Something with Lithe

is there something I don't get in the functions of Lithe? 'Cause sometimes after I vault, it does not trigger the speed boost and I can confirm since i don't suffer from exhaustion, neither was I before the action or I am after.



  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @AHEXYFROG said:
    is there something I don't get in the functions of Lithe? 'Cause sometimes after I vault, it does not trigger the speed boost and I can confirm since i don't suffer from exhaustion, neither was I before the action or I am after.


    Did you fast vault?

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    As someone who uses this perk on my Tapp, I can help with this, Lithe will only work unless you are in a full on chase with the killer, if the killer has LOS on you, you will gain the full sprint once you vault a window and/or pallet. Now the only time i have ever noticed when Lithe does not go off is when i am exhausted. Period. There is nothing else to be said about it. I have never seen someone run the perk and it not go off unless they are not in LOS with the killer or they are exhausted and it did not go off.

    AHEXYFROG Member Posts: 5

    Thx guyz