Unplayable. Can't take it seriously .
Yeah. Just another game where most gens are done in 5 minutes, and I can't play long enough to do much. What I did do however was negated by free healing for all. My huntress couldn't keep up. Injure. Heal. Injure. Heal. All game.
Then you down someone and o look insta heal into a dead hard.
It's honestly laughable. 4 Gens done in 5 minutes and no toolboxes either. My biggest issue was keeping them hurt. Heal heal heal
Between speedboosts, instaheals, deadhards, and 100 pallets on every map this game is literally designed for swfs to hammer you into the dirt and your supposed to just take it.
Snuff the boon? Nah relight it. Down someone? Nah for the people or insta medkits. When all 5 gens are done and you struggle to get 3 or 4 hooks......
These are the matches I'm having.
Why would you want to win? Why? To play even harder games where people are worse? Everyone knows high MMR is nothing but 4man swfs and cheaters.
I'll just kill 1 every match then. Focus on daily challenges and archives.
You guys can keep your high mmr crap. It's to much cushion for survivors. To many chances and coordinating for killers to stand any actual chance.
It's a pretty miserable experience. 😕
Pretty much the only people left playing killer are masochists these days.
27 -
The game wasn't done in 5 minutes based on the BP gains alone.
This honestly doesn't look too bad but I can't judge the quality of the players either.
I'm sympathetic, but not convinced these guys were anything special.
29 -
I've honestly just stopped logging in except to do some dailies every few days. I got on last night and had to do huntress/spirit/artist dailies. Tried to do artist first. Haddonfield, then badham, then rpd. Also it would be nice if the vertical detection went high enough in RPD to at least get killer instinct on the 2nd floor.
I don't even kill survivors anymore and the games are just so miserable to play, its a complete slugfest trying to get anything. I think I'm just gonna end up taking a break until the new killer comes out.
6 -
Gens were. The remaining time was a 4 survivor gang up with flashlights, and I hardly pulled off that 1 kill.
She was healed instantly 1 too. Then again by 2 of them. I waited out her borrowed in the end and scraped by all while getting clicked at constantly and then harassed in the end game chat.
This is a normal occurrence. Unless I play Bubba, nurse, blight, and run NOED the endgame is so gross. Dead hards and insta heals, and teabaghing and being ganged up on.
God bless NOED dude. It's the only time I'm not swarmed. Killer is a joke lmao.
3 -
Yeah, you can't get 31k points on survivor in 5 minutes. That match went a lot longer than you think
15 -
Yeah aside from all their second chances and coordinating and free heals, twice I hit someone and they screamed but wasn't injured. They get that too
1 -
That's such a cop out at this point. You know the game is survivor sided. Just because the killer loses doesn't mean that they're bad or that the survivors were good.
8 -
Was I perfect? No. I missed alot of hatchet throws because they were just good at wiggling left or right slightly as I threw with my clunky slow mechanics and loud sound que before the hatchet flies.
They did well. Very well. I was ganged up on constantly. When survivors play effectively it shines a light on how hard it is for most killers to get two kills.
I struggled for 1. All the survivors have to do is gens. If they focus on gens, 1 or 2 survivors can take enough of a killers time for 3 or 4 gens to get done.
Then from there on out, it's ez time. Chill time. 1 gen left. 3 can gang up while 1 downs the last gen, and rely on all those stacked perks and 100 pallets to lengthen time long enough to do so.
I play high MMR. I see the trend. Gens go in the first 3 or 4 minutes. Then the rest of the game is them using all those perks to help them stall you out get the gen done and help eachother out the gate with free heals and bosyblocks, dead hard, d strikes, etc...
They didn't do anything wrong. It's what they are supposed to do. It's the game. The mechanics.
You as a killer are supposed to lose to this. Trutal3nt has said this for years. I see it. Lol
3 -
Unless the end game took 10 minutes, that top Survivor couldn't have had almost 32K points.
10 -
And people willing to let survivors be mad over a video game~
0 -
I wouldn't say the game is survivor sided. But the MMR does a better job of matching functionally coordinated survivors together, so that one potato that used to get your hook/kill count rolling often isn't there.
It requires a far more focused and flawless game by the killer, which can be tiring even self defeating after multiple games in a row. I think that breeds a one sided kind of feeling.
1 -
Thank you. I'm not the best by any means. But seeing 4 survivors working together like this so quickly and healing so fast and so often I can't help but ask what's the point?
I'm supposed to be a threat. If you can heal freely as often as you'd like and quickly, how could anyone ever be afraid of a killer I'm this game?
You put in all that work to hit someone, and they speed off like a rocket to heal for free. Lmao.
Once they heal, it defeats the entire chase and wasted all that time put in for it. "BING" another gen pops.
4 -
Yeah it is a bit of a copout jerk thing to say on the forums especially with how easy it is to reset killer pressure with fast healing.
I'd say the game in its current state doesn't really allow for spread damage hit and run type tactics anymore, its to easy to reset.
However the rest of the meta is chase extending 1v1 perks so its a bit damned if you do damned if you don't when committing or not committing to chases.
As far as understand it even 1 kill prevents your MMR going down so basically if you want to get back to a level where you aren't heavily outmatched you need to eat a lot of 4 escapes to do it. Kinda blows form a gameplay perspective.
Only thing to do is sink time into a killer to get more efficient at chases under the current meta and then work on burning out another player as early as possible. Take the game to a 3 on 1 and level the playing field ASAP.
Survivors will hate on you for tunneling but you don't see anyone giving you any breating room with the gens so why give breathing room with the kills.
5 -
you need to gen hex that's all. All of them fır hunting and now game rules changed. Gens completed very fast. Min you need 2 gen hex
1 -
Haven't gotten a kill in past 5 matches. What's happening is I'm top MMR bc there's hardly any killers playing so I can rank down.
Here's a typical match. 3 gens done or 2 gens almost 3 gens by first hook. 4 or 5 gens by 3rd hook.
End game happens. All four collectively use their speed boosts like 99% their sprint burst or lithe, bodyblocks, dead hard, or d strike to easily get out the exit.
Every match.
I leave with no kills and maybe 4 or 5 hooks every game.
3 -
If youre losing that many matches you arent top MMR anymore.
4 -
Yep. The game is so far balanced towards survivors, and yet some clowns (pun intended) still want to stop any tool or strategy the killers use to try to help themselves.
This post 100%.
2 -
Just open the gate yourself once all gens have been completed. Avoid any further contact once the gates are open. Send a smiley when they escape with 11k bloodpoints and move on to the next instant match.
Simply play survivor.
4 -
They really need to reevaluate killer they used to be threatening like 3 years ago or maybe allow 2 killers in a teamup. Granted they can be threatening as long as they are either stealth or mobile but thats really only a select few sometimes its both. This game will definately die if they dont figure out how to bring back a bit of the terror this game originally had.
1 -
You’re playing Huntress using Huntress’ Lullaby and Deerstalker and Franklins and Bitter Murmur as your loadout and you’re complaining that you only got one kill against survivors who played well and did gens?
3 -
I might read it wrong tho, but insta heal med kit?
These things were taken away a long time ago.
So the only way to pick someone up instantly is with for the people (before the last gen pops anyway), you can use a syringe on a downed survivor however it still takes 16 for it to go back to injured state.
Now i can understand it is frustrating when you get steamrolled as killer, but at least give accurate info.
Same as multiple people already told you that the match went on longer than 5 minutes you claimed. 😉
2 -
I feel this so much you even do very well in chases than you get tea bagging survivors for no reason. Don’t put yourself down maybe it was a swf🤔 swfs are very hard to deal with especially on coms
0 -
With everything currently in the game, if people still don't think the game is survivor-sided, they never will lol
2 -
Do not complain untill you have this:
Or this:
Welcome to dead by competitive, dead by busted, dead by tryhard or whatever you wanna call this game.
By the way i'm taking another break like last year which I stay maybe 1 year without even touching this game.
1 -
OP I feel you. I haven't played in years and after one day I'm getting matched against rank 1's. I'm trying new killers with random yellow and green perks too. It's impossible to learn the game again without any way to even go into a practice mode with the killer I want to learn. It's just an overall bad experience coming back when you have to immediately go against the highest rank players. I was honestly falling in love with dbd again the first 5-10 games or so before matchmaking decided to make the game unplayable. I wouldn't mind so much if I didn't want to play all the new killers. I've got 10 new killers to play around with and it's just not possible if I have to play against people with 1000+ hrs and full perks.
0 -
I think you're missing the point. He's ranked gold and has low tier perks. This is exactly why he shouldn't be matched against Rank 1's. People should be able to level up and attain top tier perks without being steamrolled non stop.
I'm just coming back from a 2 yr break but I don't remember facing rank 1's until green or purple ranks. Also, the fact that we can't even depip now makes it inevitable that we will leave the Ash ranks and be unable to test builds, try new killers or do anything fun.
Just to try and enjoy the stomp, I popped a party streamers before trying to play Nurse for the first time in years. I played relatively fair and got nothing but salt and BM in return. Why is my mmr putting me vs rank 1's after 2 yrs of inactivity? Why can't I have some games against players of similiar skill so I can enjoy getting back into DbD? Rather than having to immediately go full try hard to even have a match go past 5mins. I ######### chase and 3-4 gens are done. It doesn't even feel like its worth the wait for survivors. The game feels twice as fast as it used to be, at least.
1 -
hey bro i understand the feeling of a match feeling hopeless but in reality they had rainbow perks and a guy get 31k points that doesnt happen in a match where you get absolutely stomped or where the gens get done in 5 minutes but if youre not having fun with killer play some surv or just take a break till you come back better then ever
2 -
I understand you just came back from a 2 year break, but the grades (ranks) means nothing anymore, just how many you played per month.
You can still get grade iri 1 survivors as a ash 4 killer and steamroll over them, the grades don't mean they're skilled or anything.
All that counts now is a number that bhvr for some reason decided to hide 🤷🏼♂️
About learning new killers.
The way i did that was, i just go into a match without perks and add ons.
Not caring whether or not survivors get away or not, i just use a few matches to understand the power of said killer.
Learning what the strengths and weaknesses are.
I'll try and figure out what perks might work well with them and try that, switching some out for others if i feel they won't work as good as i thought.
Then I'll start using add ons and see exactly what they change.
But tbf it's not an ideal way to learn, but you gotta do whit what you got.
Personally for perks i think it will be a very wise idea to just get rid of all the different tiers and just make it 1 tier for perks.
That way it also takes away the huge amount of grind it takes now with all the new killers and survivors since release.
Veterans won't notice anything of that while new players don't spend years to unlock all the perks on the characters.
2 -
Personally i think bhvr needs to start looking at the core of the game, as the balance keeps falling away more and more from the killer.
Imo the biggest flaw was the introduction of sbmm, that has no place in a game like this.
If they really wanted this in it, then they should've worked on other things first before even thinking about sbmm.
Unfortunately i have lost interest in dbd because of this.
Been playing since day 1 on console and have 3000+ hours in this game.
I don't mind if i have to sweat from time to time, but game after game after game after game, just takes away the fun.
I have switched to survivor but that got bored really fast which led me to leave entirely.
Haven't been on dbd about 2-3 weeks before the artist was released.
And tbh from what i have seen since i have left, i have no intention on starting again unless there are some huge changes.
1 -
At this moment in time I don't think they will cause it seems like they are more focused on selling people ######### than actually balancing this game.
1 -
Gens done in 5 mins the rest of the time they didn't open the doors to prolong the game and stall out and farm the killer.
2 -
Looking at your perks you should have already known you were in a bad position.
Taking Franklins when only one survivor had an item, a flashlight of all things which a survivor can easily waste their time using.
Deerstalker, which is already a desperate perk to even want to take, has barely any use unless you purposely want to make survivors miserable through slugging.
Huntress Lullaby is pretty crap amongst all hex perks in existence, skill checks wont be something you'd want to place a bet on against survivors actually decent at the game
Bitter Murmer can be clutch, and since all gens were done you got full value out of it. With Huntress, you could have been able to snipe a few people if you had the skill to do so, but that varies on the map.
3 -
How can you find any challenge in playing killer?
Hitboxes are on the size of small planets, and you have 20 hooks next to each other, etc.
I stopped playing killer one year ago, I always felt bad for survivors because you'd have to try not to get a 4 man.
Always giving one person a hatch.
0 -
Yeah, if the survivors have COH, it's practically an unwinnable match unless the survivors are braindead. The audacity of this perks strength is the sole reason I'm not enjoying killer at the moment. If I hear it go up, I either go afk because I refuse to play a losing match, or tunnel/camp.
0 -
31k ,22k, and 21k bps seems like a long game to me.
1 -
Try playing killer regularly. I've finished with the game. It's crap and waste of time and honestly I want a refund
0 -
There is no way you got gen rushed with a Survivor there breaking 30K BP.
1 -
And? I shouldn't be forced to use the same perks to try and win. If killer were even remotely balanced, I should go in with no perks and still have a chance at a kill at least.
Base killer gameplays show the true flaws of m1 killers. Go in with no gen slow down and watch how fast it goes.
Then go in with gen slow down and see how little difference it makes once ruin goes In 45 to a min, and pop isn't used more than 3 or 4 times bc getting hooks is hard to do at higher mmr. Lol
Perks help, but the difference isn't as drastic as you think when it comes to gen regression builds.
People say slow gens, or tunnel out somebody is the only way to prolong the game to give the killer a true shot.
That or luck and survivor mistskes.
0 -
This. I said that but people aren't listening. Gens were done in 5 minutes. They stalled the game and messed with me using all their second chance perks and speed boosts and flashlights they found in chests.
I didn't mind the stalling bc it gave me time. That's all I want when I play killer
You can't win chases and get hooks to apply pressure and stop gens when survivors shift w rocket blast to pallet after pallet that seem to all be so vlose together they chain them.
You can break chase, but if the next survivor is just as good nothing changes, your still in a walking simulator trying to down them.
Once you finally get to the point where you've downed 2 of them there are usually only 2 gens left. Lmao.
Do the math. 2 gens and 4 survivors most not even hooked twice yet.
Game over already.
I know within the first 3 minutes of a match weather or not the games done before its actually done bc of how fast gens go. Unless.... I'm running an end game build.
0 -
Why would you expect to be on par with survivors who not only play well but also use solid loadouts if you yourself aren’t equipping a solid loadout? Nobody is forcing you to use anything you don’t want to use but it’s unreasonable to think that just using random loadouts is going to be as effective as using well thought out ones that help synergize your path to victory.
0 -
I don't see an insta-medkit anywhere in here. These survivors didn't bring in any add-ons except 1 flashlight. Their perks were a lot of non-meta perks. Also, you were running horrendous perks. Franklins Demise was a complete waste of a perk slot, why would you use that for a survivor bringing 1 item in? Also, there was 1 CoH, it takes you 3 seconds to crush a CoH and them 14 seconds to light it, then 16 seconds to use it. You are way ahead on time effeciency.
Deerstalker? Huntress Lullaby? Those are horrible perks. It might be all you had, but you are definitely going to have a bad time with a Killer using those perks.
If you want to post a video, we can always critique it, but right now, just based on everything I'm seeing and what you are saying, you were against a much better group of players and you had a horrible perk layout.
1 -
- you had bad perks, like REALLY bad perks. Don't expect to win with those if SBMM is working and matching you with people who are a challenge for you
- it's nearly impossible that this game was over after 5 minutes, considering the BP. I've seen a lot games where survivors were just splitting up on gens against a killer who had no pressure at all and ending the game in 5 minutes. Those survivors never have more than 20k BP and the same goes for the killer. In matches like this i often do not have more than 15k BP, doesn't matter on which side i play. You defintely had some hooks and some survivors were unhooking, healing etc., so there is nothing really to complain about, you just lost.
0 -
Look at your build and even theirs and you can see you just got outplayed. They aren't even using things to make CoH extra fast, without a medkit or a teammate it is still 16 seconds.
Can anybody accept when a loss is their own and work on improving lmao it is a pvp game, why do people expect to play and get easy wins constantly. I see nothing but skill issue in this post. Killer mains used to be respected for taking more skill than survivor, but now it appears we have become more entitled and whiny than survivors.
0 -
I agree. Where he went wrong was playing the damn game at all in its current state.
0 -
The only people who can win with this build is umbra and coco.