Blight should be buffed

I play Blight with 1500 dpi and often use alchemist's ring. This killer feels very strong.
However even with strong meta builds (ruin-undying-bbq-tinkerer or corrupt-pop-bbq-pain resonance) I am not able to achieve 4k more than 90% of the time.
Unfortunatelly against well coordinated survivor teams blight still feels very week.
I think BHVR should buff blight, so he is able to counter well coordinated competiively playing swf teams bringing strong items.
One way is to increase his possible turn rate during rush by 10-20% or to buff his add ons so he doesnt rely on strong add ons like the alchemist's ring.
The J flick could also added back to the game.
In my opinion these buffs would make this killer more fair and balanced.
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This is bait right?
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Honestly make him be able to do 720 degree flicks and we’re cool
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you often use alchemist's ring and you want a buff to blight.. aite chief this aint it.
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Even with barbecue I can only get around 60-80k blood points per match. So I can use alchemist's ring only every second match or so.
I think Blight's common add-ons should also be strong enough to counter swf teams with ranger medkits and BNPs.
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Blight is fine as he is. He's one of the most balanced killers in the game.
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I was waffling on whether this was bait or not, but the "I can only 4k 90% of the time" was what really sold it for me. I'll spare you the 4-paragraph lecture and just say bait.
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Blight can't 4k 100% of the time, he needs those buffs
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obvious bait is obvious
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then he'd be the Ballerina, not the Blight
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What do you mean? With ruin undying one year ago (before the nerf) I was able to achieve a 90% kill rate even with Bubba.
But Blight is considered S tier. He should be stronger.
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devs want 50% so actually being s tier should guarantee slightly above not 90% minimum
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Yes he should be buffed I think he should run at 100 light years per second disgusted at how they massacred Blight smh
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Blight and the survivors after this change:
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You say that like it’s a bad thing
On a serious note all he needs is an alchemist ring/blighted crow nerf
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OMG you can't 4k every game? I feel so sorry for you.
Devs make alc ring basekit and increase movement speed to 120%.
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Top 200 blight main here, don’t do that lmfao, that said I would love to see jflicks again somehow but that’s a different convo. Get better
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Decent bait, but really nothing great.
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I dont know where he says he 4k 90% of his games. You should read again, he says he has no 4k for 90% of his games.
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Pulled directly from the ops post since you can't read
"However even with strong meta builds (ruin-undying-bbq-tinkerer or corrupt-pop-bbq-pain resonance) I am not able to achieve 4k more than 90% of the time."
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"I am not able to achieve 4k more than 90% of the time."
Sounds like he cant achieve 4K for 90% of the time (games) or are you lacking some english?
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Do you understand what the words and phrase more than means?
Perhaps this will help
More then means greater then
Perhaps that will help you understand English better
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What does "I am not able" mean here? Apples?
If he is not able to do it more than 90% this means only 10% of it is 4k you expert
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Yeah you are right 😂
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Lol I found this conversation hilarious no hard feelings buddy it was funny
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i mean is technically right since all blights feel the need to bring alchemist + speed every game or at least double speed wich are basically his best addons otehrwise they feel he is weak (is not) but still... (im just following the meme)
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Just bring back helicopter tech and I'm happy.
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Finally, we have found yzzulS
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No thanks, i would rather have unbalanced ######### on both sides than have only one aide balanced.
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He doesn't need buffs and I also think Alchemist ring shouldn't be reworked. Maybe made into a pink add on but that's it.
Blight is the perfect killer in the game.
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I think you should try out Blight for real to know how he plays if you really struggle that much against him
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If we make his highest turn rate add-on basekit, we can do away with those add-ons and switch them out for more creative and useful add-ons. That's basically what needs to happen with a lot of killers.
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100% agreed, and to compensate we should nerf Pig
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There were some pretenders to the throne obut they never managed to write the posts in the correct way so they always end up banned, lets hope this new challenger is up to the task (for how baity he/she usually is his/her manners, way of writing, lack of verbal attacks etc its impeccable and a lot of times does have a point but its taken to the extreme so Killer mains bite the bait like madmen).
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They didn’t pass the gauntlet.
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I disagree
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Blight is in great state.
DPI is not even an issue - hello from console.
Turn rate is okay aswell. You can curve, you can flick, etc.
It is ment that his strategy is to be a pin ball.
So therefore you have to use bump logic to get a zone and a hit.
Rather then asking for a buff, I would suggest you to tweak your perks a bit.
you can add no way out. It will buy you another 1min which might be what u need for 4K