Hex: Pimento is absolutely garbage

This perk would have been good pre boons but they decided to put this perk after boons now have they're mark and its so terrible. Why would ANYONE use Hex: Pimento? You cant even fit it on any build because someones bound to have boons. The only way i see it being good is if no one runs boons that game but even then no ones gonna cleanse dull totems, it would have to go on a all Hex build with no one having boons.

One of the worst perks in the game imo


  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Hex: Pentimento has its problems, but it ain't useless at all. A lot of hex-heavy builds make use if it; something like Plaything, Thrill of the Hunt, Undying and Pentimento: you hit the survivors, they become blind and will have to cleanse the Plaything totem in order to become useful again. The totem cleanses will take forever and you will always have one or two Pentimento rekindled totems up. Its an increadible stall build that will make survivors waste ton of time cleansing some totems, while you prey on them and the other survivors have a miserable time getting gens done with -30%

    Thats just an example but you could easily do something similar with a slightly less hex heavy approach.

    Still, you are right that boons hurt Pentimento and its normally just used for its first or second power. I honestly cant see the 4th or even 5th instance of Pentimento going off in a natural game that isnt staged. Its never gonna happen. What if you could rekindle every tampered totem or boon, and they couldn't be recleansed? So it generates the dilemma for survivors: do I get rid of Ruin/Plaything, but then face a -30% gen andhealing speed debuff for the rest of the game or live with the hexes effects? I really would have loved it in this version, as hexes right now are laughable most of the time and just get cleansed away in the 1st minute of the trial, unless you literally go all in with 3 or 4 Hex perks.

  • Uriah119
    Uriah119 Member Posts: 27

    You “can” make it work but you have to build exclusively into it. I could see a Ghostface build with it.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Fourth and fifth Pentimentos do occasionally happen, but the killer mostly has to wait until four or five totems are cleansed first then do a quick run around the map placing a bunch of Pentimentos right in a row. Whether that’s actually a good strategy or not is debatable, but if your goal is to see four or five in a game without the survivors intentionally helping you do it that’s the method.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It would've been great if they added Hex:Pentimento before they added Boons... or if they added Killer destroying Totems on to Pentimento

    It can work but forcing something to work doesn't do that much in terms of power/ balance

  • Uriah119
    Uriah119 Member Posts: 27

    Bingo, you can’t do them one at a time. Gotta do them basically all at once.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2021

    Never said it was useless but that its trash. In theory what you described sounds great but requires you to constantly check totems in hopes that they're trying to bless it (or in hopes of breaking and not blessing it) Plaything is good until they have Spine Chill! haha I see what your saying but its honestly alot of work that you may not benefit from. Will it work with Undying/Ruin?

    Again survivors are 80% of the time gonna bless totems and not destroy them.

    Ok, tell me why it isnt.

    Can you honestly win with Hex: Pimento (3 or 4k)? Its not even consistent. Sure you can have one good game where no one runs boons but then the next 4 or 5 WILL have boons lol. I've tried all Hex builds before and they're pretty decent depending on the combo but Pimento is not good at all imo. Even if they bless Haunted Grounds or Retribution it prox's. Pimento doesnt prox because"multiple" totems need to be destroyed for it to have its strong effects

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It's good.

    I consistently get good value from it.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Do you win with it consistently though? Win ie 3k and 4k's

  • Uriah119
    Uriah119 Member Posts: 27

    So I envision Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Undying, and Plaything. The last perk can be Corrupt, or Ruin if it fancies you. You could even run Retribution for intel if you need it that badly. Just brainstorming.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    I run Pentimento as a filler perk. Some games I get benefit, some not. Yeah people leave dull totems for boons, but a surprising numbers of players cleanse them just for the points.

    I don't play overly competitive so idc if it's sometimes useless.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Yeah, I do.

    But my winrate is also absurdly high so idk if it should count.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Hex: Pentimento is amazing but it needs a build build around it. It's by definition a build around me perk.

    Thrill is needed to stop the boon problem but it completly shuts it down. You can't spend close to a minute blessing a hex with thrill up without throwing the game against a competent killer.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Its not, in Hex heavy builds is actually very good because Survivors will have to break the totems (not everyone uses Boons, rarely you see more than 2 Boons per match).

    You can actually make the Survivors cleanse over 8-9 times which translates into 112-126 seconds (a gen and a half), not counting time to reach a totem, stalling from Pentimento until they cleanse etc.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    I think your fallacy is that you expect that only people with Boons are going to touch totems and cleanse them. With the build been thrown around here you have so many totems up that survivors need to cleanse in order to get anything done, so if not everyone is running CoH, someone will have to cleanse eventually, and this will get your ball rolling with Pentimento, where only stage 1+2 count, but they are good enough to carry the perk.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Its so risky to use but im actually gonna try a Hex: Pimento all perk build similar to your suggested one and let you know the results, how i did the strengths, weaknesses etc.

    Its actually rare for people to destroy boons in the current meta because they know the value and purpose for boon users so they'll leave them alone. Pre boons i would agree with you that people cleanse dull totems for the points and to get rid of NOED so it was way more common but again not in this meta so it makes Hex: Pimento very weak.

    Play with Hex: Pimento for 5 games and let me know the results. Hopefully your honest if you agree to this. I did this with Doctor for the sake of the thread. No crtiqing i promise, i really dont think you can be consistent with this perk but please feel free to prove me wrong.

    Even with a build built around it i dont think its that good still. In theory it sounds great bc survivors are off of gens but in actual matches i dont think it will have much of an impact at all. Im actually gonna play with Hex: Pimento today too, while trying to not lower my MMR so just like i told the guy in a previous post im gonna try builds built around Hex: Pimento and let you know the results

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451
    edited December 2021

    I just like to roll the dice with the perk see if Ace's luck rubs off on me.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I can give you my previous 5 games.

    I do not have much interest in playing Killer at the moment, as I'm sure you understand.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It’ll be really interesting to see what if anything the devs do with Hex:Pentimento in a few months when they do an Artist balance pass. It’s actually a pretty subtle question of how good or bad this Hex is.

    • On its own Hex Pentimento is obviously weaker than when combined with other Hexes because if no Hexes are lit the survivors have little incentive to cleanse them aside from if they happen to have something like Inner Strength. That being said there’s nothing especially wrong with a perk being better combined with other perks, it happens quite a lot.
    • Assuming you have other Hexes the survivors can cleanse, then the question becomes how much value do you get from the perk in terms of slowdown assuming you are mostly getting only one or two totems up at a time? 30% slowdown means for every 30 seconds each survivor work on generators while the totem is up the survivors are only getting about 23 seconds of progress. If you figure it takes about 5-10 seconds to go to a cleansed totem and turn it into a Pentimento, you probably roughly break even them in terms of time if it lasts about that long. Also don’t forget that to remove the Pentimento a survivor has to go to it and cleanse or bless it again, which is an additional minimum of roughly 20 seconds total travel and cleansing time. So even if they quickly hop off the gens and go destroy your Pentimento totem right away you’ve probably gotten a bit of slowdown from it simply by coercing someone to destroy it instead of staying on a gen.
    • Based on the above, I’d estimate that if the totem can last about 30 seconds and then get destroyed that’s about the equivalent overall of doing a single Pop Goes the Weasel proc (i.e. 20 seconds net slowdown versus doing nothing). And if the totem is never destroyed then for every 60 seconds it stays up you’ve gotten one Pop Goes the Weasel per survivor actively working on generators since every survivor suffers the same slowdown penalty (i.e. two survivors doing gens is two Pops worth of slowdown).

    Basically then you really have to know kind of precisely how long these totems typically last to really get a sense for if the Hex is good or bad when placed one at a time as spots become available. It definitely depends quite a lot on how active the survivors are at taking them down, as well as whether they’re cleansing totems in the first place which is influenced by your own other Hex perks.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    It's auto equip when you see a Nancy in the lobby. :P

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    It forces you to run another hex just so that survivors will cleanse totems, and you'll almost never get to 5 stacks. And I'm not even kidding, I don't think the 30% gen slowdown is good enough. We've seen how gen rush can just trump the killer's perks.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347

    At least it shows if the survivors destroy totems at all….

    The other day I had a rough game first chase 3 gens got done. i had Hex:perimento with Hex: plaything. Guess what, they didn’t touch any dull totem, even tho they would have the time. That’s the time when I wish I would have NOED.

    I don’t know if the slowdown aspect is really good or not. I tried Plague with Hex:Perimento, 4 stack of Thana and 2 stacks of DL. They still managed to complete the gens, while I was chasing two other survivors.

    Many smart team just boon the totems, so I kinda don’t have any destroyed totem to lit up.

  • iOverSpray
    iOverSpray Member Posts: 101

    I actually 4kd many high mmr games tonight alone with pimento on nurse. It's slow and wretched game play, not much fun about it.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Ok so i played 3 games in a row with Hex: Pimento and these were my results

    Game 1: Myers

    Hex: Pimento/Hex: Thrill of The Hunt/ Hex: Undying/Thanatophobia :

    I lost this really bad. They just rushed the gens and didnt touch not one totem the whole match. I realized after that i need them to have an incentive to break totems so i was gonna change my Pimento build up. All 4 escaped, it was on Dead Dawn Saloon.

    Game 2: Pig

    Hex: Pimento/ Hex: Ruin/ Hex: Devor Hope/ Hex: Thrill of the Hunt

    This was an absolute shutout and i destroyed the survivors on Swamp map. They found all the totems except Ruin which stood up the whole game before they all died. Pimento got destroyed and i rekindled it, got destroyed again and that was the end of Hex: Pimento. I never got more than one stack of Pimento the whole game but got the 4K with 4 gens left.

    Game 3: Trapper

    Hex: Pimento/Hex: Undying/ Hex: Retribution/Hex: Thrill of The Hunt

    The team i went against got shut down really bad. A Mikela booned a dull totem but i immediately snuffed it out and chased her. She laster booned a part of the map i wasnt really going to and at that point i didnt care, none could benefit from the boons because they put it on the non 3 gen side. They were found a few of the Hexes but i caught one trying to cleanse one and killed her in which she was on deathhook then the last person found my trapped up Hex but just disarmed the trap and left the Hex alone. (Guess he didnt want me to know his general location. 3 3K with 1 escaping through hatch after he abandoned interacting with his team all together. Trapper is my second highest MMR killer currently.

    Comment and Conclusions:

    I only played Hex: Pimento 3 games but it seems like it needs to go with Ruin, Devour Hope, Third Seal, Undying and or Retribution then Thrill of The Hunt or Thanatophobia as mandatory for it to be effective and or optimal. I still dont think the perk is very good but it can definetly stall the game with people taking time to bless or cleanse totems. Again they need an incentive to break totems in the first place otherwise its just not gonna work at all like in my Myers game where they probrably didnt ven know i had three Hex perks lol. It seems very underwhelming and i believe there are better all Hex builds you can make. I

    I think its very risky to use against high level survivors and in the long run wont be worth the perk slot at high MMR. If survivors still attempt to rush gens with Ruin still up then Pimento is not doing anythin crazy. I honestly dont know your suppose to get 3-5 stacks when alll you can seemingly get in standard matches is 1 stack so i dunno. I'll try more tomorrow and report back here because i like the challenge of using weaker but unpredicatable perks thatt throw survivor off. I really want these 4 and 5 stacks so i can see if the effects are worth running it. So more Hex: Pimento play tomorrow! )

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited December 2021

    There's a few killers and strategies that deal pretty well with boons, which Hex: Chili Pepper would thrive on.

    Legion and Plague can keep survivors injured very easily, making CoH next to useless, Demo, Artist, Twins, Blight, Trapper, Doctor, and Pig all have map presence/annoying abilities that can interrupt or hinder booning, and Myers, Ghostface, Bill, and Bubba all make being healthy a lot less valuable for survivors. So with these killers, booning becomes a whole lot less important, and they might as well get rid of the hex quickly.

    Try running Plaything, especially on these killers. The more pressure you can keep up for them to quickly dispose of totems, the more likely they are to just cleanse the totem. Undying also isn't terrible, since it makes dull totems a threat to the survivors (all 5 of them).

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    You have to run Plaything with it for it to be viable. They will cleanse eventually, and you only need 1 stack to get the gen slowdown. -30% repair speed is no joke.

    It's not top-tier, but certainly not at the bottom of the barrel.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The only way Pentimento works is if you have Plaything, and usually Thrill on top of it, because people are very happy to just boon Plaything totems, as almost every time you see Plaything these days you can assume Pentimento as well.

    At that point you're running 3 hex perks which are doing basically nothing JUST in the hopes that you get a stack of Pentimento to slow gens down, which they can then remove anyway because they already know where the totem is.

    Alternatively you could run 3 other stalling perks and achieve a much better, more reliable result.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457
    edited December 2021

    I run a full hex build with pentimento every round and I consistently get value out of it. I think haunted grounds is a better choice than plaything. Plaything requires you to hook them and have a dull totem available for them to break. Too much time passes before that happens. Whereas haunted grounds will immediately trigger when the totem is cleansed. If you already have someone on the hook when hg triggers 3 things usually happen 1. No one is coming for the save so that’s an easy 2nd phase 2. Most people stop working on gens 3. You will have time to go relight the totem and get your slowdown going.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Hex: Pimento is trash lol. Its a C+ tier perk "at best" and has the potential to be a B or B+ only with other hex perks. Im trying stuff out because im good enough to do so. I actually see some kind of potential in it so im trying these builds built around the perk (Hex: Pimento)

    Its not the only way but one way. I'll try Retribution, im not a fan of Plaything, it requires too much work for a build that already needs work to be put in before they slam all the gens.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Aah this is just a issue of point of view

    i don't think C+ or B tier is thrash. If you build around it it will do adequately most of the time.

    Ofcourse if i know i'm going against the best of the best competitive players i wouldn't take it and if that's what you are looking for then yes penti isn't that good.

    Most players don't rate perks that way cause most players just don't face those players often enough if even at all.

    In normal dbd matches it will do pretty good. If you're looking for the best of the best then pentimento indeed isn't it

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I use it with Plaything on Plague. It works pretty well - but the core issue is not being able to penti if they decide to boon a lot. If snuffing a boon broke that totem, Penti would feel a lot better.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Last 5 games.

    Artist: Plaything, Pintimento, new scourge hook and Deadlock.

    All 5 games were 4K's. Two of those I had to try, the others were stomps

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Interesting. I find Deadlock backfires on me hard sometimes.

    I'm also seeing more and more groups just never cleanse Plaything, as they anticipate Penti. I've started running Surge+PR+Plaything+BBQ/LP and it's like a free Oblivious all game.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Yeah, even if they don't cleanse Plaything that works fine for me.

    Obliviousness is really crippling to a lot of players that have become dependent on hearing the TR.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2021

    Played a few games with Hex: Pimento again today and i 4k'ed with Pig using Hex: Undying/Hex: Plaything/Hex: Thrill of the Hunt/Hex: Retribution. In that game i got 3 stacks of Pimento but couldnt really see the value it, 3 stacks as the effect isnt very good at all. Lost a Pimento trapper build and then lost using the same build but with Doctor and with Haunted Grounds. Havent really changed my opinion, Hex: Pimento is bad and not worth running over Sloppy Butcher/No Way Out, NOED etc.

    Someone here mentioned that Plaything is a must and i can see why, still the perk is very underwhelming and doesnt do anything crazy. If im gonna have 1, 2 stacks the most the majority of the games i'd rather run Udying/Ruin/Sloppy Butcher or Corrupt/Pop. Can win with it but its terribly inconsistent. Not a good perk but can be semi decent.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Ok after playing Hex: Pimento for about a week i've concluded that the perk is actually decent and not totally trash like i originally said. I still dont think the perk is too good at all but has potential. The most success i've had with it was with

    Hex: Pimento/ Ruin/Plaything/Third Seal, Thrill of The Hunt or Retribution with various killers mainly Trapper, Doctor, Pig, Plague and Nemesis (Nemesis is the killer i've had the most success with using Hex: Pimento builds)

    Your pressure has to be good so that you give them an incentive to go destroy Ruin and Third Seal etc.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    You're stacking 4 slowdowns on a strong killer already and you're saying you 4ked as if you're surprised 🤔

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2022

    Finally i got 5 stacks of Hex: Pimento!!

    After two straight weeks of playing mostly all Hex builds i got to 5 stacks with Twins!

    Hex: Pimento/ Hex: Ruin/Hex: Plaything/ Hex: Devour Hope

    Unfortunately i lost that game since i got the stacks really late game and 3 escaped but i now know and have a staple Pinimento build.

    I think the problem with people like Tofu who is attempting to get 5 stacks but have not had success is that he and other players like him are stubborn and only looking at things one way. He's a great player and im not taking anything away from him but he thinks that getting 5 stacks has to do with the killer hes using and not the actual build.

    I've gotten 4 stacks a couple of times with Pig and Trapper so it has absolutely nothing to do with the killer you have but the build. His problem (Im just using Tofu as an example so please dont confuse this for me shi**g on him its just constructive critisism) is that he's not playing with good Pimento builds. Hes using Corrupt and etc when he should be running all Hexes. He has that complex very similar to the streamer Trutalent who wont do what it takes to win for WHATEVER reasons these guys dont do or like what it takes to win regardless of they're reasoning (which most cases they say is boring or that they're annti tunnel...lol)

    To get 5 stacks you have to dedicate a build around Pimento so with that said again you need to run 4 Hex perks. Pinemento/Plaything/Ruin are staples then the 4th perk should be either, Devour Hope, Third Seal, Blood Favor, Crowd Control or Thrill of The Hunt

  • kombativo
    kombativo Member Posts: 183

    Hex:Pentimiento is good if you decide to use a only hex perk build if you want those 5 stacks

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It is especially strange of True who harps on about how he is competitive all while throwing games because "skill" as he gets into lower mmr lobbies. Very odd. I love him, but let's be real, he was tired of getting crushed.

    As for the actual topic, lol, I 100% agree and saw another streamer who was literally trying to copy Tofu's killer for the 5 stack, which was Plague. And I thought the same thing. It was just so weird to fixate on the killer and not the other perks.