We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What if: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

EmotionalDaisy Member Posts: 159
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

What if we got a chapter consisting of the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I'm not worried about will it happen or won't it happen, just wanting to discuss potential characters and locations for this hypothetical chapter. (Potential spoilers ahead for an older TV show)

I would imagine we'd get Buffy as the main survivor. Maybe the excuse would be we get her during that period of time that she lost her powers and she was an average gal. We could get legendaries or extra survivors of either Willow or Xander.

The killer could be a few different beings, who would you want and what'd their powers be?

And what about the map? Where would you want the map to be? I'd love for it to be when the school is attacked and you see the fighting going on in the background.

Out of alot of TV shows that would have a chance, this and Supernatural were always the ones I liked the most. What do y'all think?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • erandomone
    erandomone Member Posts: 6

    She's definitely iconic as far as the story: monsters v humans goes, but I'm not sure she has the survivor feel? To be fair though, Ash was only a 'survivor' during his first appearance, he was pretty action hero himself after that.

    I don't know if her series has an iconic monster (most of the long running villains become heroes or love interests :D ) but she could be released as one of the mini-chapters without too much of a problem.

    What do you see about what she does that's perk worthy, that doesn't involve super-murder? The entity frowns on his killers getting stabbed too much. Some sort of aura reading of the killer the first x seconds of any chase?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,352

    I'd like for this to become a reality. They cold go with season 1's main baddie The Master and introduce Willow as a survivor with some new boons. While I'd love to play as Buffy, it would be super underwhelming if I couldn't be able to fly kick a killer in the head. Spike being a survivor could work too, especially if they could give him a few spoken lines so we can hear his lovely voice.

    The map could be a cemetery with a few mausoleums. While the school could be neat, we have Midwich and honestly, I hate indoor maps, especially after the release of RPD.

    Please no Supernatural, while I enjoyed it for a time, it got overly repetitive and caused me a lot of burn out waiting for its story to finally conclude. If it were to be a thing, Castiel better be a survivor or I will riot.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I never watched Buffy but I'd love a Supernatural DLC pack

    • Winchesters as survivors. Maybe have an Angel Blade perk which lets a survivor do a risky sneak attack on a killer from behind to stun them. (Something like you have to spend 1-2 second charging the ability up while within 1-3 meters of the killer and then if you're within 1 meter of the killer and out of their line of sight then you can release it to get the stun. It would need some reasonable cooldown as well probably)
    • Demon as the killer. Probably special ability of Possession where they can temporarily control a survivor for a short amount of time to do things like drop a pallet or hurt a nearby survivor or damage a generator, etc. It would have to be a relatively brief possession with a reasonable cooldown since you wouldn't want survivor players to just not be in control of their character for extended periods.
    • The Bunker as the map.
  • SirBleps
    SirBleps Member Posts: 19

    Buffy as the survivor and Glory as the killer?

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