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After boons and pentimento appear..
... I see a lot of noed killers. For the love of God, nerf this perk. Remove the boost speed or show at the beginning that the killer has noed.
And yes, I know the killer play with 3 perks until the egc, but so do survs with some perks and they’re not so broken
Whats broken about NOED?
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you can do bones.
Simple and effective counter
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And you can remove the effect of coh when active, and half of the comments are about coh
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I have 4500 hours as surv and I play with killers with 100hours and always with noed. Imagine why
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How about we keep it hidden but add the mechanic of Hex: Plaything to it: Survivor can see the aura when within x meters from the boon. Something around 16m should be fine.
NoeD in itself is not a problem but I get the lack of counterplay. Its hidden nature is not part of the problem, Killers deal with hidden nature perks all the time and they do fine.
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Noed is a problem itself. I said it many times. Imagine a boon perk that allow survs to move 4% faster and the killer has to hit you 3 times to put you in diying state. This is noed. You only don’t see daily posts about it because this is a killer forum
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Well if survivors don´t cleanse totems, then using something like NOED seems to be a logical step for killers.
So you either cleanse all dull totems, use boons to occupy the totem spawn or cleanse NOED once it spawns.
Most of the time the killer will get 1 down before its cleansed anyway. So whats the issue? As you said, killer played with 3 perks during the whole match, for the chance of getting survivors exposed, which is entirely in the survivors hands.
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for 2 obvious reason:
1) Range + multiple floors
2) Abnormal % stack
NOED can be eliminated while boon can be relit.
If boons would at least work on the same level, there would be half less comments.
One thing is utterly broken and the other has give or take effect
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Do you really think with another surv or killer perk if you have 4500 hours you can play against people with 100 hours or less? I play yesterday against a noed killer with 35 hours
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So what is your issue here? That you get matched against 35 hours killers and they kill you with NOED?
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Funny thing is, that while we have SBMM, you are playing against killers with 100 hours, while you have over 4k and you are losing because of NOED?
Are you sure that is main issue?
If you play against 100 hours killers and it seems normal, then you are either really bad or seal clubber losing on purpose just so you can play against new killers....
And are you sure you want use argument: "it's used a lot". There would be so many nerfs for survivors with this logic...
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I’m not bad, but I don’t let fair killers get 0k, so I die a lot
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The killer got each hex one time and his noed only once
You can have CoH an infinite amount of time
Stop bein à baby and do the bones or Learn to play around it
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But you see comments about it staying active and being reapplied after the killer destroyed it once. Unlike, you know, hex perks that are gone once cleansed.
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You probably shouldn't artificially boost their matchmaking rating, that's low-key cruel. I appreciate that you're coming from a good place, though.
Also, no; let's not. You're mayhaps a little new to the game and might not know this, but NOED already has been changed, and it's much better than it was.
As both killer and survivor, I'm okay with NOED being in the state that is in now.
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So you have become a seal clubber by being nice... Well, you are staying there by your choice, so don't be surpised you are going to see NOED.
There are two types of killers that use NOED, either really low MMR, because they need, or really high MMR, because they need too, they just get into end-game for different reason.
But the fact is that NOED is just a way to get extra kill, that's all. NOED can also be reason why you got that far in first place, maybe if he had some slow-down perk instead, he might get 4k.
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hexes have 1 use only,after its gone,its gone,boons on the other hand are infinite,and snuffing them only make you lose time,because it will be relit again in 30 secs.
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NOED is fine. One thing to remember is there are one or two challenges that you need to use NOED to complete. If you play against newer killers they may just be trying to finish that up. With the current matching system you don't really know who you are going up against. I main killer and don't really use it. As others have stated usually you get one down with it since experienced survivors will usually run around the map to put it out. I think the perk can be frustrating for newer players but as you learn the maps and have a good idea where totems spawn on each map NOED gets less value. Finally, NOED is a general perk so it can be obtained rather early depending on the RNG of the bloodwebs.
One last thing about NOED:
- It is "fun"
- It is not "overperforming"
- It is not "over used"
I couldn't help myself with that last part. 😀
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If noed give you extra kill only, what do you think about make keys basekit? It’s only 1 escape
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The Counter Play is
1) don't get M1'd. You know, do that thing with the looping and windows and pallets that is done the whole game up to that point.
2) just open the door and leave. The power boost only triggers when all 5 gens are done and in 99% of situations, survivors can just open the door and walk away. At worst, the killer catches one person, and gets one end-game kill. Noed only becomes a big problem when people are sticking around to try to save the one downed player and then the whole team gets taken out. Survivors are no more entitled to a 4-man escape than killers are to a 4-kill game. JUST LEAVE.
and 3) You can just do bones. But you really don't have to because options 1 and 2 are still there and always have been.
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NOED isn't broken, it's a killer perk that gives them a second chance to get a kill.
Just like decisive strike gives you a second chance, or adrenaline can give you a second chance.
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Because you can activate CoH an infinite amount of times. Once NOED is gone, it's gone. Additionally, survivors have perks for finding totems, killers dont. Survivors dictate the pace of the game, not the killer. CoH is broken on some maps, like Midwich, or any other multi level map. Boon perks aren't lost when a boon is broken, unlike NOED. CoH can be used all match, NOED only takes effect in the last stages of one.
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You cant remove CoH you can only buy time before the perk is back when you can just remove noed from happening its not the same.
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What has Pentimento got to do with anything?
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NOED isn't a problem, and circle of healing is nothing like it and shouldn't be used as a comparison.
The survivor perk that is like NOED is called adrenaline, and is one of the most used meta perks. You get another free health state, and a free sprint burst, and is a guaranteed activation unless you're currently hooked.
Yet no one calls for this to be nerfed 🤔 strange.
But realistically, neither of these perks are overpowered. They both have the trade off of being perkless for the entire match. NOED however is not a guarantee, is usually broken almost instantly. You might occasionally get a down with it. And once it's gone you can never get it back.
It's a single second chance perks that killers have. However survivors have a multitude of second chance perks, most of which stack, and given them those second chances all throughout the match.
Let's look at a simple meta build.
Unbreakable, soul guard, dead hard, and decisive strike.
You go down to NOED at the end game, they down you and leave you slugged to chase your team. Pretty common scenario right? You pick yourself up with unbreakable, soul guard activates so you have endurance. They hit you, you don't go down, but get a speed burst. They just after you. They finally catch up, go to swing, you dead hard which extends the chase even more. They finally catch you again and down and hook you. Your teammate with bt saves you, they tunnel after you and hit your bt. Then they chase after you again and you dead hard again. They finally down you again just be hit with decisive.
Unbreakable, soul guard, dead hard, bt, dead hard, decisive.
That's 6 second chances that can be used in very quick succession, all throughout the match. And that's not an uncommon build.
Yet you complain constantly about killers getting to insta down at the end of a match.
Makes sense
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I don’t see adrenaline in years. Years ago it was used a lot and there were hundred of crying posts about it.
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It's still used quite a bit, I see it a lot in solos
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Can someone explain how a totem that allows AoE healing is comparable to a totem that grant Exposed and 5% Haste? This is the orange and bananas of perk comparisons, and I find both perks perfectly fine, perhaps really good, at doing their purpose and dont need to be touched.
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Yup a smurfer that is mad he got beat by a new player......
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Can a surv complaints here about something? Or only killers can cry 24/7?
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Nah I think the best way of changing NOED would be the more dull Totems standing the stronger it is, with 5 its broken, like massively broken something like "reveal all Survivors auras, everyone is exposed and +5% speed" or something like that, with 1 left its a minor buff to speed.
I believe the biggest problem is not the lack of counterplay, its the fact you (as in yourself) can cleanse 4 Totems, all gens get done and you are the one eating it full, it feels unfair having wasted all that time for the perk to activate just because 1 extremely well hidden totem was still standing or the Killer pressure you so much you literally couldnt cleanse the last one. With a change like this the Survivors would get punished for not cleansing 1 or 2 Totems and rewarded for taking their time to cleanse, overall making games last longer and punishing genrushers.
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Admitting to smurfing invalidates your argument, shocking that you would double down with an us vs them retreat.
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God forbid killers use your selfishness of booning a totem against you and you don't do bones, that's absolutely TERRIBLE
...Do bones
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Complaints about NOED? Must be a day that ends with Y.
I'm just gonna say it. The only survivors who have a serious issue with NOED and find it OP and die to it all the time, are flat out bad at the game and want it easier for them so they don't have to learn. No point skirting around that after the 50th NOED thread I have seen in like a month.
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Hey I just call them as I see them.