Exalt Your Favorite Killer Perk
Back in September I made a thread asking people what is your personal favorite killer perk that is as popular to you as Survivor will run Dead Hard.
Back then I generally always would include BBQ and Chili on a killer I didn't have all my perks unlocked on yet but now that we are passed that and new perks have dropped since then I decided to update my all time favorite perk of 2021;
No Way Out
When it comes to value, this perk just works. The majority of my games it always has given me that little breath of air at the end of a match to get that one last kill in.
Pain resonance has become a main stay on any build and helps low mobility killers like clown massively
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I don't care what anyone says. There is something hilarious about watching a four man SWF lose their collective minds in the endgame chat because you "ruined" their game by taking away their precious flashlights.
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Forced Pennance
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NoED. It's bleeping hilarious to watch Survivors rant at me, even if it never procced.
I once had a match where I got called a 'Noob Killer' for 'relying on NoED'. Except I got the final kill with 1 gen left. NoED never saw use in the match. But apparently I was a noob for even equipping it. 🙃
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I have a few perks I'm fond of, if I had to really pick a favorite though it might be Devour Hope. Not because it's the "best" perk, but because when it works well it's just plain awesome. 😄 Seriously, how do you top being able to get the kill animations on potentially all four survivors from one perk? It doesn't often happen but when it does it's just plain godly.
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mad grit and bbq
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It's shite, but I like being able to manipulate the TR, especially with PH's Music because I know how bangin' it is.
(I still get my arse kicked often but my favorite build to use is Agitation/Distressing/Starstruck/other Perk)
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I too have grown fond of NWO. To add different perks that i love to run:
Plaything with or without Pentimento.
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i literally cannot play the game without shadowborn i get spun so hard without it
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PGTW. I know it's come under fire recently for being too ineffecient and there are better alternatives, but there's something just so satisfying about watching all that progress vanish in a cluster of sparks that I can't stop.
Honourable mention to
SurgeJolt.0 -
Whispers for me
I do have trouble finding Survivors so this perk helps
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Currently it's a toss-up between Forced Penance and Franklin's Demise.
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Monitor and Abuse is my favourite.
1. Good FoV outside of chase, makes looking around easier.
2. Less TR outside of chase, mildening the W meta if you approach behind wrecks, debris and walls.
3. Normal FoV inside a chase doesn't mess with my perception, which Shadowborn would do, allowing me to be able to play without M & A.
4. More TR inside a chase will make one or the other Survivor panic. (Rather weak upside).
This Perk just works really well for me, my ultimate "comfy Perk".
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Tempted to say Pain Resonance, as it's probably the most 'perfect' perk they've ever made (satisfying, powerful, interesting interactions with other perks, skillful, has counterplay), but I'll go with Surge.
- Herding survivors to just the right spot to fire off a juicy one is brilliant.
- Extremely satisfying to use.
- Free.
- Requires clever decision making.
- Allows me freedom in that I don't have to kick as many gens.
Runner up: Plaything.
- I love stealth.
- Excellent tertiary pressure.
- Interesting interactions with other perks/kits.
- Can be used as an info perk too.
- Enables Penti (especially once boons eventually get their nerf).
Pop is still an excellent perk. It's a bit clunkier than PR/Surge/Ruin but has a higher yield. I love combining it with Oppression (if Oppression ever gets it's cooldown improved, I'll probably run this combo a lot).
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I refused to allow myself to use lightborn for a long time, trying to never rely too much on perks, but dammit, when I have lightborn on I just feel invincible. Like "I'm the GD Killer, your choices are run or run."
It's worth a perk slot, to me.
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Hex: Blood Favour
Survivor gets hit*
Me: "Run Faster" :)
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Same here! I find myself including it in some builds and always use it on Legion.