Question: Do you guys think that a shapeshifting killer could work?

GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

Like perhaps they can morph into any other killer for a certain amount of time or into a survivor after studying them to blend into the other survivors. Of course I realize with a swf it would completely ruin the concept since they would all most likely be in communication with one another. I have no idea how you could make it work but i was watching my brother play as Tsang Sung for Mortal Kombat and i thought it could be a fun concept if it was done right. I just dont know how it could be done proper


  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Honestly if we ever get a shapeshifting killer, its power would probably function similarly to Myers or Nemesis if I had to guess. Maybe Oni if they are feeling generous.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    To an extent yes.

    Like someone who "transforms" into another survivor, I don't think so. Because comms do exist.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    That is why i said it would need to be properly done and thought about.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited December 2021

    Not really. Spit gens already would do them in now that there would be a killer that can transform into survivors.

    Like, why is the guys heading my direction and noone is in chase? That and being 100% movespeed would seem pretty slow for gen patrolling. Or if they do give speed in disguise, it's like a dead giveaway.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027
    edited December 2021

    What if they could shapeshift into objects such as a locker or a generator? Though i guess that maight be a little too close to prop night now that i think about it

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    That could work, but it would require new map tiles. Everyone knows what is where; a single locker, or a gen in a tile that does not normally have a gen, would be a giant red flag.

    It just would not trick anyone who's put more than 20 hours into the game.

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    It's an interesting concept I'd like to see someday, but it has to be really well designed to prevent comms from negating their main power

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I wouldn't mind sitting there disguised as a locker while all the generators get done while I sit there giggling at how clever and devious I am. Survivors don't really move once they've found a generator to latch on to.

    Wraith also has the sneak up on survivors bit covered so how would you do this and be effective? Hmm....

    It'd have to be something like floating around the map invisible with no way to interact with survivors without pulling them into a topsy turvy alternate reality (so each map would have a pocket level) and assaulting survivors with furniture to injure them and if they get downed without escaping the alternate world they pop out on a random hook kinda deal.

    Yeah you could go around sucking all four survivors into the alternate reality but in the time it takes to do that survivors already inside could escape back to the trial so pick your poison. That'd give you time to be the dangerous table or chair you were always meant to be.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Ok what if you could say plant trap items instead of transforming into items you could like shave off part of yourself to mimic items you see while still patrolling. Granted im not a developer obviously so there is probably a lot more discussion that needs to happen in order for it to be done the right way.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    I think they should just try it rather than this half decade long thing where people have suggested a shapeshift killer since launch, and everyone keeps telling them it can't work due to SWF. Just do it anyway. Wouldn't be the first failed design if it doesn't work. Game is running out of fresh killer ideas as is.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    in your opinion though how could it be done properly?

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    As a power, no.

    As a passive free bonus like Freddy invisibility/ Spirit passive phase? Sure.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,353

    Saying "voice cheats" is quite misleading, as the mods here as well as the devs themselves have declared comms permissible.

    How you or I or anyone else outside of BHVR feel about comms doesn't matter, it's their call.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,353

    Imagine a power where they could mimic a gen. After 25 sec of repairs it explodes, downing any survs working on it, and we see the killer slowly reasemble themselves and hopefully start hooking...

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Even a golem mud monster idea could work tho some might claim its too close to hag

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    edited December 2021

    Yes with a special matchmaking that exclude SWF if you play this killer.

    Other than that, no.

    Post edited by Avilgus on
  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    They can declare them permissible all they want. Until they either add voice chat to the game & balance around it so SoloQ's and Killers stop being screwed by SWFs, or find a way to prevent to alltogether; I will consider voice comms cheating.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    So the power would kind-of work in small SWFs, and not work at all in full SWFs?

    I'd never even buy the killer, sorry. SWF already break this game; I would not want a Killer 100% dependent on there being 1 or 2 SoloQ's in a match.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It’s only useless if you’re imitating someone on comms, but 90-95% of games don’t have 4-person swfs. So if it tends to make you look like one of the solo queue survivors it might still fool people.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    So I'd maybe fool the 1 or 2 people not in SWF, except for the times I don't, and the times where it's a 4-man SWF?

    Still not exactly sounding like a worthwhile power. It's literally dependent on SWFs, and no Killer power should be shut down by SWFs, or it's a weak power.

    Hell, SWFs don't even need perks to shut down this hypothetical power; just Discord.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Actually if you look like a survivor who’s not on comms then you can possibly fool the swf members who are on comms since they don’t know if you’re the solo survivor or the killer.

    As far as whether it’s a worthwhile effect, … 🤷‍♂️ We’re talking about very broad generalities here, the devil would be in the details. Obviously simply looking like another survivor by itself as the only effect is probably weak, but it probably would be paired with other abilities. What else the killer can do outside of looking like another survivor and how well those other abilities synergize with the mimic effect would determine the overall effectiveness of the character.

    By the way, being able to mimic a survivor implies Undetectability as a side effect. Obviously if you have a red stain or terror radius while mimicking someone that imitation is totally pointless. So even without anything else going on we’re talking about a killer that’s probably 115% movement speed with totally unlimited Undetectability, kind of like Ghostface but with a different ability than staking.

  • chimera3
    chimera3 Member Posts: 70

    The “It” killer concept on YouTube by Rarithlynx actually has add-ons that do this. Should check it out.

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    a killer that can turn into the other killers and use their power seems so cool, but thats a ######### ton of work and i dont think the devs would do it

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    If we are basing the "what if" on what the game can handle then no

    But if we are basing it on creativity then maybe

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Show me the Naaaaagloooooooshiiiiiiiiiiii.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I have a thought on this idea, and I like the post!

    Have the killer mimic one of the survivors in the match. They can shift as them, and instead of them being a Survivor. It is THE KILLER... woooo scarrrrrry!!1 :D

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I feel like the killer could actually work decently well against solo survivors however any survivors of communication will immediately to make this fail.

    Legitimately a swf but honestly just have to ping their location when they see another Survivor.

    Cheryl : Hey Min I'm about to head into killer shack and I see you coming in the distance are you safe

    Min: No I'm at the barn with Kate

    Kate: Yeah second that. That's the Killer get out of there Cheryl

    That's also not factoring in perks.

    Bonds ( if they don't program it so the killer will appear with bonds then any survivor you see not highlighted but in range is automatically the Killer)

    Aftercare ( a little less consistent with works the same way because they killer can't positively interact with you if you do manage to get the other three survivors highlighted with aftercare you immediately now though anybody who is not highlighted is the Killer)

    There is also one key add-on that lets you see the obsession this gives you a guaranteed safety blanket as you know there's one survival you could always run to without fear of them being killer.

    So far this type of killer will be most effective against a solo players who don't really have any perks to give them other player information outside of that not so much

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    Hear me out

    Second killer that uses madness.

    It's probably better to make the survivors see stuff that isnt there or not what it seems than to just give the killer a ######### stealth mode.

    Survivor illusions and masking the killer as survivor might work in tandem. Especially if the illusion effect would randomize the characters/outfits the survivors are seeing on their buds. It's a blasphemous idea tho as survs wouldnt be able to see their fancy pants. (Not to mention dependant on how the game handles outfits)

    It's a different approach but i think it'd be slightly less screwed over by cwf.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Like those things from Prey? It's an idea, but it would probably come out very weak and gimmicky. Typically survivors just run away unless it's a really great loop.

    Yeah that's the final franchise I'm waiting for (and Candyman I guess, but the recent film somehow made me like the franchise less). I've already gotten Hellraiser and now I'm getting Ringu.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Prey idea could work i more or less was referring to a killer that can change their form at will it could be another character or world object.