Why complain about playing killer and then play for the survivor?

Legitimately confused why people complain about playing killer, and then try to play fair and nice. It is pretty blatant and obvious now that when killer plays to win and plays good, they can win just as much as survivor.

If you are so mad at the game being survivor sided, then play better and meaner lol. Killer isn't impossible, hell I don't even think the game is survivor sided anymore, a year ago I would've said for sure it but now, killer has just as much strong and mean stuff that can be used as survivor that this game is more sided to the side that brings stronger stuff.

Are you mad that the game is survivor sided and you want the game balanced? Or do you just want to win easier?


  • Pikachaouuu
    Pikachaouuu Member Posts: 87

    Usually because a lot killer players play to have fun and playing full mean killer isn't the idea of fun for them, wich to be honest is the main idea of a game.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Fully agree and can accept that concept but still, it is a pvp game and to not expect the other side to also play nice is just going into it wrong. A casual game mode could help but let's be honest the toxic players would just play that too lol

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    If they play to win then survivors abuse them with clicky tbags and insults post game for not letting them win. Many killers do not wish to put up with the one sided abuse and just don't play now.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    When I play Call of Duty, or any other PvP game, I for one expect the other team to only play in ways that are fun for me to go against. No camping, no explosives, no sniping etc.

    Every PvP game is like that, with such entitled communities.


  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    If you are playing to win as killer, the game isn't impossible and you can bully just as much as survivors do. The only place I can think about the mindset of "I cant ever win as killer" coming from is new players or people who seemingly have never played online games before. Killer can be just as toxic, and survivors can also play nice, stop with the Us vs Them stuff lmao

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Same, I hate when I'm playing online games and the other side is trying to win, like what do I look like, a sweat?? /s

  • Pikachaouuu
    Pikachaouuu Member Posts: 87

    Yeah, the moment a game is pvp instantly a toxic comunity of people with 8 year old mentality spawn, luckily since i play in latam mostly the time i got trashtalked is in portuguese so i don't understand anything (or at least i think they are trashtalking).

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    People are playing to win though. They are camping and tunneling. And many many survivors are demanding punishment or stops to said tactics which would mean killers can't even do that anymore.

    Most don't really enjoy tunneling and camping. They do it because that's how you have to play to win. Most, including survivors, don't see that as a great design. People have been saying for months that you pretty much have to play dirty now to win. But we still get several threads demanding camp and tunnel nerfs. We had multiple threads a week ago asking for punishments for camping. And many more posts saying how happy survivors are to tbag and harrass a killer for camping or tunneling. Hell I've seen an entire major streamer throw a fit about it.

    There is nothing toxic about camping or tunneling for the win. Period.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    So you are basically telling me to tunnel / camp more?

    I bet that will get some fun responses in endgame chat...

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    BTW camping and tunneling won't get removed because it was already said by the devs to be part of the game. What people don't like is Hard tunneling and face camping. Proxy camping and tunneling when it is necessary is fine, but they aren't the only possible way to win the game either. Most of the time, especially early game, it is much more important to spread pressure and hook states, then play more mean late game or when people start gettting closer to death. If people are playing to win constantly and playing good, I promise there would be less "survivor sided" posts and comments. People are acting like the game is impossible to win as killer when it isn't that way at all, and if it is for you, then it is objectively a skill issue.

    You are right, if you need to proxy camp or tunnel someone for the win, do it. If you are complaining about not winning, then play to win. After Otz did his large test of killer matches to see if the game is survivor sided, or Scott Jund now making videos talking about killer strength, it turns out the game is more balanced than people like to admit, it just takes more skill and practice, something people don't like.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Oh no, I will get mean comments in a pvp game :((

    Play to win, and you will win. Play like a toy, get treated like one. Most PVP games work like this, don't know why dbd is suddenly different

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Well, you have this post. What do you think is going to happen if everyone is going to play like you suggest. We are going to see ######### tons of posts about crying for tunneling / camping fix. Just creating a circle here...

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    As long as people see killers arent helpful and the game isnt as unbalanced as they shout, then I'll be happy. If it means people actually start playing the game good, then so be it

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Then survivors will start shouting instead? How is that improvement?

    I want to enjoy the game, which I just didn't for some time, so I stopped playing, that fixed it for me...

    For me it's not good to say just survivor-sided, unbalanced etc.. It's better to say what is an issue, for me it was validation and CoH.

    That I will play meaner will not change the fact that I don't enjoy it. I enjoyed playing this game with hit&run, I can't do it anymore when it's CoH in each game and I can't do anything about it. You had 4x medkits before, well Frenklyn's fixed that, but what to do against CoH? You just have to commit brainlessly to each chase and tunnel someone out of the game. So much fun....

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    I agree but my mindset is in any pvp game, if you want to win every round, you try hard and try to win. That is what comp people see as fun. If you want to play casually and just have fun, then do it, but why be mad you aren't getting a 4k every match? Do people really expect to get easy matches and just 4k while messing around?

    In the end my mindset is that the game isnt unbalanced like people say, people just want easier matches. That is totally fine, but it is ridiculous to ask for from a pvp game like this lol do you see people asking for easier games in any other game community or is it people saying to get better?

    Yes there are unfair things, yes there are things that need fixing, dbd is not perfect. I just find it silly that people A) complain they aren't winning easy but aren't playing good or B) say they play for fun and do wacky builds but then get mad they arent getting consistent 4ks.

    Like you said, if killers suddenly started getting 4ks every match, then it would be survivors crying in the subreddit and forums. Right now though, killer has it super good and can be just as strong, just like survivor. In terms of power, both sides can be pretty nasty but killer just seems to stuck in their cloud of copium to see it right now.

    Again I still think healing in general needs a cap, and some maps are still awful, but if you want to play for fun, play for fun and don't be mad you don't win every match. If you want to win every match, you most definitely can and if you lose, rewatch your matches and try to improve.

  • Travis_Bateman
    Travis_Bateman Member Posts: 279

    Killers are not allowed to win,if you want to win aka bring the most meta stuff,camp,tunnel,and slug,it will be "boring" and "unfun" to face for survivors,you will be deemed as sweatlord and skillless

    ,making so survivors create threads on forums like "make the hook timer pause if (insert thing here) happens"

    This game is really something else,when killing your opponent is considered "unfair"

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Sure you can hard tunnel and camp but it's annoying as ######### trying to fight through BT, DS, DH just to get to one person