Survivors, how do you feel about going against the Artist?

I love playing this killer, however, I'm aware that she isn't well liked. But is that universally true, any survivors who do like playing against her, or is it all hate?

What do you feel when you see an Artist?



    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    Really? Against a good artist, I feel like you can't really dodge her birds. You're practically forced to just hold W against her, and even though I love playing her, I despise going against her.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    I feel like good Artists deserve the reward. It is possible to counter her birds at loops and such.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    I suppose you can bait the birds and DH does counter it (well, by passing one bird).

    But is she really fun to go against?

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    She's not OP or anything but i find vsing her very dull because as you said, when playing against her for the most part you have to hold W

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Me, in the process of making a concept that turns Jeff into a Killer: 😲

    Anyways, yeah, Artist is really unfun to go against.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    I hate her. I hate how she looks, I really hate how she sounds and all the constant hoarse cawing she does and I hate the fact that she's the new killer that the pre-nerf Freddy players flocked to. It's the same thing, spam power as much as possible and tunnel hooks the second someone gets rescued.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    I've played a couple of games tonight with her, and some survivors just give up or kill themselves on the hook if they see me as the Artist.

    I get it, she's incredibly anti-fun.. but I love playing as her, so I feel guilty playing her.. ;_;

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    if thats how you have fun, go for it. she's no more boring to me than pinhead/slinger/trickster/nemesis/etc. only one of the anti-loop no mobility squad i like facing is pyramid head but that's because i've put so much time into him that the interaction is back and i can return to actually running tiles. if they dont use their power creatively, they dont down me, and that forces both of us to actually react to each other and play in a more interactive way.

    im sure its something similar with artist, and the other anti-loop killers, but holding w works better even against pyramid and im not putting in over 1k hours across 2 years into each of them just to be able to stand a chance at looping. w key is boring but it works so ill take the boredom.

    dont feel guilty about playing what you find fun. unless it's, like, 2x range ruin/pain resonance/undying/tinkerer nurse with a midwich offering against solos, then feel free to feel remourse.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    While I hate facing her, I won't dc or give up unless I'm on hook and my three teammates are hiding behind rocks across the map and not making any indication of doing gens or rescuing me.

    You shouldn't feel bad for playing her. The devs made her to be played and you should enjoy her before her inevitable nerf comes. It's not like your opponents feel guilty for the perks they choose or the strong loops and tiles they run around or feel guilty sabotaging hooks or blinding you.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I enjoy playing against her - but it feels like she gets wrecked a lot. I don't think I've seen an Artist get more than 2 kills when I play survivor, and I barely see her anymore.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867
  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    She's really fun to go against. I love that she has different counterplay and dodging her birds are always fun.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    You are one of my favorite forum members, but our opinions almost always seem to be different :/

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    and, shockingly, you and i manage to prove to the rest of this community that people can disagree with each other and still be friends.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    She doesn't bother me honestly. Her power doesn't feel super oppressive and it's dodgeable. She can sorta guard hooks from a distance but you just have to remember to move away from hook before healing and you're good. Most of my good matches lately have been against Artists

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    Honestly very true! Having different opinions is how we can have conversations, just wish people can come to realize that their opinion isn’t the only thing that matters.

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    I try to sit on a gen, do a totem and maybe an unhook and just hope for the match to end quickly

  • CleanseThis
    CleanseThis Member Posts: 124

    Artist should be nerfed to play it safe.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    Kind of boring as you just hold W to outplay her.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    How is that different from most killers? Holding W is a decent strategy most of the time, you don't have to be against Artist to do it.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    She's fine. Not the best but I don't hate her.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    On a quick note, what's your opinion about Plague, Oni, Twins and Pinhead?

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I like.

    she is the only killer to click the survivors back.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    Not really. A lot of killers can be looped. She can shut off loops, so while she's setting up her crows you just keep running.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I get that a lot of killers can be looped, but what I'm saying is a lot of killers can also be "hold W"-d and it's just as effective against them as it is the Artist.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769
    edited December 2021


    When I play against her "properly" (ie. do not cleanse ever) she's incredibly boring and is just an M1 killer when people are forever injured. She's not as boring as other killers, because I can play against her at tiles instead of resorting to the W key of pain strategy, giving her chances to outplay me and me chances to outplay her. But, she also comes with the option of cleansing, which then adds in a whole new layer of strategy (cleanse now to force her corrupt at an inopportune time + where to cleanse to make sure she has to go out of her way to get her power, giving her the chance to then balance the risk/reward of getting her power then or maybe waiting). Plus dodging Corrupt, while it may seem unfair at times, is a hell of a lot more engaging than the W key so it's absolutely worth it- plus it then creates the mindgame of trying to force a stun at a pallet, does she respect + get the down or does she risk it thinking I'll greed the loop, etc. It creates interaction and mindgames and it gives me ways to feel like I could've lasted longer if I'd done X, or feel good because I predicted she'd do Y.

    Basically, cleansing makes her stronger, but also makes her a lot more fun.


    With the exception of the 5 gen solo stomping Oni players that exist just to make solo an even worse experience, I love them. His power is possibly the scariest in the game to face when you're being chased with, while still actually feeling fair and, like Billy, you have to also put in effort to get to a stage where you can use it at loops. I like the whole risk/reward of do you use all your resources early to help keep momentum for your side as much as possible by denying his power, or do you save them for later when you'll need them to avoid his ability. I like the strategy around that, I like the chases, and I like the killer. Honestly, the last fun to face killer they added imho (and I say this with the opinion that Blight is very fun when they're not using Alch Ring, RuinUndyingTinkerer, and exploiting the game but since I've met about 3 Blight players that don't do those things he's being shoved into the corner).


    A mistake. I despise this killer vehemontly. Solo stomper, terrible design, kit massively encourages slugging everyone to death but you can't buff the kit to encourage other playstyles without also buffing their ability to slug. Do not enjoy, and a lot of the time facing a Twins is my reason to stop playing Survivor for the evening.


    I don't hate him as much as Twins, especially now his BoxBuild:tm: and Engineer's Fang have both been nerfed into the ground, but still a solo stomper and I still don't like that aspect of his kit. I appreciate how the anti-loop isn't just "haha i zone now i win the chase" and you need to put in effort, and I really enjoy the secondary objective- if solo had ways to communicate I would honestly love to face him. Plus, the box music is so nice to listen to and before the strat of kidnapping the box was even discovered I was doing it just to keep hearing the track.

    If only he wasn't connected to NFTs.

    (This wasn't a quick note but in my defence you did ask)

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    The difference is you don't need to. If you have a decent loop you don't need to leave it and actually engage in one of the joys of playing survivor; some fun chases.

    With the Artist there isn't any actual good chases. You just keep running from her because she's anti loop, making her rather boring to face.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    Wow, ty for this long note.

    Just asked about these because I think these 4 are the best designed killers currently. Now that does not necessarily mean they are the most fun killers, but basically they are ones I think depend a lot on your skill, on the survivors ability to 1v1 you AND the survivors ability to play as a team.

    I do agree that the NFT situation is sad AF. I did hate twins but after thinking about the counterplays I think she is okay. Main problem is she requires so much strategy that without SWF communications she may indeed be a serious threat to deal with...

    But absolutely love both Plague and Oni. In terms of design, at the very least

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    So what is it you're looking for them to change with Artist then if anything? If you made her weaker at loops she'd still be vulnerable to holding forward same as before, only now she'd also be more easily beatable at loops too. Do you have an idea to make her better against survivors who hold forward to counterbalance weakening her at loops?

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    I'm not asking to change her. I'm not saying she's OP or anything like that. That's when I would be wanting some changes. She's just boring. A lot of the anti loop killers are boring to face. A good Clown is another one. He can force you drop pallets early which means you got to leave the loop and just keep moving.

    I get why there's anti loop killers, but from a survivor perspective they're rather dull to face. Looping is the only real skill and engaging experience a survivor has. When a killer's power effectively neuters it well it just sucks the fun out of it from the survivor's side.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246
    edited December 2021

    Don't enjoy it at all. Easily the most annoying killer in the game for me and no other killer is close. She's annoying all around for me, from the audio presentation to her mechanics.

    In general, I don't enjoy killers who can force survivors into repeatedly performing what is essentially a stalling action. In the Artist's case, players generally spam crows at gens for intel. I often find myself having to repel a crow swarm within 20 seconds of having just repelled another one. It's not even about having to dodge long range snipes. I can hop in and out of a locker easily enough. It's just super annoying that I have to do this same action over and over and over.

    Going along with the above issue is the awful crow screeching when she fires the crows and when you're swarmed. It's a very grating noise to me. It's especially a nuisance when I'm hearing it a dozen times in a match. I think the devs should take more consideration of the fact that we're going to hear killer noises dozens of times in a match. I don't play as Billy because his roar is tremendously annoying when he does it on every chainsaw.

    From a mechanical perspective, I also have problems with the Artist. The first of which is the button overlap on controller between the repel action and other general actions like pallet drop/vault. Square/X is not used in DbD. Why do we have button overlap (same with Pinhead, this is asinine)? Why does the repel action completely reset when I drop a pallet or vault a window? I would like to see repel be on a static timer.

    She's very non-interactive in a chase when played well. You aren't dodging the crows if they're set correctly and the killer is any good. You are either running into the path of a crow or being zoned into a free M1. The only way around this is to pre-throw the pallet when she begins to set her birds and leave the tile entirely. Nurse/Blight/Spirit are strong but also interactive to varying degrees. The Artist is counterplayed by running when she's 20+ meters away, dropping pallets early, and running away some more. It isn't fun at all. There's no back and forth.

    I understand the need to develop killers who are strong and mechanically simple. Or at least I think I get what you're trying to do and why. But this ain't it.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    She’s not too enjoyable to face. Looping isn’t good against her. Although double floor buildings can work. Holding W isn’t a guaranteed success against her with the birds range. But, she’s strong and gives us a new viable high rank killer.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I enjoy playing against her. I find the chases engaging and I like the game of seeing where she's positioning her birds and avoiding their trajectory while trying not to get zoned. I tend to skim loops with her and leave them quickly, using windows without using the pallet, but it's kind of fun playing that way, getting her to set birds and dipping - the only drawback is that I'm likelier to run the killer into someone on a gen.

    I will say Pain Resonance is deeply irritating to play against, but I love it as killer, so it karmically balances out for me.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Artist needs significant buffs to her cooldown. Incredibly bad, but has potential. If the artist shoots a bird at a W gamer, she loses even more distance. Noone would actually loop her so no resources are used

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    You shoot one to swarm and then you fan with three. It's not that hard to make it work.

    I think being able to do three into three would be too oppressive. If someone's holding W and successfully evading the birds, just ditch the power and chase them in the open. If they go to a loop and actually try to use it, bird - or place one bird to trick them into thinking you're setting up and then follow them out of the loop. She's a 115; she doesn't have the trouble handling this that other ranged killers do, and her power is good for zoning.

  • Moplington
    Moplington Applicant Posts: 30

    AFK go next

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I think we’re going to find she won’t be winning any tournaments any time soon. Some people think S and she aint it.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I love Mommy

  • FreshCoal
    FreshCoal Member Posts: 174

    Absolutely hate going against her. Her power encourages zero skill gameplay in which you just place birds at all of the windows and pallets in a loop and force the survivor to hold w to the next loop, rinse and repeat. Eventually, she will catch up to that survivor after about 30 seconds or so and get a free hit, but at that point she has already lost so much time that the other survivors can just slam out generators and get a 3 man escape every round anyways.

    She is pretty much just the incarnation of OhTofu's bad killer design video. A stupidly powerful anti loop ability that encourages a survivor to hold w, but no mobility power so the survivors can just slam out gens.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Love playing against her

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048

    dont mind her. i like facing her ranged crows, her 1v1 is just chain tiles or hope she doesn't time her crow launch properly, otherwise I'll get hit. when you've got tiles to chain, i think it's fine to face, but even if i don't, it's whatever. i just get hit and move on, either run to my boon and heal or overcoom away and extend the chase.