Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

General tip for killer players not enjoying mmr



  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Ranks were basically the former, but it being much easier to smurf.

    I'm not sure what the answer here is, sadly. That sounds like how MMR is supposed to work.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    This is so true. It is frustrating seeing so many people complaining about the MMR when the MMR is doing its job. Although many disagree with how it calculates a win, the result is that if you do well over the course of several matches, you face better players. That is exactly what it needs to be. The imbalance however, is really clear now that MMR has settled to match people appropriately.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,180

    The big difference is that most other competitive pvp games are first of all not asymmetrical and with that also properly balanced and have way less rng and one-sided potentials for crutches, aka survivor have the one-sided option of comms/premade teams for coordination and killer can't use hardcore camping/tunneling. Both things that make input from the other side impossible.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    the argument of "just dont expect to get kills" doesnt make sense since we (ppl who dont enjoy high mmr) never are saying we want more kills. You cannot have fun with other perks if your games dont last even long enough to get any value out of these perks.

  • Ebonbane2000
    Ebonbane2000 Member Posts: 160

    Actually, I believe this is exactly how it was intended to work. Many killers complain that they don't want to play against sweaty survivors but then argue that they shouldn't have to play chill as well (some in this very thread). Which translates to Killer shouldn't have to sweat but survivors should have to. There's a reason why a killer has the ability to rank and derank MMR at their leisure.

    Playing in a way that is unfun for survivors will lead to ranking up and playing against survivors who are unfun for you. While AFKing to derank will lead to you facing potatoe-heads that probably aren't fun for you (or them).

    There is a sweet spot; playing in a way that is comfortable to you and not being sweaty will mean you lose against overachiever survivors BUT you will see them alot less of them. The original poster is right, you guys just don't want to hear him.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    no not really, when you lower your mmr by using bad perks, the only real difference in the games is the gen speed

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    You can enjoy matches and get kills, especially against the (actually, pretty rare) bully squads, so long as you're willing to role with the punches. I had this match very recently against a team (I know so because of the co-ordination of the Head-ons, Flash Bangs and how they played in general to save their friends). Unfortunately, they didn't have a good day - they had a lower-than-adequate day:

    As you can see, it was a randomized build I had, and it still overcame a 4-man swf. Sure, maybe they're not apex assassins, but they were well co-ordinated and had some nifty moves.

    But my point is that the meta, whilst obviously called that for a reason, is absolutely not required to do well and I actually hear exactly what OP is saying, and this hopefully is a bit of evidence to prove you can enjoy and play the game how you want and still succeed. It would be great if people were to see it that way.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    no offense, but if you're winning with that build on wraith, your mmr more then likely isnt very high.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    also, bully squads are the easiest teams to 4k in dbd

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Get a low-tier killer you enjoy and "smurf" if you want to call it that, but memeing in the basement and playing hide-and-seek as the stealthy bois can be fun, relaxing, and if you're not a tool you can ensure that both sides get points, pips, and satisfaction.

    MMR as implemented in DBD (half-assed and missing key components) isn't a good system. That doesn't mean it has to suck. It just means grade-ups aren't coming from my mains.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131

    Again, if you smurf and "cheat" the system, you are disguising that issue.

    We want it to be fixed, right? BHVR loves to go off of data, so show them that the system is dumb.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    read my previous replies on the thread if you want to know why thats not the case

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    There's no realistic way to show BHVR that the system is dumb, because while they love going off data they've proven time and again that no one in any of their departments (of the largest game company in Canada) has any clue how to collate, sort, extrapolate from, or suffer the basics of reading comprehension regarding their data. It's been pretty consistent that twitter drama has more of a real effect than in-game protests or coordinated actions.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    But still, isn't this how the system is kinda supposed to work? You give it your best, you sweat, you get thrown in with the other sweaty players. Or you do some suboptimal builds, play chill, play with your food so to speak and give the occasional hatch or two-escape, and you can play the kinda games that you enjoy, without actually smurfing, because MMR is doing its job, I guess? When killer players complain about how miserable sweaty game after sweaty game that play as if its the worldcup finals are, they get shot down with "hur dur you reap what you sow. Thats your reward for being such a tryhard"; so this player is not a try-hard and can enjoy his chill games. Awesome, right?

    One thing that you must not forget, though, is that killers MMR is much more volatile, as each match essentially factors into their MMR 4 times. In past dev streams the developers explained that the killer vs each player is counted seperately, so a killer has four times the chance to rank up or down per match, depending how the trial went. So if you throw 5 quick games in 20min with minimal effort while watching TV, thats over an hour of survivor playtime equivalent.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    its very easy to think that the survivors you're facing are better then they are when they are giving you a stressful game

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    That's only an assumption neither of us can prove, and anyway that's besides the point.

    Some people are obsessed with this whole idea that perks = success, and completely forget about skill, experience and creativity. That's the main point which I feel people need to understand: perks are nothing without skill.

    Anyway, your entire post was about playing at a level you can enjoy, so I fail to see what the point of your response was. If they are a lower team or high-skilled, how can you be so certain? It can only be done based upon a subjective view and guesswork.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Also, that's assumptive that I found the game stressful. I didn't. Assumptions don't help. Best thing to do is to try it out yourself and see how it works for you.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    The strategy i use to get put at a good mmr places me in an mmr that i can win with my skill, rather then my perks, which is awesome, i can practice billy, and the result of the game is however well i played that game

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited December 2021

    Oh man do I disagree with this.

    A good bully squad goes into a map with a plan that, if you aren't playing specific killers, is almost impossible to beat. A bully squad isn't just trying to win - they're usually trying to get to a position where they can 99 the last gen and then stall the game out for half an hour.

    • They'll abuse spots on Asylum and Eyrie where you can't pick them up.
    • They'll abuse spots on maps where a single sabo makes an entire region unhookable, and will keep that hook sabo'd for the entire game.
    • They'll abuse dual lockers and dual flashlights to stall the game out forever.
    • They'll bring 4x BNP and 2x PTS and you'll lose 2-3 gens before you know what happened.
    • If all else fails, they'll lag switch or hack.

    I hate to tell you this, but that wasn't a bully squad. That was 4 people trying to meme with HO.

    A bully squad would be 2 flashlights and 2 sabo boxes, DH and stuff.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    if its a team thats actually trying to do the gens and win, i wouldnt call it a bully squad id just call it a sweat squad. sweat squads are near impossible to beat yea

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Ah, nomenclature. These aren't terms with a set definition I guess.

    I'd say:

    'Sweat squad' - runs full meta perks and fancy addons. Is trying to win as fast and as efficiently as possible. Frustrating to face, but not abusive.

    'Bully squad' - the 'bully' implies some sort of sadism. Their goal isn't just to win, it's to make the killer miserable.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218
  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    A bully squad that is also trying to win is still a bully squad. The difference is in the intent.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    In other words, you're playing the game as intended, which means you are enjoying it at a healthier level, and also as you get better your MMR improves naturally, so you will face increasingly skilled survivors as you get better. Which is what I do, and why ultimately I can face good survivors and even swf with random builds, because I've allowed myself to naturally grow.

    So we're singing from the same hymn sheet, almost.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    The greatest tip of all is to just play something else.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392
    edited December 2021

    So what you are saying is that competent killer players that enjoy playing off meta killers should intentionally lose until they get to a point where they can have fun by facing opponents of lower skill? Hmm. That sure sounds like a big issue to me that should be dealt with. Shouldn't DBD be a fun experience on all playable killers at all skill levels? Sorry If that is a crazy idea. I have them sometimes.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    it was just a suggestion to killer players that sweat their balls off, and then ######### about getting sweated on back because mmr.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    I mean people that sweat face people that sweat. It just happens to be that almost every playable killer can't compete against sweaty survivors. It has zero to do with people not being at the correct MMR and so on. It all has to due with the game balance. People shouldn't have to tank their MMR so they can have a good time. The game needs better balance outside of average skill level.

  • microppman
    microppman Member Posts: 69

    the teams that you genuinely can't beat because of game balance dont play pubs, they only play in custom games tournies, people just need to fix their skill issue

  • xxshyguyxx
    xxshyguyxx Member Posts: 312

    I've tried new killers with low expectations bc I don't know them that well. I've been playing the crap out of twins, just running around as Victor and trying to keep it light.

    I find that not caring and going for good plays and outsmarting survivors even if it costs me gens is more fun than slugging, sweating, and camping out 1 survivor early to better the winning odds.

    I just hate going in being chill, and seeing gross survivor gameplay. Then at the end you get the you suck bro you suck.

    Not really dude, I just stopped caring about 4k matches bc I wanna have fun. Not stress all match.