It's Dead Hard on every survivor, every match.
Why are you not nerfing the most used perk in the game, but instead nerf addons of killers that have very small play rate?
You guys said in a recent post that you don't want to rush changes. Ok..but then you nerfed The Artist before she was even released. I really don't understand the thought process behind the decisions you take.
Why change the only addon that makes Clown playable? Why do it now?
Do you guys got killed by a Clown with pinky finger recently, babyraged and decided to nerf it? Is that what it is?
You also nerfed some Twins addons..why?? I do play survivor a lot and i think i saw Twins 3 times last year, just saying
Because Dead Hard is a survivor perk, so of course it's never going to get changed.
(To be fair, they did say that they were improving validation for Dead Hard, but I don't think that's going to do anything)
11 -
Changes need time...
Then again I also see too much Dead Hard. My problem is not that I dislike it that much, it just get's boring to see the same perk over and over again. An excuse can be made for Davids as it is their perk, however everybody is using Dead Hard and I seriously want to see some change to that.
Once again I am advocating for changes to the Exhaustion duration: Give Dead Hard 60 seconds exhaustion, reduce Lithe to 30 seconds, Smash Hit to 20 seconds, Balance Landing to 30, hell even that damn annoying Head On can be buffed, make it also 30 seconds for all I care...there is very little reason (aside from maybe coding issues) to leave all of those perks with their various power levels with the same downside...
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I mean u right !! good questions
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Just because something is used a lot doesn't mean it's OP and needs a nerf.
I see BBQ and ruin on 99% of my matches and I dont think they need to be nerfed.
Pinky Finger was an issue, but I do agree that clown needs another rework, because the one they gave him a while ago didn't really improve anything at all. He still lacks map pressure and is still one of the weakest killers in the game.
13 -
DH needs the distance nerfed, that's all.
Would put it in line with alot of other perks then and would limit it to certain situations like every other perk.
The biggest issue is it's used for distance at any loop. You can mindgame/outplay someone and they can press dead hard to correct it. I dont think that's 100% fair, if a killer had that itd get changed.
Use DH to avoid certain powers or hits that's great! Use it constantly to get to distance for vaults/pallets you wouldn't make or to correct mistakes isnt fun or interactive for the killer.
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They need his bottles to have separate ammo tbh, that would do wonders imo
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Funny because I think the distance part is fine. My problem is actually when people use it to instantly dodge a hatchet, blink, shot, rush, chainsaw, etc or when they use it to phase through the killer after you mindgame them at a pallet (like when you Dead Hard standing still at a pallet so the killer misses and you vault it).
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Dead hard is now mechanically objectively fair.
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Maybe but the risk vs reward and counterplay aspects weren't and aren't.
Too little for too much and nothing if used for distance.
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First, DH isnt that much used at all. Second, Pinky Finger is one of the most broken addon out there for years. Third, who cares for worst design killer ever?
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Except to use bqq you have to hook,getting progess in the game,ruin can be cleansed in 14 secs into the match,dead hard is skillless,it rewards you for playing poorly,the design is #########,does it make sense to outplay someone and they simple deny what you deserve ?
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You cant remove the distance or the perk is useless. This is from someone who only used it to get the Adept on David. If I play survivor I use SB instead. When well timed its FAR more punishing
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Also,iridescents addons are supposed to be strong and change the way you play the killer,why would i waste 7k bp on a ######### addon
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It's pretty obvious you don't play killer or at least don't play in mid-high MMR. A perk which can extend a chase for 30 seconds more or even a minute depending on the map and zone and equiped by 4 players so frequently definitely need a nerf.
I'm pretty sure this perk will be nerfed, maybe not in the next patch or even in the next 6 months, bu it will be nerfed eventually as happened with DS.
2 -
Yeah, that's a lie. DH is extremely popular.
Pinky Finger was dumb, but not broken. It needed a nerf, but the concept is fine.
Legion is the worst designed Killer.
And DH is stupidly good and everyone knows it.
11 -
DH isn't being changed because they're keen on making their annoying validation project work (It's just caused frustration) the same way they refuse to turn back on breakable walls because they've invested more than a day on it. DH WILL get changed, but not until they're happy with their validation project. It's used by everyone because it's blatantly overpowered and people play this game to have as much of an advantage over the opposition as possible, something you can't do in most multiplayer games.
Clown's IRI addon was stupid. It needed to be toned down while his other addons got some good attention. They didn't give him anything to compensate which is the real issue. Don't make this about 'babyrage', because you're the one babyraging over a video game right now.
Yeah Nemmy and Twins addons nerfs are just statistics reading without any intelligent interpretation. It's exactly like Object of Obsession until they finally changed it after enough rightful complaining.
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Every killer uses hex ruin. They should nerf it just because I don’t like it.
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Well the reason I pick distance is the killers you list are usually strong or antiloop. So in a way DH becomes a perk used more to try counter anti loop powers abit, still wouldn't be 100% effective but I feel that knocks it in like while the distance can not only hurt antiloop killers (helps them get round the corner faster before you can wind up etc.) But it screws over ever basic attack killer or any basic attack chance as they can simply use DH, which works on any loop.
You can hold people at loops as an antiloop when they use DH (throw over etc.) But as a basic attack you waste so much more time and get hurt more by it
Oops missed you out :( but I do agree the invincible bit can be annoying but the distance hurts basic killers far more and still antiloop ones.
Nerfing distance helps both types of killers (m1 killers more but they need the help) but still keeps the perk useful but more of a perk that has it's intended use (counter range/antiloop hit)
I feel if you keep the distance you're making a bigger gap between basic killers and antiloop which is already a big difference just knocks all the killers closer in power while hopefully making DH not so over used and maybe mix up the meta
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How was Clown an issue when almost nobody uses him?
I see Bubba facecamping an issue. Not freaking Clown or Twins which have the lowest play rate.
It makes no sense to keep the broken meta Dead Hard-Circle of Healing, but RANDOMLY nerf killer addons. How do you not realize it makes absolutely no sense?
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Yeah, I think I get you. The distance hurts more the weaker killers while the iframes hurts more the stronger ones.
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I never use ruin
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Always the straw man fallacy when a killer ask for a nerf for the most op sv perk after CoH.
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No pretty much every match most have seen on here it's been very consistent to have at least one to two people using DH every match
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Every match and at least 2 of them use it. AT LEAST
1 -
They did. Killer perks that are over used or "overpowered" always get nerfed. You would be ignorant to think that survivors are not the power rolls in the game at the moment. SBMM has made it far worse since it's inception. I don't blame killer mains for their complaints. The game has been very unfun on both sides because of it. Killers are forced to camp and tunnel for a pip. Survivors have multiple second chance perks, abuseable map designs, SWF, VOIP, and everyone's new favorite perk COH which kills any pressure.
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If you disagree with me you're low mmr.
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Pretty much yeah, kinda evens out the killers abit more while still nerfing DH and hopefully mixing up the meta.
I dunno imo that's the best solution, for all killers and personally the distance is what annoys me the most. Makes anything safe verse basic attack killers even if you mindgame
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1 or 2 people? I'd be so lucky!
I get 3 minimum. Every game, without fail.
See more DH than any other perk in the game tbh
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Survivors using Dead Hard 100% Of the time: That's because it's META!
Killers use NoED 60% of the time:
Survivors: It's being used too much! This means it needs a nerf!
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Bruh, I know people with 8000 hours and very high MMR who consider DH unbalanced and needing a nerf and my MMR is not low, not top either, but definitely not low with most killers.
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You dont know your MMR, so you're just making things up. I have 5,182 hrs on record
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With about 100 as killer as I can see.
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Ah yes, the preemptive way to dismiss opposing viewpoints.
Usually done by people so terrified that they have 0 actual arguments, so they have to try ending discussions while they think they are 'winning'.
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I was literally replying to someone who said I must be low MMR because I have a different opinion.
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I'm so tired of seeing whining on both sides about strong perks. I've been playing since 2019, so not even the duration of the game, yet DH was rarely complained about until the meta shifted after other perks were nerfed. It's like each side is set out to nerf every meta perk the other has, one at a time.
Sure, let's nerf DH, BT, CoH, NOED, Ruin, BBQ, and all meta perks into the ground and make this game absolutely boring with no variety. While we're at it, let's just remove perks from the game entirely, REALLY make it about skill and skill alone. That way, no one's feelings can be hurt by a perk in a game.
For the record, a few like CoH definitely could benefit with a change, of course. But most people aren't actually looking for balance, they're looking for their side to be elevated.
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You still see ruin? how low is your mmr?!?!?!!
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Are you saying people with high MMR dont use ruin?
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Oh I know that to me at least it's also 3 at least I just know someone might try and say "Well I don't see DH in my matches " make me wonder how can people think some things like instadown addons and NOED should be nerfed to kingdom come yet this and the other meta perks get a pass.
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Not because you have different opinion but because your opinion prove that you play as killer against 100 hours survivors or don't play as killer at all.
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It's almost as if a perk that recharges every 40 seconds, gives you a sprint to reach a window/pallet, makes you immune to attacks/powers/traps, and can be used REACTIVELY, once you see the killer animating to do something...
Gosh, it seems like that perk might be a WEE bit too strong.
Meanwhile, Coup de Gras doesn't make killers immune to stuns, doesn't work on killer powers, doesn't recharge infinitely, and is linked to your lunges instead of a Use button. And that was nerfed from 100% to 60% and when they decided to buff it (because nobody in the game has used it since it went live), the best they could manage was 80%. No immunity. No power uses. No Use button. No recharge. Not even back to its original 100%.
But, you know, it's totally fine for every survivor to use the same 4-6 perks. 101 survivor perks to pick from, but nah; no nerfs needed on the Meta
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If the survivors are high mmr then ruin doesn't last past the 1 minute mark. There is only 2 killers that may get to use it but even then you are lucky if someone doesn't spawn on it.
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In fact, with some meta perks nerfed there would be more variety, not less because people would be forced to be more creative with their builds.
Also, at least in my case, I don't want my side elevated, I just want DH and CoH nerfed and some maps balanced, I don't mind the state of BT, DS, Sprint Burst, the other boons, etc. I think I'm not asking big things.
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Just because it doesnt last more than 1 min doesnt mean they dont run it.
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Do you have any other arguments besides saying someone is low MMR when you dont agree with them?
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My arguments were here, no more arguments needed.
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And if everyone could view things like you, we'd be in a much better state as a community.
However, as it stands, once DH gets it's inevitable nerf, and CoH is changed, then it will move on to "Sprint Burst gives too much distance!!!" Same thing with survivors- if they were to touch Pop/Corrupt/NOED, then it becomes "Tinkerer is op and shouldn't have stealth!!!" and then it'll trickle down to anything else that somehow starts getting used.
You can already witness this with threads about Dead Man's Switch and Boil Over. Most players DO just want their side elevated.
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There's a couple of issues to your logic when it comes to saying nerfing perks will make the game boring
First, is that it's already at that point while killers have universally used perks such a bbq the side also has varying gameplays unlike survivor which is the same no matter what person you use which leads to people wanting their meta perks gone.
And second is the fact that it game itself is way too perk dependent as it is cause think about it like this. Without the perks survivors will have no crutches, no excuses and no ego trips anymore and for killer it could lead to some being revealed as having bad base kits and some do need balancing but as it stands now the perks are the problem and as long as people keep trying to defend using said perks it's going to stay unbalanced.
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And i'm tired of nonsense non-logical statements like yours.
If we nerf meta perks, the game is boring? automatically?..did you forget this game has 200 perks?
Ok, even if that absolute non sense statement was the case. How is nerfing Twins and Clown making the game more fun and add variety??
Wouldn't it make MORE SENSE to buff killers and build that are not played in every match so then we would actually see variety?
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Twins and Clown/add-ons in general have nothing to do with anything I said, as I was talking about perks (both killer and survivor perks btw), so for someone who supposedly prides themselves on logic, that was a very illogical counter to make lol.
My main point is that nerfing all meta perks all the time is not the way to go, period. I don't care about perk variety, I care about perk usability. People can play whatever perks they want, but if we nerf all strong perks to pathetic levels, THAT is what makes gameplay more boring.