Why dbd community is so toxic?

Nightmare0547 Member Posts: 3
edited December 2021 in General Discussions

Hi, I'm the new player here and I'm was curious about the game. First time I heard of it was recently. Played about few days in game time and discover the ugliest thing. Cheaters and toxic players that I haven't met since Dota 2 alpha.

Then decided to watch some YouTube videos to learn some stuff and noticed that even streamers behave very toxic and not politely. Calling eachother with words I won't speak here right now. That does for killers and survivors as well in random matches. Playing toxic and behave even more toxic after game sending tonnes of curses to your side no matter what you did in the game. Picking up and using Mori is toxic, using ds is toxic, hitting someone and use powers is toxic. It's tremendous stress to play as a killer because everyone after match curses you, sending curse words, and sometimes, threats you with physical(which I don't really care because I know that nobody won't do this even if they intend to because of the distance).

So I have a question.... Why do people here is so mean, rude and toxic to eachother.

First thing first it's just the game.

Secondly, playing as a killer and don't having "meta" perks is a nightmare.

And the last but most importantly is cheaters.

I had few games when survs just walk around don't give a something about what happening around taking zero damage, flying, instantly powers on any generator, walking through walls, instantly heals, or seems like playing Sonic on Sega, running to other side of the map within a seconds.

Same goes for the killers.

3/5 games are boring as something you know....

Bot killer swinging his weapon at one place, standing, doing nothing but right click and left click sometimes.

Huntress throwing hatchets through walls and same speedhacks which even Sega's Sonic envy....

What's wrong with this game and community? This game have so much perspective and still it fails so often and fails more than anything else I saw in games before.

What happening with the community? Does developers gonna do something about their game?

Why people have to be so mean to eachother?


I forgot to mention matchmaking.

My first game was Vs 4 red 1 dudes as killer. This was most disaster experience. More than first try at Dark Souls series

Post edited by Nightmare0547 on


  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Its called covid home therapy alot of players are still stuck at home due to quarenteens i feel like and while i dont use that as a valid excuse its a sort of frustration that alot of us have that cant quite be quelled in other areas.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,487

    Not quite. The community has been this bad for years, well before the pandemic started.

  • Nightmare0547
    Nightmare0547 Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2021

    I'm almost 30, which is sounds insane to me. I am old fudge don't undestanding smart phones and smart watch.

    I'm just a guy who played alladin on Sega and mgs on PS one.

    I'm also at bad COVID restrictions, but it gives me no right to be rude to other people, despite my country's regime and total control.

    Me, and for my country, looking up for the west is kinda inspiring. You have Musk, presidents who are replacing every 4 years, solid community support etc. I'm not about politics, I'm about the game.

    I don't get it and I'm not too old to not understand trends and stuff like that.

    I'm also wondering why the things you know developers are doing for the game balance? I mean game design is basically is excellent! But some perks and people ruin it.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Nightmare0547
    Nightmare0547 Member Posts: 3

    CoviD or not, it gives no right to accuse people or something they haven't done or being a new player.

    Even Dota community were at least a little more polite to new players. Because they could took advantage against enemy team on their newbiest gameplay.

  • Pikachaouuu
    Pikachaouuu Member Posts: 87

    About the cheaters, the supposed anticheat is a joke, also is quite well documented that any possible ban happens 2 weeks after you report them and also they are cases of players that haven't been banned for some reason, also since the game was free on epic a lot of cheaters made multiple accounts tp have tje game so they have lots of burn accounts.

    About the toxicity well, is what you can expect for a pvp game, there are people who play fair and say gg wp and move on and there are people wich fathers are cousins/brothers that need to get attention somehow and trashtalk/are toxic or some players have a bad game and the next one become apes to relief the anger from the last game ruining the other side fun and then making that side act toxic the next game.

    Devs apparently are more worried on making skins/nerfing killers than in the general state of the game itself.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869


  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064
    edited December 2021

    This, but also a lack of rules against it, and ambivalence from DBD moderation from the top down. Communities that try to tamp down toxicity get results - imperfect results, but results. Communities that don't try fester and get worse and worse until it becomes their identity and drives people away, or something gets done about. DBD doesn't try.

    This stuff festers - people behaving nastily give the people around them negative sentiments, which can become a vicious cycle.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    No it is the community cause generational generalization doesn't mean anything especially when you see grown-ass people act like babies more than actual babies on stream because things don't go their way.

    The problem I think is that especially with how one dev answered a question of why people want to keep playing this game can be interpreted as a game that is being fueled by hatred, not balanced gameplay, not meaningful updates but pure unadulterated hatred especially with the ideas that have been implemented recently that helped make it even worse along with a laughable chat filter, no real way to block it on console and the report system which I can almost guarantee it has to be filtered between actual problems and pissy people mad at the game along with the neglect of the more toxic behavior (ignoring meaningful Critisizem, rampant hacking/DDoS issues, scoffing off complaints, and continuous problems with people sending death threats/hate speech/ racism...etc)

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,766

    because this community in particular loves to create us vs them scenarios out of thin air and then begin arguments over these makeshit scenarios spiralling everything out of control and forcing people to pick "sides" to have a valid argument (but no matter what side you pick, you picked the wrong side).

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,766

    Especially the younger generation.

    Damn last I checked we were the ones asking people to not call each other slurs and the like while in return all we hear is "YOU'D NEVER HAVE SURVIVED AN OLD COD LOBBY" but no I guess we're still the ones calling people slurs :/

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Basically there is a huge player base of sore losers whom use every excuse in the book to rationalise being rude and abusive to their oponents and team mates.

    There is an odd expectation by a lot of players that the game should be played in only one particular way, so even if they win they feel some kind of moral necessity to abuse people for not playing in the exact manner they think it should be played.

    Its also a very dark theme prone to attract people with social and personality disorders who just can't interact in a community. (But the mental illness/depression card is often played as an excuse, it doesn't excuse you for being a dick though).

    Lastly there are people who take every little thing that can happen in game as some personal attack on them and then feel justified in being toxic and abusive back because they can't separate a fantasy game world from reality when upset.

    Its a bummer because its a great game often ruined by a bad player base.

    You can have some great matches though and it is a lot of fun, just know that you may get a run of garbage experiences especially with the borked MMR system.

    I'm still hoping they implement custom game bots so you can have a few games without the constant barrage of negativity from the player base.

    Welcome to DBD.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    I think that's an effect, not a cause. People are so tribal here because they perceive unfairness and experience abusive behavior in the game and game chat (which strongly exacerbates perceived unfairness; losing soundly to a killer or team that's chill about it and shakes your hand in the endgame is much easier to swallow than losing to sore winners, or people who played like jerks all game), which over time congeals into resentment against the side they get the most abuse from and leads to opinions like "all survivors are whiny crybabies who want killers nerfed into the ground so they can bully them without any risk" and "all killers are power-tripping small pps who cry if they can't get 4ks every game." Those are the players who can't let us vs them drop and turn every single topic into a whataboutism game, if they're not just insulting the other side outright.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Us vs them posts only come from survivor mains lol


  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Internet. That's all. It's easier to be mean, to release your frustration on Internet because no one knows you.

    As some said, younger generation. We didn't have online game when I was a kid, I guess we were less aggressive because we were playing local coop. You didn't want to be angry against your BFF because you'd see them in school right after.