Perk Changes

Fenrir Member Posts: 533
I felt like changing perk numbers viewer discretion is advised

Boil Over: Your struggling effects on the Killer are increased by 30/60/80 %.

You obscure the Killer's ability to see Hook Auras within 20/25/30 metres.

Stake Out: For each 5 seconds you are standing within the Killer's Terror radius and are not in a Chase, you gain a Token up to a maximum of 4/5/6 Tokens.

When Stake out has at least 1 Token, Good Skill Checks are considered Great Skill Checks and consume 1 Token.

Street Wise:Reduce the consumption rate of item charges by 15/20/25 % for you and Allies within 10 metres of range.

Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.

Up the Ante: For each other Survivor still alive, grant a 10/20/30 % bonus to Luck to all remaining Survivors.

Vigil: You and your Allies within 10 metres of range recover from Exhaustion, Hemorrhage, Mangled, Hindred and Blindness Status Effects 20/25/30 % faster.

Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.

Nurses Calling: The Auras of Survivors who are healing or being healed are revealed to you when they are within 24/28/32 metres of range.

Barbecue and Chili:After hooking a Survivor, all other Survivors' Aura are revealed to you for 4 seconds when they are farther than 45/40/35 metres from the Hook. Each time a Survivor is hooked for the first time, gain a 25/50/75% stackable bonus to all Bloodpoint gains.

Beast of Prey:The Red Stain disappears after gaining Bloodlust Tier I and stays hidden until you lose Blood lust this effect persists for 30 seconds.

Gain 50/75/100 % more Blood points for actions in the Hunter Category.

Fire up: Each time the Survivors complete repairs on a generator, Fire Upgrows in power and grants a speed bonus to pick up, drop, Pallet break, Generator damage and vaults.

  • 2 Tokens: receive 12/14/16 % action speed bonus.
  • 3 Tokens: receive 14/16/18 % action speed bonus.
  • 4 Tokens: receive 16/18/20 % action speed bonus.

Franklins Demise:Your vicious attacks make the Survivors drop their item on impact.

The lost Item is damaged in the fall, losing 15/20/25 % of its base amount of charges.

Hex: The Third Seal: Hitting a Survivor while the Hex Totem is active applies the Blindness Status Effect.

This effect applies to the last 2/3/4 Survivors hit.

The Hex effects persists 3 min after its been destroyed

Moniter and Abuse: While in a Chase, your Terror Radius is increased by 8/9/10 metres.

Otherwise your Terror Radius is decreased by 8/9/10 metres and your Field Of View is slightly/moderately/considerably increased.

Overcharge:Failing the Skill Check results in an additional 8/9/10 % Generator regression. Succeeding the Skill Check grants no progress but prevents the Generator explosion.

Pop goes the weasel:After hooking a Survivor, the next Generator you break is instantly regressed by 20/25/30% of its total progression. Normal Generator regression applies after the damage is done.

Pop Goes The Weasel is active for 60 seconds after the Survivor is hooked.

Spies from the Shadows:100 % of the time, cawing Crows give you a visual cue when you are within a range of 40/48/56 metres.


  • TimeMonster
    TimeMonster Member Posts: 152

    you just want thees perks to not work how they intended. or just muff them to make other perks that do same thing almost usless... no THX

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I'll just go ahead and take position to every perk change idea here.

    Boil Over: Personally I don't think that would be a good change. It pretty much would just be a perk to annoy the hell out of the killer, far more than it is now. A more useful additional effect would be nice. Not sure what though. Maybe a secondary effect that increases your bleedout timer when on a hook by 20 seconds for every hook phase.

    Stake Out: I feel like this perk would counter Hex: Ruin pretty much totally. Not a fan of that. So I feel it should stay the same it is now. Hex: Ruin is the only way for killer mains to counter gen rush effectively, it's only fair and important that there's nothing that makes this perk almost useless at high ranks.

    Streetwise: Sounds good to me, although personally I think 16%/18%/20% would be enough. Being able to use items for longer than usual can be extremely good when coupled with items and add ons of higher rarity.

    Vigil: Like it. Vigil should definitely have slightly higher values. Although I wouldn't mind the idea I read that the values are kept as they are and instead add an effect that also allows you to recover exhaustion while running, maybe at a 40% or 50% speed of the normal exhaustion recovery speed.

    Nurses Calling and Barbecue should stay as they are. They are strong enough, especially Nurses Calling, they already counter stealth very effectively.

    Fire Up: Like the idea. Could definitely need a buff, that's for sure.

    Franklin's Demise: Some people would argue that perk is good enough, but I wouldn't mind if it was buffed the way you suggest. I think 10%/15%/20% would be enough though.

    Hex: The third Seal: Like it, but I personally would like to see this kind of change to most Hex: Perks, especially Ruin so it can't be turned into a useless perk sometimes. Though for Ruin I would suggest 1 minute, whereas for the third seal 3 minutes would probably be still balanced.

    Monitor and Abuse is already pretty good. Especially on killers with lower terror radius, so I wouldn't buff that perk.

    Pop Goes the Weasel: This change would be so good. This way you wouldn't have to rush away from the hook immediately, and it would be a nice help against gen rush. The higher values would also be great. Really hope they would buff the perk to this.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    i like the idea but some of them are kinda powerful like boil over should be 10%/15%/20%
    i do agree about all of them

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @ad19970 Imma do the same!

    • Boil Over: Yes it needs a buff. But 30 meters not able to see the aura would be overpowered (as it kinda is now) on closed maps.
    • Stake Out: Too fast for that many tokens.
    • Street Wise: Ok. Doesn't seem that bad.
    • Up The Ante -> Making deliverance obsolete. "For each other Survivor still alive, grant a 10/20/30 % bonus to Luck to all remaining Survivors." FOR EACH so that means 90% luck to all remaining survivors.
    • Vigil: this needs something. Idk what but i don't think 10% increase will make a diffrence
    • Nurse's: Not really sure why? It just makes that normal killers can you see you heal when you are in the TR.
      I don't feel like it needs that

    • BBQ: Again why? Also yes make the best farming perk for killers even better! 300% Bonus BP!

    • Beast of Prey okay? But does it have a cooldown then oooor? Also more BP!
    • Fire Up: Sure
    • Franklin's Demise: I mean okay?
    • Hex: Third Seal: This should be something else tbh (the blindness effect) but 3 additional minutes of blindness oof
    • Monitor & Abuse: Why? Like would these 2 meters be really that essential?
    • Overcharge: Yes so make Doctor even more pain in an ass. Make it so you get the % that are now but you cannot progress on generator for like 5-10 seconds even.
    • Pop Goes The Weasel: This is good. Like really good
    • Spies From The Shadows: This change is on PTB
      Spies from the Shadows: Increased the chances of a visual notification to 100% for all tiers. Added crow in Loud Noise notification. Increased the notification range from 16/24/36 meters to 32/40/48 meters.
      (and i think the 48 meters is too much. i think if the 40m was the max but it also made crows spawn in more locations then this woud be a decent perk)
  • muffinstuffin
    muffinstuffin Member Posts: 8
    Boil over is so weak atm like i like that at 80 percent it would be probably useful then but at 75 its just not that big of a deal to a decent killer
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    ad19970 said:

    I'll just go ahead and take position to every perk change idea here.

    Boil Over: Personally I don't think that would be a good change. It pretty much would just be a perk to annoy the hell out of the killer, far more than it is now. A more useful additional effect would be nice. Not sure what though. Maybe a secondary effect that increases your bleedout timer when on a hook by 20 seconds for every hook phase.

    Stake Out: I feel like this perk would counter Hex: Ruin pretty much totally. Not a fan of that. So I feel it should stay the same it is now. Hex: Ruin is the only way for killer mains to counter gen rush effectively, it's only fair and important that there's nothing that makes this perk almost useless at high ranks.

    Streetwise: Sounds good to me, although personally I think 16%/18%/20% would be enough. Being able to use items for longer than usual can be extremely good when coupled with items and add ons of higher rarity.

    Vigil: Like it. Vigil should definitely have slightly higher values. Although I wouldn't mind the idea I read that the values are kept as they are and instead add an effect that also allows you to recover exhaustion while running, maybe at a 40% or 50% speed of the normal exhaustion recovery speed.

    Nurses Calling and Barbecue should stay as they are. They are strong enough, especially Nurses Calling, they already counter stealth very effectively.

    Fire Up: Like the idea. Could definitely need a buff, that's for sure.

    Franklin's Demise: Some people would argue that perk is good enough, but I wouldn't mind if it was buffed the way you suggest. I think 10%/15%/20% would be enough though.

    Hex: The third Seal: Like it, but I personally would like to see this kind of change to most Hex: Perks, especially Ruin so it can't be turned into a useless perk sometimes. Though for Ruin I would suggest 1 minute, whereas for the third seal 3 minutes would probably be still balanced.

    Monitor and Abuse is already pretty good. Especially on killers with lower terror radius, so I wouldn't buff that perk.

    Pop Goes the Weasel: This change would be so good. This way you wouldn't have to rush away from the hook immediately, and it would be a nice help against gen rush. The higher values would also be great. Really hope they would buff the perk to this.

    So going over the feedback fire up and pop goes the weasel should definitely be implemented
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Milo said:

    @ad19970 Imma do the same!

    • Boil Over: Yes it needs a buff. But 30 meters not able to see the aura would be overpowered (as it kinda is now) on closed maps.
    • Stake Out: Too fast for that many tokens.
    • Street Wise: Ok. Doesn't seem that bad.
    • Up The Ante -> Making deliverance obsolete. "For each other Survivor still alive, grant a 10/20/30 % bonus to Luck to all remaining Survivors." FOR EACH so that means 90% luck to all remaining survivors.
    • Vigil: this needs something. Idk what but i don't think 10% increase will make a diffrence
    • Nurse's: Not really sure why? It just makes that normal killers can you see you heal when you are in the TR.
      I don't feel like it needs that

    • BBQ: Again why? Also yes make the best farming perk for killers even better! 300% Bonus BP!

    • Beast of Prey okay? But does it have a cooldown then oooor? Also more BP!
    • Fire Up: Sure
    • Franklin's Demise: I mean okay?
    • Hex: Third Seal: This should be something else tbh (the blindness effect) but 3 additional minutes of blindness oof
    • Monitor & Abuse: Why? Like would these 2 meters be really that essential?
    • Overcharge: Yes so make Doctor even more pain in an ass. Make it so you get the % that are now but you cannot progress on generator for like 5-10 seconds even.
    • Pop Goes The Weasel: This is good. Like really good
    • Spies From The Shadows: This change is on PTB
      Spies from the Shadows: Increased the chances of a visual notification to 100% for all tiers. Added crow in Loud Noise notification. Increased the notification range from 16/24/36 meters to 32/40/48 meters.
      (and i think the 48 meters is too much. i think if the 40m was the max but it also made crows spawn in more locations then this woud be a decent perk)
    Fire up and pop goes the weasel is the best change and also im just very bloodpoint hungry