Hooked/ dying survivors shouldn’t reveal Ghostface

Frankly it’s absurd that a hooked or drying survivor can break Ghostface out of his power. You’ve won the chase, you should be rewarded for it, not punished

A hooked or downed survivor is temporarily out of action, they should be able to do nothing but crawl and recover until they’re rescued, not rob a killer of their entire power


  • steamed_hamzzz
    steamed_hamzzz Member Posts: 255

    Other survivors could still break him out near the hook if he was camping so it wouldn’t be that much of an issue

    as for slugging, that’s just a valid strategy for the killer in general, same as body blocking and taking hits for survivors

    This proposed change would simply make him more of a threat and make him feel like a killer with an actual power against a group of survivors. SWF comms already destroy his stealth gameplay so it would be nice if he had some way to deal with them all grouped up or hovering around a hooked or dying survivor

  • steamed_hamzzz
    steamed_hamzzz Member Posts: 255

    Great argument. It’s no wonder survivor queue times are getting longer and killers are quitting

    Killers should be powerful and every single one of them should feel like a threat, even to the most experienced SWF squad

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    This is really easily countered by just not turning stealth back on until the hooked survivor doesn't have LoS on you anymore. Like I only ever had a problem with this in the very first game or two that I played Ghostface. Then I went "oh, okay, you turn stealth on after you've moved away from the hook" and it was never an issue again.

    I understand the argument against it, but I don't really mind it because the only thing it prevents is camping, which I have no especial desire to encourage. Besides, you can still do it, you just need to position yourself somewhere where the hooked player can't get you on the center of your screen.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    Slugging and camping aren't really problems, though. They're valid playstyles. Both with plenty of counters.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    I mean, that's purely subjective. It's only unhealthy because people take the game too seriously and have this inner entitlement that they are somehow "owed" a fun game, or a chance to escape.

    It's like when killers get mad at survivors for splitting on gens. It's dumb, and so is whining about camping. Same with slugging.

    You can not dictate playstyles. That's how a game dies. The biggest issue in DBD isn't camping, slugging, balance, or anything like that. It's players who whine about inconsequential things that are part of the game. Play it for what it is or hop back to Minecraft on peaceful mode.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited January 2022

    As long they are still in the match, they will reveal you and it should stay like this. Being hooked or in dying state doesn't mean they are out of game.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    i love the queue time argument because it's so completely subjective and depends entirely on when you actually play. i have video proof of me sitting through an entire round of bloons td6 on hard while waiting for a game as someone i'm very meh with so mmr is likely to be near middle while a survivor queue right after is, like, instant.

  • eeveelouwho
    eeveelouwho Member Posts: 9

    I'm a ghostie main and I disagree. Theres already too much of an issue with camping. You can get creative and make sure you aren't revealed if you're careful and dedicated to camping but frankly its worthless to Camp anyway— a smart team will just do gens and you lose valuable time.

    I think he needs a buff, for sure, but I dont think that's the solution.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 360

    This argument is invalid - the point of a game is to have fun. That's what they're made for.

    You don't buy a game to hate it and never want to play, you buy it to enjoy it and have a good time.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    Fun is subjective. If they removed everything everyone thought was unfun, there's a lot that wouldn't exist.

    • Huntress
    • Dead Hard
    • Trickster
    • Ruin
    • All Other Exhaustion Perks
    • Bubba
    • Unbreakable
    • DS

    I could go on. Fun is subjective. Why does your fun take precedence over someone else's?

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    "I don't agree. Argument invalid."

    You've entered the "I have no argument" phase. Let the grown ups speak if you're just here to invalidate.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 360

    The argument is invalid. You're literally saying that you shouldn't expect to have fun while playing a video game. Like where's the logic? Because I'm not seeing any.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164
    edited January 2022

    Where's the logic? What about the killer who might get a kick out of the camping playstyle? Or the slugging playstyle? That's supposed to be removed because some survivors don't find it fun? Because survivors babyrage over it like you? Why is your fun more important?

    Your entitlement is showing.

    I feel like I'm the only one who finds it hilarious when I get camped. OOF. Then again, apparently I'm the only one with the inside scoop that...wait for it...this is a video game. Not real life. :D

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    Unfortunately, when it comes to a community so entitled as the DBD community, their consensus means absolutely nothing. Even the devs know that, which is why they don't listen. If they listened to the community, the game would be even more broken than it already is.

    EVERYONES fun should be considered. Not just a majority, which just happens to be survivors.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    I'd rather seem passive aggressive than take a video game so seriously that I think my fun is worth more than others. It's a far worse look than passive aggressive statements.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 360

    Something being briefly funny, and something being fun overall are two very different things. Like yeah, you can laugh it off but at the end of the day you now get to sit on a hook and do nothing until you die. There's nothing fun in that. Especially if queue times are long and you had to wait ages for a match just to get to do nothing.

    As for those who camp and slug as their 'playstyle', they're not going to get kicked from the game. It has been a present since the start and I don't see it going away anytime soon. If people want to camp and slug, they will find a way, as they always have.

    What I have also found with those who camp and slug is that they don't do it for the reward, because it tends to be not that rewarding. They do it to ruin another person's fun, or to take out their grievances from a past match on a new set of survivors, and if ruining someone's fun is your idea of fun, well then you're just not a very nice person.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    Agreed, reveal mechanic is definitely a bit wonky with what does/doesn't reveal him. I've stared directly at a Ghostface with nothing in the way and not uncloaked him but will be hiding behind a rock with only corner of my screen showing environment and I'll hear the sound of me revealing him. Makes no sense.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 360

    Too out there I guess. It's not like most people would agree or anything...

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    Yeah I agree. I understand the pain and have thought this too, but I also know Ghost Face's power was designed around hiding and stalking in your hiding spots. He wasn't designed to be a killer using his power out in the open. However I will say that I think you shouldn't be able to reveal ghost face if he doesn't have the ability to see you from his location. I'm not entirely sure if that would be difficult to code and is a bad idea, but I think it would stop those annoying times where a survivor hides behind a wall or generator, Ghost Face can't see you, but you can reveal him.

    If Ghost Face can stalk you, you should be able to reveal him. If Ghost Face doesn't have the ability to stalk you, you shouldn't be able to reveal him. (Under assumptions he is looking in your direction, not like "Oh he decided to turn around now you can't reveal him")

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Just because something's a valid playstyle doesn't mean it should be encouraged. The ideal game is one that has interaction on both sides because it consistently allows for the most fun on both sides; the necessity or overly high benefit of strategies that deny interaction and prevent a player from playing is a deeper problem to be addressed, not something that BHVR wants to happen more often. That kind of thing is bad for player retention and general game enjoyment - people don't like being camped to death any more than people like having 5 gens done 4-5 minutes into the game, so it stands to reason that the developers should want to make them less attractive, not more.