What's the next target?
Fellow survivor mains, I'm out of the loop because I don't use Twitter, what are we getting removed next? Lightborn, right?
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Goona need some context there, chief. For example, what's already been removed that there's a "next" target?
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I thought the lightborn thing was a meme.
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....no one knows what the hell you're talking about
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What perk got or is getting removed?
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Well, allow me to list some of the victories we survivors have claimed:
Nerfed Pyramid Head several times in a row! A smashing win, even if we do still see him sometimes.
We got a killer-sided map turned into pallet heaven! Praise be to the Gideon's Meat & Pallet Plant.
Nerfed moris to the point of uselessness, effectively removing them.
Removed Iri Head + Infantry Belt Huntress from the game completely!
Nerfed Wraith to the point of being back to useless.
Nerfed Deathslinger to the point of being useless.
Nerfed Spirit...kinda? She's still OP but we got BHVR to remove the stand-still thing.
We're getting Redhead Clown nerfed in a big way! Let's just hope they learned their lesson with Huntress and make it so it doesn't work with Sticky Soda Bottle and Cheap Gin Bottle.
And, of course, we're sticking it to those facecamping Leatherface players by taking away their masks.
All of this wouldn't be possible without the wonderful collaboration and coordination of me and dozens of other survivor mains writing complaint threads on a daily basis. We've done a pretty good job so far, but we can go further and take away Lightborn and the BP bonus on BBQ!
Also, press F to pay respects to the killers' one victory over us, the removal of multi-person hatch escapes. Which we still won because it happened over a year after they lost moris lmao.
Edit: How could I have forgotten we got Freddy nerfed?! I see him so little now I forgot he was still in the game. Also, we got PGTW nerfed some! And, of course, the nerf to Ruin many years ago, but that's still common and I'm sure is on our target roadmap. And made Stridor useless!
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Huh, neat
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Well? What's the next thing we're getting removed/nerfed? Is it Nurse? Lightborn? Pig? Ruin? Undying again? Blight? It's looking like Blight.
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We need the big old busted Circle of Healing obliterated like Iron man was in infinity war
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Can we target and remove obnoxious forum posters next?? Or is this strictly about in-game stuff?
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We supposed to ignore the numerous Survivor nerfs as well? Or does that not fit your narritive so well?
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Sure, list me 2021 survivor nerfs.
BT was more a buff imo and DS was nerfed that's true, but fun part is that it started to work better because of it, when killers don't respect it anymore.
OoO and keys were nerfed.
Anything else?
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