like jesus christ himself of the Killers therefore I get matched with the absolut best or atleast best possible survivors.
This is not fun at all, I eat rather ######### nails or wax both legs and arms rather playing Killer.
*Edit: Again this is going on since MONTHS, since Resident evil chapter to be exact.
Get used to it, because the game has become a real hell for the killers.
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It’s been less enjoyable at times for me. Seems like lately I’ve been having a lot of trouble tracking a survivor after I injure them. Not sure what the deal is there. I’ve had some pretty sweaty teams now and then but nothing like you’ve dealt with. I dont see a huge skill difference in survivors regardless of what killers I use. I’ve had to stop using my Trapper main because I just can’t touch survivors with him anymore. Apparently when MMR kicked in I was doing pretty good with him. I’ve been off my game now for awhile or something changed.
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ye I mean MMR kinda forces you to play with your best addons and loadout and meta killers which is just sad.
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That’s been part of the issue. I rarely use higher than brown except with Myers when I use dead rabbit.
I had a match a minute ago where I tried my Trapper boy again and used his purple bag for the first time since his pass over. I’m not sure how I feel about it but that’s another discussion entirely.
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Killer is not fun at all right now. Killer players with high MMR are playing less and less, which forces higher MMR survivors to play with lower MMR killers, so the sweat is being felt across the board. Something needs to be done, because it's not just higher efficiency that players need to be concerned about, but also playing against things like stretch res, hacking, and SWF has pretty much stopped any fun to be had with killer.
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its also not JUST swf, once survivors start playing efficient by splitting on gens, tanking hits, looping and chaining tiles very smart together then its just a nightmare. It doesnt feel like you outplay them, you wait for them to do a mistake.
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This is what the game is for any killer that is half decent now. Gens speeds, strong maps, survivors that know how to loop and Abuse poor map design and spread out on gens and its ballgame. Every survivors has crutchy Dead Hard in there build to waste even more of the killers time.. (which they don't even need) Introducing MMR into this game is a joke!
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Very sad, and very true. Make one mistake as the Killer and it can cost you the entire match, whereas with survivor you can make a plethora of mistakes and have your team be there to cover you. I think it also goes to show just how heavily this game favors survivors. When killer players with high MMR can't hold a candle to a high MMR swf, then something is indeed broken.
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I feel bad for quitting because i feel like I'm exacerbating the issue, but I just can't keep going with Killer at this point.
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yup same here
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As much as i want to play killer it feels like I am the tour guide of a disney ride for a boat of Survivors. Just there to help them have a fun game while they frustrate me. It just isn't as fun anymore. Time for killer players to go play Civ. Maybe if killers go on strike we might get some of the more broken changes to survivor fixed.
Killer has really hit a breaking point for me since boon totems.
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I stopped playing entirely after a month of MMR, not saying it was the only reason but it definitely played a part on me leaving the game and I'm jot coming back till many changes are made or different system is put in place.
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I just stopped killing survivors, I get 8 hooks and then farm afterwards. If survivors act sweaty I just sit in place until they chill out, or the game ends and I go on to the next. Its not worth the extra 2400 points a game. It sucks that you can't really pip after silver though.
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Omg! Thank you for this amazing metaphor! Exactly how I feel most of the time.
I played Pig yesterday on Mother's Dwelling. 2 boons up. god window in the main. Literally have no idea what to do. I feel like I am the entertainer for survivors.. :S
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You do feel very much like the survivor's plaything in DBD these days. Considering just how inept a well coordinated SWF can make a killer feel is absolutely ridiculous.
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Exactly what I'm doing as well. And I like the way it plays for me.
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I stopped playing DBD because
1- I'm tired of the killer matches
2- survivor wait time is infinite
I'd rather playing Fortnite or other games I have than DBD
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Everyone in this forum has high mmr but they keep losing, I'm bad at maths but things don't add up
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I don't lose that often.
Even in my 50-ish Killer games, I only "lost" once.
The issue is that right now, even if you win, it's just not fun.
Why isn't it fun? That's probably more of a personal questions that varies from person to person.
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Here's the thing.
Before SBMM, high MMR killers/survivors would face a much wider variety of opponents. This was fun for them, because they could fool around, try oddball builds and still win handily. It's why you got those insane '100 win streak no addons' videos.
The thing is - it wasn't much fun for everyone else. It's never enjoyable to be stomped flat by someone evidently far more experienced than yourself (unless your proclivities run that way).
SBMM isn't perfect by any means, but I do think that it's a step in the right direction.
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It's become this way for both sides. As killer you get survivors that want to get out ASAP... As survivor you get killers that love to camp and tunnel. 😐️
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I literally wrote in the 3th sentance that I actually win, how about reading the post first before you write something?
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Ye you are right, that is the reason why I enjoyed dbd so much. Atleast not the majorety of my games wherent full tryhard, it was atleast a mix.
However I dont think that it is a steb in the right direction, forcing ppl to play like this. Atleast give us the choice by putting the SBMM in a ranked mode.
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I suppose going from needing 100 games to find a decently fair match to needing 30-40 games to stop getting stomped is a step in a direction.
Not sure if it's the correct one, but it sure is a step.
Point is, most of the community seems to hate MMR.
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Lately, I only log on to get my free daily December rewards and then log back off. XD
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I like MMR, it exposes what most people have been saying all along. DBD is heavily survivor sided if they aren't potatoes and actually try to win.
It would look even worse if match making wasn't so quick to throw MMR out the window to speed up queue times.
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Really? I don't know.
This game probably averages around 100,000 players at most times of day, if you combine Steam with Epic and console.
I'm not certain how many people use the forums, but I'd reckon it's a vanishingly small minority of this.
They tried this in Starcraft 2. It didn't work.
What happened was the tryhards would grind Ranked until they'd gotten the rank/rewards they wanted, then smurf the hell out of unranked.
Just keep in mind that the games that didn't feel 'full tryhard' for you probably involved you playing against people far less skilled than you. That was likely more fun for you, but less fun for them.
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Yes but atleast ppl like this are kept busy at the start of a season and it delayed the smurfs somewhat, I know its not the full solution but atleast its helping you know.
Also no its not like I clap the hell out of ppl that are below me, I usually go easier on ppl like that and mainly focus then on getting more Bps and do challanges which means I go for 12 hook games, it is arguably better atleast for the survivors aswell.
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I'm about there myself. I find myself playing killer less and less. It's sad. It's the rubber banding, hit validation, and the massive amount of pallets for me. I'm about done.
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Welcome to killer in 2021! You’ll probably have a few killers who play 50 hours a week come on here and tell you that you’re full of it, but anyone who plays casually like me know that most matches are just not competitive unless you’re playing top-tier killers with best add-ons and playing as sweaty as possible (camp/tunnel/slug all the way). This game has been purposely balanced to keep SWF happy and having their fun which means a lot of time playing killer is just going to suck.
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Sure. You may do this. But again, my experience of starting under ranks was getting stomped game after game after game.
I play...maybe somewhere close to that (probably too much) if you factor in weekends.
I've found that my matches are as sweaty as I want them to be, maybe 3/5 of the time. Sometimes I get games where I'm up against newbies or against 4500 hour monster SWFs, but most of the time my games at least feel winnable.
If I tunnel and slug for the 4k, after a dozen or so games I'm going to have to tunnel and slug or I'm getting 4 outed.
If I dial it back a little bit, give the occasional duo the gate and ease up if I'm stomping, I generally don't have to be super sweaty.
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I've spoken to people and have had friends say they've had people talk to them about the perception of MMR.
It is NOT positive.
It's neutral at best.
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I used to play in the early morning (like from 1-5 AM EST), and it was absolute hell. Everyone was sweaty to the max and I hated it. Now I play in the evening, which is kind of a toss up. You'll definitely get fair games, but sometimes you'll find super sweaty smurfs (people with 100-200 hours that get with their 1000+ hour teammates and just play as sweaty as they can) or subtle hackers. I haven't played in the afternoon yet, hopefully that'll be a better experience (whenever I decide to play DBD again, right now I'm just mainly logging in for the bonuses).
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No - high MMR killer are playing less or quitting, which means higher MMR survivors are getting paired with lower MMR killers. This is the problem
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let me put it to you like this. say there are diamond, platinum, gold, silver, bronze level players on both sides. diamond goes against diamond. plat against plat ect.... so diamond killer are going against diamond survivors and now it has become unfun and stressful so a chunk of them are doing 1 of 2 things leaving or switching to survivor but those diamond suvivors who are winning are still playing and need matched with someone so now platinum killers are being matched with diamond survivors and having even less fun and more stress than the diamond killers cause they are not as good so they do the same there where a bunch leave or go survivor but again diamond survivors are having a blast winning all the time so now guess what, its the gold killers vs the diamond survivors. and the cycle repeats until you have bronze killers against diamond survivors. now yes you will have those that stuck it out or those that got better but they are in the minority compared to the top tier survivors being fed into the lower level killers. so eventually you will have newer/unskilled killers going against high level survivors and the game is no fun and the newer they are the less likely they are to keep playing so you wont have the new killers staying as long as they did up to this point.
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Exactly thats why implement a ranked mode so ppl who WANT to sweat can sweat their asses off there but for ppl who want to play some casual games, try out new builds, have some fun with new killers etc can play on unranked mode. Its no rocket science and many other games are doing exactly this.
Also I never said I cant handle this, I can handle those games but it is not fun beeing thrown at this every single time. Even veterans want to take it easy sometimes.