Coup de grace and dead hard
How come these two perks are treated so differently despite the fact they are basically the same perk? Both are straight line dashes for extra distance. However killers are only allowed a measly 5 per game, and those 5 tokens are at the complete mercy of the survivors to give you? Imagine if survivors had to be in chase with a killer for 60 seconds in order to get their exhaustion back, there would be a complete meltdown of society on the forums.
Honestly that bug where you would get 5 stacks per gen pop seems a lot closer to what coup de grace SHOULD be. Personally I would just switch its activation to hooks, at least you'd possibly get 11 uses out of it.
How many times does someone Dead Hard a game?
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Theoretically, in a devs perfect match of 10 minutes~, each survivor will have been able to use dead hard 15 times each. 600s/40s.
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What, if you just never ever run and Dead Hard every time you can for no reason? Sure.
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Because Survivors must control all aspects of the game.
Look at a majority of Killer powers after a certain point; They all have something Survivors can control or counter built in. Some perks are the same way. I mean, just look at Hex perks; Survivors can counter then, and a majority are garbage; not worth the fact that Survivors control them.
And then look at Boon Perks; Grossly OP, and Survivors can re-ignite them no matter how often a Killer snuffs them. Once again; Survivors have the control.
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We'll say realistically each survivor would only dead hard maybe 5 times, thats still 20 dead hards a match, but killers only get 5 slightly longer lunges. This is why I said the bug awhile ago is more comparable.
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Imagine the meltdown if bloodlust affect survs and doesn’t affect killers.
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K cool, wasn't even talking about bloodlust, survivor main.
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I mean if every survivor dead hards once and one dead hards an additional time you have the 5 uses in a match.
Not really fair to say a single survivor dead hards less then a killer would coup when a single survivor is in 1/4 of the chases
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Don't you know, killer perks have double standards. token system for coup the grace is bad on many fundamental levels. for one, the killer never knows whether he's in distance to hit a survivor with his extra distance in fear of losing out from miscalculating distances. coup is the type of perk that is based off trial and error.
The idea of preserving stacks is stupid on basic level. the killer does way too many swings per game to even have this at back of his mind. The perk encourages you to always be on brink of defeat to get value out of it which might make you play intentionally worse.
perks should just give simple positive reward for equipping the perk. dead hard and most survivor perks are like this. Coup and many other killer perks are only made complicated to make them strict worse. most of the time, they make perk virtually worthless such as this one.
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Buff Coup pls, barely see it
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it was cool when coup was bugged and gave multiple stacks for each gen pop
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In theory a single killer perk should have the same value of 4 survivor perks. Considering Dead Hard is basically basekit for survivors at this point, you see way more than 5 per game.