Should characters which use stereotypes be removed from the game to cause less offense?

Example: David King is a survivor that is entirely based on harmful British and Mancunian stereotypes such as alcoholism, violent abuse, vulgar language, etc and it the perks also mock certain local phrases and must be renamed if behaviour surely do care about stamping hate out the game.
I find it very hypocritical when we're told that certain hate is more acceptable than other instances of hate.
It comes from a very privileged position to dictate what backgrounds of people have the right to be exposed to the very hate you set a precedent to remove from the game.
The amount of content creators (who you support) who spout "dead hard" in a Mancunian accent when they use the perk is beyond revolting.
I urge all players to refrain from talking for the duration that dead hard is not on cool down.
Do I make myself clear?
Can you imagine the outrage it would cause if a player did some sort of African accent when they played a character from that part of the world?
Yet it's completely fine to discriminate, stereotype and mock the culture of Manchester (and harmful British stereotypes) and ascribe it to the survivor David King?
You're reaching.
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So you're saying that nothing can be harmful if you choose to disagree with it.
Stereotyping and discrimination is harmful.
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Where does it say that in the post you quoted?
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You said that you're British and it doesn't offend you. It can not offend you and still be harmful btw.
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I forgot David was actually british
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Yeah, no. Just no.
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The British have truly been the most marginalized and victimized class in the world, and we really ought to do more to help them.
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True with level of manchester slander bhvr are clearly Arsenal fans and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
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Stop. Get this Twitter stuff out of the forums and post it there. May you find similarly minded individuals over on that site
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Despite what you all think.
Using stereotypes in games to portray a character is harmful.
There should be no if's or buts about it.
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I understand if you are all closet racists but when it comes to harmful stereotypes then I think you should put that to one side.
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There's a lot of people on Twitter that'd agree with... whatever this is. Noone can call it a take, it's a reach
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Can we nerf dead hard yet?
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Not necessarily.
The David King thing would be based on that scene wouldn't it?
Just like Feng is based on the eSports scene.
There's nothing wrong with it and there isn't always harm
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Yeah thats more of an Irish stereotype not British.
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Why are you bringing up nerfing a perk when you were originally discussing British stereotypes? This seems completely random.
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That is so racist! How could you!
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Yes they should since people are very fragile in todays world and can't handle anything normal. Remember only 25-30 years ago people just lived and were happy not getting offended by other peoples views, everyone was allowed to speak and have their political views but in todays world you have to follow the globalist regime or good luck working and living normal and not being bullied, attacked etc. So better to be safe than sorry yes?
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Yep, you're a troll.
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Somewhat surprised I managed to realise it was bait quicker than most folks here. That's typically the other way round.
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You can't be serious :)
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I'm starting to think that for sure.