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Is there a reason for mocking and bully killers?

Hello Community,

I'm a new player (about 20 games) and i really like the game but...

I feel really strange most of the times. I enjoy playing a killer and I don't understand why many survivors have the need to mock killers.

This happens in 2 occasions:

1) When you are really close to escape and you just stand there, or making circles, or waiting the time close to end (you are the last one) waiting for the killer to hunt you but you don't escape etc. because you have understand that killer is a newbie and maybe he doesn't know all the mechanics to kill you while you are doing this.

2) Because you have understand that the killer is a begginer and as a survivor you are making things to mock him like running using your perks in more speed and then stand there and wait for the killer waving him to come, coming close to the killer and then run fast and stand waiting for him etc.

You all understand and you know what i'm talking about so i'm not getting more examples.

As a player, playing games for more than 15 years, i'm always respecting players trying most of the time to help them and i'm really a sensitive person in my real life. I'm just thinking that that game maybe isn't for me.

I know that the game has no balance and that many experience players can match up with begginers but thats not an excuse to bully and mock your opponent. I can't understand why people are doing this.

Ok you have won... Run to your freedom and congratulations. No need to stand there and wave to your killer next to the finish line.

I'm really confused with this and i tottaly agree with the post

As i said before, i'm really on to quit the game. Maybe it isn't the right game for me.

Any thoughts?


  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited December 2021

    The thing you have to realize is that Killers are no longer a threat like they once were. Survivors have increased exponentially in strength over the years, and SWF capabilities only solidify that.

    To make matters worse, it's gotten to the point to where some survivors treat the Killer like they're their own personal plaything, something that exists for their amusement and enjoyment, and some players can be really toxic about it. I legitimately believe that it's a one of the reasons why hacking and cheating has grown so rampant with this game. The balancing for this game is all over the place, and people have grown tired of being destroyed over and over again.

    SBMM and the grind in general have made dead by daylight a hard pill for new players to swallow, and the toxicity that exists can be downright unbearable sometimes. Sadly until changes are implemented for the better, you'll just have to grow thicker skin if you want to play it, because few games can be as toxic as this one. I've always said that if this game ever sees a proper bot mode where I can play against bots instead of human players like what can be had in the mobile version, I'll never go back to playing against human players ever again. LOL

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Ye dbd is a weird game when it comes to players. I mean you have toxicity everwhere in any game, I used to play world of warcraft alot and I also had situations like that after a dungeon, having very heated discussions and toxic chats with someone but on dbd its like next level #########.

    I get how you feel but sadly you either have to find a way to ignore or deal with it OR maybe really try to look for something else.

    The best option would be to get slowly to the game, dont overdo it, this can REALLY spoil your fun trust me, take it easy and play just a few games here and there and get slowly into dbd, with friends if its possible that can also help you and tell you some tricks here and there.

  • MyPagio
    MyPagio Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2021

    @SweetTerror "I've always said that if this game ever sees a proper bot mode where I can play against bots instead of human players like what can be had in the mobile version, I'll never go back to playing against human players ever again"

    My thought too...

    I really don't understand why the game doesn't have a solo mode and has only multiplayer mode. This could have made things easier. And also everyone can has a good chance to learn his toon. Now, new players, just join a game, knowing nothing and face experienced players. It is not a begginer-friendly game. Only if someone has the interest to really learn the game can play it.

    I have spend about 15 hours playing and more than 60 hours watching videos on YouTube and Streams just to learn how to play.

    But what really annoys me it's the survivors behaviour...

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    This shows that the community need to change... like now. The fact that this is the mentality that the game shows is part of the reason it's player base is lacking.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Sadly man its PVP so if you are outmatched survivors often try and farm you for points.

    When you are outmatched by survivors as killer the game tends to end quickly. Everybody dies. Some people will leave you all to bleed out but that's 4 mins its not that long, it ends of its own accord. It can be frustrating because as survivor there isn't a lot you can do about it when it happens other than wait it out.

    It can feel a lil survivor sided because when survivors outclass the killer they often stop doing the last gen and drag the game out for ages farming points, chain blinding getting saves etc. This can go on for much longer than the 4 min bleed out.

    Its a bit ######### but its a good opportunity to practice and get an idea of what kinds of things survivors try. Once you get a good handle on that you can often destroy teams who stop their objective like this.

    People are usually gonna wait out the EGC at the gate, I don't get it but when they do this, I as killer will use this time to either chase them out or break stuff and spam your power for extra blood points. Its just a waste of time so use it constructively to farm up some extra BP's for yourself.

    Remember a lot of what's fun in this game is often viewed as unfun by the opposing side, typically its not personal but people often take it as such. Don't get hung up on endgame salt and remember you don't owe anyone a fun game just find what works for you and enjoy it. Its only a game.

    Welcome to the fog.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306
    edited December 2021

    No, dude.

    There isn't rhyme or reason or deeper meaning to people being asses on online games.

    They can, no one's stopping them, so they do.

    That's all there is to it.

    Post edited by Grandpa_Crack_Pipe on
  • MyPagio
    MyPagio Member Posts: 20

    @Laluzi "In cases where the survivors have made it to a gate and aren't leaving on their own, I suggest wandering around the map breaking breakable walls, closing the hatch, and squeezing out some last few points, if you don't mind spending two minutes of your time. It blueballs the survivors who want to mock you and Dead Hard out the door."

    That's exactly what i'm doing :D

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    No reason to mock or bully anyone, unless they do it first then it's deserved.

  • MyPagio
    MyPagio Member Posts: 20

    @pseudechis "Some people will leave you all to bleed out but that's 4 mins its not that long, it ends of its own accord. It can be frustrating because as survivor there isn't a lot you can do about it when it happens other than wait it out."

    I never do this. I always try to hook them just the game to be fun and continue our game.

    But as you have said people can be really mean at the end, blaming you for everything.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I agree, I wish this game had a solo play mode/ custom game bots too.

    Usually bots are no match for a human player so it can get dull pretty quick, but its good to have the option to crack out a few games without the forced interaction or practice up a new killer where if you are constantly slugging and dropping people to restart the chase it isn't impacting anyone else's fun.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    There's nothing a player can do to avoid getting mocked, sadly. You can't force people to respect each other. No matter what you do, someone will find a reason to start talking crap

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,262


    I'm very sorry for what you're going through in the game, a lot of players deal with this behavior.

    Toxic behavior has evolved over the years in the game, players have adopted this pattern of behavior. either Survivors who find it "fun" to bully or as a "revenge" (Although logically there is really no reason for revenge in the game of survival.)

    How it started?

    Well, to this day players go through games that can be defined as "annoying" "not fun" and such.

    Either survivors annoyed them with flashlights clicks or rude gestures to mock, Killers are switching sides and sometimes copying the same behavior. Or more likely, not playing nice in their next match as killer, which result in unfun match to innocent players who have nothing to do with the recent events.

    You will see a lot of disagreements between Survivors and Killers, kind of conflict of Us vs Them.

    A kind of unspoken hatred has developed and this toxic behavior remains because of it.

    This community is pretty tough and not so friendly. A lot of us love the game nonetheless and deal with what happens mostly by not taking anything to heart..

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I had friends that played this game that helped to show me the ropes, but I 100% agree that this game needs a proper bot mode to allow new players to practice. The tutorials barely scratch the surface of what you need to know. Not to mention practicing with Killers you've never played with before in live matches is an abysmal experience. It's like being thrown into the deep end of the pool when you don't know how to swim.

  • MyPagio
    MyPagio Member Posts: 20

    You are lucky. I don't have friends who play this game. Had only one who helped me just see how 3-4 killers play.

    Unfortunately, if you stay in the started tutorial it's just a simple "how to move" and nothing more. After that it is chaos.

  • SvarturSteinn
    SvarturSteinn Member Posts: 58

    The devs have come out saying more than once they are committed to making the solo queue survivor experience to feel as rewarding as possible.

    This obviously breeds a sense of entitlement and you'll come across a large player base that feels they earned their victory.

    Anytime you even slightly inconvenience the players as an antagonist you'll see a large number of posts complaining about how your playstyle is unfair to them.

    This sense of hindering their privileges is your bread and butter, your schadenfreude.

    For ever T-bagger, for every flash light click, when you see them decry camping, tunneling, you're doing the will of the entity.

    Endure, adapt, become the salt in their wounds.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059
    edited December 2021

    Yeah, so this is a prime example of what not to do - become embittered to the other side, decide that the game has held their hand and they aren't actually skilled in any way but have rather been handed every victory by coddling game developers, and to delight in causing salt to players deemed entitled and unworthy simply by dint of what side they're playing.

    This is part and parcel of the spreading toxicity. Don't be that guy.

  • MyPagio
    MyPagio Member Posts: 20

    I have just been informed that there are bully squads.. That explains a lot to what i have seen in my games.

    Is it true? That they are friends playing as a squad just to bully killers?

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Very true. Don't ever feel like you have to adhere to some survivor rule book. It's your game just as much as it is theirs. It's the Killer's objective to kill survivors, and it's the survivors' objective to do generators. How you go about getting that done is up to you, so don't let anyone make you feel bad for playing how you want to play.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    There is always a justification if you want one.

    There is no such thing as acting like a petulant child in self defence. Just lowering yourself to their level. People should just try to be good.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,133

    It's the mindset of the man-child knowing there is no consequence because of the anonymity the interweb gives then. It's really pathetic.

    The problem remains with those in the community who either participates or endorses the behaviour. There are streamers and YouTube channels out there who make a living out of such bile, although there are others who highlight these idiots getting slammed (but I do wonder if that's toxicity promoting toxicity).

    However, there are many good people too! I was speaking with 3 people after a trial today (I was the killer) and it was an epic fight where they all escaped and were all on death hook. I messaged them all to congratulate them and every one was complimentary, friendly and good-spirited. One of them said they've met far more nice people, because they reach out positively.

    So, that's the key: for people to be more humble in victory and gracious in defeat. Yeah, there will be some who act like dicks back, but more will be uplifting. It won't change the man-childs at large, but it will change your experience and subjective reality of the community, which will then give you a healthier experience.

  • Ravenlord4711
    Ravenlord4711 Member Posts: 115

    im gonna put it simply, when i first started playing i was told " if you are a killer main you have to have thick skin" nothing has ever been so true in gaming. The only rule i can think of that is more of a Rule #1 is dont chase singed. that being said you have 3 choices, give up the game because the game is "toxic" and the "toxicity" is encouraged by the development/ admin team. or play survivor or get thick skin. gl in the fog

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306
  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    There's no good reason why they do it, other than to be #########. But it happens All The Time and any time mention of "we should really do something to stop this kind of behavior" comes up, you would not believe the number of people who rush to the defense.

    It's like playing a board game and any time the other guy wins, they stand up and start thrusting their hips in your face. Does it do any actual harm? No. Can you just ignore it? Sure. Do I want to keep playing a game that fosters that kind of mindset and defenses those kinds of people? Hell no.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059
    edited December 2021

    Unfortunately, yes. This is a part of why SWF (survive with friends) is so disliked - while most SWFs are playing with their friends just for fun, and a SWF isn't necessarily dangerous or even good, there's a few imbalances it creates regarding information and efficiency, and arguably the most standout part is that it allows survivors to coordinate attacks on the killer. While these actions aren't toxic in and of themselves (flashlight/pallet/sabo saving, preventing pickups, chain blinds and stuns, healing mid-chase with CoH, bodyblocking), for some of these teams, frustrating the killer is the entire point and they aren't interested in winning the game as much as they are trying to make the killer miserable. You can find streaming channels dedicated entirely to bully play. These strategies can be mitigated, but it takes skill and game knowledge to know what to do when (skilled) survivors are mobbing you, and newer killers are the easiest prey.

    You will, sadly, encounter these; more often as you rise up in the ranks, but even with new player MMR, the system occasionally throws you to players with high MMR because the last killer lobby-dodged them (whereupon the system goes "lol whatever" and grabs the next killer it finds, regardless of rank.) However, you will also encounter killers that are playing the game to be as nasty as possible - slugging everyone to bleed them out for the full 4 minutes, camping the first person they find to death while nodding and hitting them on the hook. Some people are just dicks and the game currently takes no punitive action even if you get a chat confession that someone was doing things specifically to ensure you couldn't have fun, or because they wanted you to DC. Unless the rules change, this kind of crap is here to stay and unfortunately has to be weathered when it pops up. You may want to go AFK if you're getting excessively bullied and a match will not end. They'll mock you in chat for it, but they will quickly get bored of trying to harass someone standing in a corner and once you show that you can't be baited into coming back to life, they'll usually do the last gen and leave.

    Edit: I should note that some squads aren't necessarily "bully squads", but will bully if they realize that the killer is weak enough that they can get away with it. I see this happen the most with baby Nurses (both playing agaisnt them, and being one...) You can have four solo survivors who unanimously decide that tormenting the Nurse is more fun than doing the last gen. The difference between opportunistic bullies and bully squads is that bully squads have a plan, they're focused on preventing the killer from accomplishing anything from the very start of the game, and they will extend the game for much longer than bullies who are farming points will. Opportunists are easier to scare off.

  • DragoonSanddune01
    DragoonSanddune01 Member Posts: 48

    I mean wouldnt it be neat if we could have devs to give all player able to record their matches and be-able to post shaming surivors player plays. Once enough have been showned im sure dev will start to understand ... that how things in Warthunder and World of tank got better. and toxicity went down by alot.

    Proof with numbers will show what really happening ... and yes i really want to do something about it. I have like good suggestions on making the game better more fun and punishing toxic players

    its really simple Change flashlight from second to Click charge ... ... make flash light 2-3-5 click with duration of 2-3sec each ... its a buff but also a nerf at the same time ...

    Next the Gate area , make it toxic for suriviors , unable to heal in it and if they are in it for more then 3 second Total then they are killed by the entity.

    Really this should help to curb toxicity plays im suprise that dev doesnt want to do anything about it.

  • MyPagio
    MyPagio Member Posts: 20

    Thanks for your answers guys.. I'm mainly playing a game with the best community in gaming industry and all of these are really weird for me.

    I will follow your advices to chill and play when i feel i want just to play (1 or 2 games per day) just for fun and i will not pay attention to any ######### people.

    I really appreciate your answers willing to help me get over this stupidity.

    Happy new year to all of you!

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Just pretend you are mentally unstable, now you get it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,085

    If they're BMing and throwing insults that's bad, but if they're just waiting to give you extra hits then let them.

  • xxshyguyxx
    xxshyguyxx Member Posts: 312

    This game is gross. Once you get past 10 games it becomes unplayable. Dbd is broken for killers at the moment.

    After you play a handful of games you just go against teams of bullies that all run perks that give them 2 or 3 extra chances after you rightfully down them to keep being gross to you.

    In Oct they introduced boons. Now they all can heal for free too and quickly. So it's a losing battle as killer at mid to high mmr.

    Your going to lose most matches. Eventually you'll quit playing killer too. And if you don't, you be miserable playing killer in this game. It's not a fun experience in high ranks. You'll read about alot of killers losing alot so they can play easier games. That's where we are at at the moment.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607
    edited December 2021

    Sociopathy. A lot of survivors are also told it's ok to do because of some weird arbitrary reason such as the killer daring to win instead of letting them win.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah I was just saying the percieved toxicity goes both ways, it can feel more drawn out when survivors stop doing gens to farm a less experienced killer though as the killer equivalents of this tend to be shorter. Either a quick death or a 4min bleed out, not a 10min blind and stun session that just drags out.

    I think that's why people feel bullied by it because sometimes it can really drag out with no real end in sight till the killer just stares at a corner or the survivors get their fill and finish the last gen.

    Its kind of like that old experiment where you make people wait, one group with no indication of time, the other with access to a clock. Both wait the same amount of time but the group without a clock feel like they wait longer and get angrier.