Delete badham for 2022 resolution devs :)

Thank you.
Or at least rebalance it, so survivors don't have 4 godly buildings to run to and the only viable killer on that map being nurse.
Oh yea also delete/rebalance Circle of healing while you're at it.
EDIT: oh yea and RPD while ur at it. In fact swamp as well.
EDIT 2: In fact nah just delete every map that isn't autohaven or macmillian thanks. Move maurice to an autohaven map so he stays.
EDIT 3: Oh yea revert coldwind map rework and then keep that. Old coldwind was cool asf.
These things negatively affect survivor so that’s not gonna happen. But they’ll punish killers that face camp though!
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Survivor bad.
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Just delete RPD and I’ll be happy
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oh, only things that don’t negatively affect survivors happen?
that explains DS nerf, OoO rework, rework of hatch and key mechanics, etc.
also face camping is just boring and not a good killer strategy to begin with. The devs just said they were working on something in very early stages which might not even make its way to PTB/live at all.
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Oh yes, they addressed a few perks that were broken and changed the hatch/key mechanics a whole year after they nerfed Mori offerings.
Face camping is perfectly legit in several circumstances, when you see several survivors hovering near the hook to get some altruism instead of doing gens there’s no reason to leave the hooked survivor, or when they’re already close to hitting stage 2 or dying on the hook.
Is it fun? No, but neither is seeing 2-3 gens pop before you even get the first hook if you’re not running Corrupt or Deadlock.
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Or just delete the other 4 variations of it and rebalance the map. There is no reason for 5 variations.
Post edited by Aurelle on10 -
For real! Whats actually the difference between the maps?
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Well.. did they address and nerf survivor mechanics or did they not?
i never defended gens popping as fast and you really don’t know what kinda attempt they want to go for anti-facecamp. You are perfectly describing scenarios which are not just facecamps with survivors around etc.
Moris and keys were never intended to be direct counter parts and Moris are now arguably stronger than keys either way, so how was that survivor biased? Maybe try to look at both sides nerfs, buffs and problems instead of focusing on one side and trying to argue everything from the other side away.
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Imagine thinking they know how to balance maps. Lol. Just hope they fix CoH and that'll already be pretty substantial.
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They released Eyrie of crows in 2021 (less than 2 months ago) which is utterly broken sometimes with tons of pallets chained with jungle gyms and T walls, so don't expect them to fix something when they released that map so recently. I've lost hope on seeing the broken maps balanced or even balanced maps in the future, the last map was a painful dose of reality.
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On a tangent I’d love to know actual kill/escape rate statistics by map. The last time they gave us it was two years ago I think which was before all the map reworks and breakable pallets existed. It’d be interesting to know roughly where the various maps stand statistically.
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Remember those map reworks we are getting as part of the "Realm Beyond"?....Still waiting.
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It's a different layout - all of the tiles and buildings are the same, but they're in different positions relative to each other. For example, sometimes the Preschool is in the back corner of the map, while on other variations, it's more in the middle.
They're all still completely terrible, of course.
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Don't forget Haddonfield too 🥰
Honestly bring back Hawkins but re-skinned I liked that map as survivor much more than I do Haddonhell, RPD, Swamp, or Badham, with the added benefit of it not being survivor sided bullshit.
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People would say that they've done their job with giving 'new coats of paint' to some maps with minor tweaks, such as adding walls and moving some tiles here and there.
But then they downright overhauled Ormond (Absolutely warranted even if it's still a dumb map) and The Game (Which is the most incompetently made map since Haddonfield). This weird pick and choose approach makes no sense and breaks any excuse they could have as to why they didn't bother overhauling some terrible maps and giving some focus on halfway decent balance.
Some other maps like Thompson House got a slightly bigger change than those that were mostly aesthetic and I don't know why. Cowshed is a million times worse and only a couple of walls were added, which do nothing to stop the overall issues of the map.
Wasted labour hours IMO, they may 'look' better, which isn't much given early maps looks pretty low-tier due to their initial limitations, but many of these maps play WORSE. Some shacks are downright horrible with collision. Like, what?
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There are a few maps that need a rework.
Badham is one of them.
Stop thinking that breakable walls solves everything and just remove some of the silly windows, and increase hook density while you are at it.
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Remember when they removed the ironworks window and said "don't worry we can adjust other maps later" and never adjusted them. Instead buffed already survivor sided maps to be literally brainless to play on.
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Keys weren't reworked lol. Not even touched for a while.
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Keys were reworked to not be usable once they have zero charges and later got reworked to take some time before you can jump into the hatch.
but I guess at least it makes sense how you people think the devs are survivor biased if you completely blend out stuff like that.
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Yes i say since i startet playing killer four and half year ago alread the major issue dbd will always be the genspeed and the extremly strong ehaustion perks ,dead hard,sprint burst that literally dond alow the killer to play fair on any way against three four mans
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Badham honestly needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. It just has too many good tiles. There's 4 strong buildings - most maps only have 2 - and everywhere you turn there's a small or medium low pallet loop, the kind that would be mindgameable if the survivor didn't have full visibility of the killer. Which they do, on every single one. Add in all the fences and the fact that each gen is in its own solar system, and it's just Ugh. I'd take RCPD over Badmap any day.
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badham needs an entire rework. start from 0 with it. it's embarrassingly bad.
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A few different loops and structures in different layouts
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Holy crap is that the real minecraft.