If a killer slugs for the 4k and then.....

Bleeds you both out for 4 minutes would you consider that greifing? I am just curious as to what people think.



  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    There are some rare cases where you must bleed someone out because, for instance, they crawled to a corner out of reach of any hooks. But intentionally wasting everybody’s time for 4 minutes is obviously just giving the middle finger to the survivors.

    I’ve only done that once personally, and it was a group of four survivors who intentionally just ran to a corner and went afk. I waited a bit to see if they would come back, and downed them. Eventually they used Unbreakable, I downed them again and just left them to wait out the timer. If they’re going to intentionally just waste my time by refusing to play I have no problem wasting theirs, it at least keeps those guys out of the pool for a few minutes to potentially do the same things to other people.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177
    edited December 2021

    I personally would consider it bad sportsmanship and BM but not against the rules (assuming they're doing it on purpose, not because they can't find you; you crawling to the corner and now they can't find you doesn't count).

    Same with tbagging, head shaking, clickity clicks, hitting on hook, etc.

  • Ravenlord4711
    Ravenlord4711 Member Posts: 115

    I bleed out anyone with a macro for flashlight, no one else even exists. You have a macro for flashlight that means you want my full attention so everyone else is free to go but you are going to crawl like the slug you are.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Get a snack.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    I can not describe my anger at a case where there are 2 last survivors and the killer chooses not to put any of them on the hook.

    Killer that doesn't take the chance to face 2 survivors that if they are lucky, (they can wiggle off or escape the hook but still a very slim chance) it's very lame behavior in my opinion.

    If this game can be finished quickly and they choose not to do so, it is a complete waste of time and "winning" really does not justify it.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    Annoying but understandable.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    no, i woudnt count it as griefing since the intent is still ending the game with a win. But if a killer does it without knowing where the last survivor is, its a ######### thing to do.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105

    Note that OP said the killer "bleed [them] both out." They weren't describing a killer who slugs for the 4k, but one who slugs both remaining survivors after catching the last one just because.

    Had a Ghost Face do that to me and another random. He slugged her, I didn't want to waste my time hiding so I tried to pick her up, then he downed me nearby. We both bled out while he teabagged for a bit and then, presumably, went AFK.

    It is BMing. Weird of you to "us vs them" it by bringing up survivors BMing for some reason.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Dick move for sure.

  • Iliketoplaykiller
    Iliketoplaykiller Member Posts: 352

    Only time I do it is when a whole team bms throughout a game. Other than that it’s cringe, you already won at that point of getting a 3k.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    What op and you described is just bm and holding the game hostage and you should be able to report that but same goes for when all living survivors stand in the gate and let the whole colabse run cause they want you to chase them out cause then they get to do there little mating dance

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    Sometimes killer is just angry. Maybe you bullied him or escaped too much or got saved too much. (or the group before you)

    Maybe the hook is too far away. It can be saver to just wait it out.

    There is no hostage holding - game will end. May take a few minutes but that is only a made up problem and not a real one.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I really think that you should be able to suicide after 1 minute of bleed out. Make it the same as hook suicides, which you can do after 1 minute.

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    This killer was nodding and taunting so he was just bmming. I also dont think its greifing just want others opinions.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105
    edited December 2021

    A killer choosing to waste everyone's time by bleeding people out unnecessarily is not BMing, but survivors who waste time standing at the exit gates to teabag... are? Or do you mean neither is?

    I'm just confused because OP didn't bring up survivors, so this stubborn whataboutism doesn't make sense. You and someone named "Angry Killer" are the only people bringing up survivors as though they're part of a monolith.

    But either way, BMing is BMing. If it happens and you get upset, move on or take a break. Your "side" isn't some underdog fighting back against evil when you target random people who had nothing to do with whoever BM'd you in the previous game.

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    I get the standing in the gates thing, but you don't always get survivors like that. There were 2 dcs and this guy is taunting and bming like it was a full on 4v1. This brings me to the point of the revolving door of toxicity. When people should try and play normal rather than hgo out of their way to ruin the experience of others. Survivors are the biggest offenders they dont even give the hit at the end they wait there to just run out. But either way it is what it is at the end of the day its just a game.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    Just had a game where killer got 3k. (so not a real good surv game)

    I want to see the killers perks - so i have to wait.

    The last surv stands at the gate - about 40 secs or so. Killer won´t show up (best thing to do). But i thought - you stupid id..... - just get the f out.

  • Virghoul
    Virghoul Member Posts: 64

    I agree it is BM but as I have stated in other posts your four minute wait, once in a blue moon, is nothing compared to the constant sitting at the exit gate teabag fest EVRY SINGLE GAME. A couple weeks ago when DBD was available in the EPIC store there was a large influx of new players. It was pretty obvious in some games all the survivors were pretty new. I tried to play "nice" with them because I know how difficult it is to learn the game. Guess what? The ones who survived teabagged at the exit. I think they teach that in the survivor tutorial.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    It's DEFINITELY not griefing and there DEFINITELY shouldn't be a way to bleed out quicker, because it's an important

    s t r a t e g y

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    It's legal. So, unequivocally not griefing.

    If they're bled out in a situation where they can easily get hooked, then it's just a case of the killer wasting their own time. I suggest watching Youtube during the wait. There's nothing worse for a douchebag to try being a douche and nobody caring.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Bleeding out survivors is certainly a pretty rude maneuver. But then, so is the whole survivor team standing at the exit gates and refusing to leave until the killer walks up so that the survivors can teabag and dead hard out of the gate.

    Guess which one happens more often than the other.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    Thats why i usually don´t go to the exit gates.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    There's an easier answer than that. They're both dick moves and screw whoever does them.

    And yes, it's griefing. I don't care that the match ends; BHVR's metric for what is or isn't hostage taking isn't synonymous with griefing. Griefing is doing something purely to make the other player's life miserable. Bleeding out? There's only two valid reasons to slug the last survivor to death - if all the hooks in the area are gone and they keep crawling to a dead zone, or if the killer lost them and legitimately have no idea where they went. They can/should also wait 60 seconds from unhook to ensure no DS. Anything more than that is just to spite the player on the ground.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Oh they're definitely both absolute gremlin moves.

    I just don't see why there shouldn't be some option to bleed out faster.

    People keep turning their noses up when it gets brought up, bring up tbagging at the gate like it generates some kind of force field at the door, and call it "just desserts" like it doesn't happen 90% of the time to clueless solos who didn't do anything wrong other than load into a game with an angry little goblin, instead of accepting that they both suck and we should have ways to deal with both built into the game.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063
    edited December 2021

    How does something being legal prevent it from being griefing? Those two things have overlap, but they're not the same. Two survivors crouching in bushes all game because they want the killer to disconnect, and give zero ######### about their teammates at any point in the match, are griefing. A player that finds an exploit and abuses it to become invincible or prevent the other side from progressing is griefing. A survivor who decides to punish another survivor and tries to get them killed is griefing. A SWF that won't finish the last gen because they have the items/offerings/coordination to keep dunking on the killer for the next twenty minutes is griefing. A killer who bleeds people out instead of ending the game when they have the ability to is griefing.

    If there's no point to do something other than to dick on other people's gameplay, it's griefing. Whether or not it's allowed is merely tangential.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    It's an intentional time waste that the survivors do specifically to try to hurt the killer's feelings or to self-aggrandize their own victory. Which is the same as letting all the survivors bleed out. Except, there's three survivor perks that let them get up from the downed state to prevent bleeding out. There's nothing killers have to penalize survivors who stand around and refuse to leave.

    So, my recommendation would be: try running one of the numerous options you have to stop bleeding out, if you can withstand the pain and soul-wounding ignominy of not being equipped with your perfect meta build

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    As far as I know, its not considered griefing because there is a knowable, terminable end to it. That is to say, the 4 minute bleed out timer. (Likely less than 4 minutes after a whole game at least.) Its not like you found someone hiding in a corner and then just body blocked them forever.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Oh, absolutely. My take on the bleed-out thing is that if everyone's down for the count and nobody has an active DS/UB/Soul Guard/No Mither, people should be able to bleed out, which counts as a kill for the killer for bloodpoints and emblem purposes. Can't exit the game when there's still a chance the game can be salvaged, so no teammates killing themselves halfway through the match, but once it's over, you don't have to waste four minutes watching a Pig slowly tbag you because you dropped a pallet on her and had the audacity to remove her bear trap. (I don't think Power Struggle and Deliverance should count simply because they never deactivate and survivors shouldn't be locked in by perks that require the killer to pick someone up.)

    There's just no reason that survivors should be forced to endure bleeding out. Killers do at least have the option to push survivors out, as you said, though I'm still not okay with how commonplace gate BM is in this game and the fact that you basically always have to travel to the gates just to get the match to end.

    The "just desserts" take really annoys me. I never understood punishment games to begin with. If four randoms treat you like garbage, and you turn around and treat four different randoms like garbage, aren't you doing the same thing the first guys did? Players aren't a hivemind; you can't distribute justice by reaching into the grab bag and being mean to whoever you find.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I appreciate you stealing my flowery wording to use against me (I expect royalties), but those are perks. Every killer has an M1 to force survivors out, but only three of 101 Survivor perks would help in this situation.

    One of which can only be used once, one of which is reliant on the killer bringing something, and the other is politely throwing the game for your team.

    Pure equivalency all around, i'd say.

    But you haven't exactly told me why survivors shouldn't have an option to deal with being slugged to death. IE, bleed out faster.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    If killers had a perk that said: "If all survivors are within 24 yards of the exit gate, one of the gloating survivors is prevented from leaving the trial," I would take that perk every time.

    If killers had a button to push that unlocked once all gens were done and the gates were opened that just force-ended the match there and then and didn't rely on gloating survivors actually moving a fraction of an inch into the exit threshold, I'd push that button every time.

    Considering that neither of those two things will ever happen, I see no reason why Survivors should get a quality of life ability to cut short a gloating killer's slugfest.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    If you ask me-- if there's no way for survivors to pick themselves up and every person's down, after 30 seconds, give everyone the option to bleed out 10 times faster. The delay so the killer can hook everyone if they're actually trying to hook their 4k slugs.

    If everyone is alive and at the exit gate, the timer should count down 10 times faster until there's only 5 seconds left.

    Boom, problem solved.

    And what, you didn't know? Through the One Survivor Overmind, that SWF that tbagged me at the gate for 2 minutes are gonna feel the psychic backlash of me bleeding 4 solos out and really regret their choices in life instead of laugh at me for 5 minutes and then forget I exist.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Or we could, like, fix both of these things instead of going "I refuse to let the other side have a decent experience because they're mean to me. No QoL should ever happen because some players don't deserve it." No? Because I think that might be a better idea.

    Again, people aren't a hivemind. And as someone who plays both sides but prefers killer - gate tbaggers are more common than bleeders, but bleeding out is way more obnoxious when it happens because it lasts twice as long as tbagging at its longest and because there is nothing that can hasten its progression. It brings nothing to the game and there's no reason survivors should not be allowed to die when the game is irrevocably over. "It serves as a karmic balance for BM survivors can do" is bullshit. We shouldn't be enabling any of this, period.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Fixing a problem on both ends would be a lovely way to run a game. However, that is not the way that Dead By Daylight is run.

    Lots of things in the game have problems with validation. So, are killer grabs validated? No, they're turned to attempted swings. Are killer powers validated? No, they just fail to connect or trigger, randomly. But Pallet stuns? Those get validated. Even when the code is so broken that the killer gets false game information. Is the graphical and sound bug fixed for killers? No, the same broken code is extended to Dead Hard validation.

    I'd be happy to let survivors auto-kill themselves on the ground when everybody's been slugged. But that situation is so absurdly niche that pushing for some kind of systemic overhaul to stop this one-in-a-hundred situation is so blindly survivor-biased that it's actually very funny to me. Especially when, in the very same breath, the people calling for it are defending standing at the exit gates for no good reason on the grounds "well you can just walk over and force them to Dead Hard out." And that little 'stand at the gates,' problem happens in something approaching 100% of 4 escape games. But, you know, let's not solve the survivor delay that happens every time. Let's fix the killer delay that you might encounter a dozen or two times in the course of playing the game, ever.

    Would it be nice to fix the Exit Gate and Bleed Out delay problems both at the same time? Well sure, of course it would. But that's not going to happen. And pretending that it's some horrible epidemic that has robbed you of years of your life and it absolutely must be addressed... well, that's just very, very silly.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    It's asign of a small pp. Better off using that time to go smoke or use the bathroom.

    As an adult with a life and a job, I can't tolerate people who waste time like that.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 291

    It's griefing. You can't just take your win and leave, you simply have to rub it in, like a miserable dopamine-depraved monkey you are.

  • Marihel
    Marihel Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2021

    It's 4 minutes the Killer purposely makes you waste. If NO ONE in the team has a single way to get back up, the game should give you an instant bleed out option to move onto the next game.

    I don't even know why it doesn't count as griefing/holding the game hostage, considering you have one side actively preventing the other from playing the game at that point.

    Comparing it to Survivors standing at the gate is silly, you can literally walk up to them and force them out to end the game when you decide to.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    You see the timer when the game ends. Where is the hostage?

    And the killer simply counts to his win.

  • Marihel
    Marihel Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2021

    Probably isn't the right wording for it, I just wouldn't know how else to define the situation.

    It is still 4 minutes of being uncapable of playing the game because the other side simply refuses to end the game when they could. I suppose I can just leave it at being an annoyance.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    In my two years of playing i can count how many times i bled out.

    I bet killer had some rough matches before. So i don´t know if it is really that big of a problem.

    Also same to survs that should not waste the whole time of the EGC at the gates waiting.

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    I mean if 2 people DC and you just go around slugging and taunting and nodding I would say that is greifing. At least to a newer player. To me it is just part of the game so it doesn't quite bother me. I just feel bad for those who are newer that is all.

  • Marihel
    Marihel Member Posts: 53

    The only difference being the Killer can walk to the exit and force everyone out, if you're being slugged with your whole team all you can do is stay on the floor.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    He could but shoud not. You will get BMed most of the time.

    And as you can read in other threads this is mentally way too much for some people.