About the Otzdarva's video discussion, to clarify a argument that seems to be misunderstood heavily

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

I asked a good amount of friends about that, my discord server and also talked to many other ppl at various platforms like Twitter.

This is indeed a interesting discussion where I understand many ppl's concerns and thoughts. However it seems that many ppl seem to dont get the point many other ppl try to make.

So lets take a small step back and get this straight. The community seems to focus about otz's average Kill rate with the without perks and 30sec AFK challange. Various other streamers and ppl also made this challange for themselves to see how their results may be, which is totally fine and understandable.

However I do believe that the main point isnt about otz beeing lucky to get a lot of baby survivors, worse players under his skil level, BHVR tinkering with his SBMM or even cheating. The point of this discussion is more about that the FEW games that you can get that are pretty much unwinanneble shouldnt exist in the first place.

Lets put all these arguements and comments away about how much Kills you got on average, lets forget this fact for a second and look at this discussion from a different direction. Regardless of how high your kill rate is, EVERYONE made this experience atleast once in their life in this game. You meet a almost perfect SWF team that are sweating only to win, they try to rush the gens and every single one of them loops almost perfectly, makes the right decisions, are perfect in mindgames and also play very efficient with pallets and chain tiles also perfectly together. Maybe there is also the factor that you are not playing a Nurse and also arent useing the best build or addons. Of course you are gonna lose right? Yes and there is no shame behind that.

Lets also not forget that fact that you can reach the cap of the MMR in litreally days. Ppl seem to forget the fact that MMR doesnt determand at all how good you are, many many ppl are at MAX MMR without even knowing that and are playing ofc significantly worse than ppl that are really good at this game. To mentioned that quickly, ppl also get often very bad survivors but dont even really remember that because it is easy to overlook that rather than a huge stomp on you with 4 escapes. You also get those baby survivors just like otzdarva or anyone else can and will get eventually. Even if you are at high MMR.

Also after talking to various ppl I came to the point "which is also my argument" that many ppl dont really care about the amount of 4ks you get. Barely any one is complaining that they are getting not enough kills, I rarely saw any veteran Killer main that told me "damn dude I wish dbd would be more balanced so I can get more kills". The majority told me that those unwinnable games shouldnt exist in the first place. I also share that opinion, I dont mind to not get 4ks, to get less kills on average if I play a weaker Killer, sure it would be nice if those weaker killers would get more love but the main point here is: Sweaty squads shouldnt have so many factors and ways favoring their outcome.

You can arguably say that Killers also do have some things they can use to their disposal to use up to get a better chance of Killing. However the amount of things are heavily outnumbered by the things survivors can do. Survivors can bring up to 4 med kits which are arguably the strongest items in the game even stronger than most iridiscent addons, with extra charges and a styptic or syringe. Survivors can stack the best perks in the game up to 4 times which is arguably stronger than the best 4 Killer perks. Survivors also have coms which grants them a ton of more information than the Killer will ever have. Survivors can play with a lot of experience very efficiantly and split on gens and therefore rush the gens in under 6-7min. Survivors can EVEN use 3th party programs to stretch their resolution and simply look over walls to deny you any mindgames which is a mandotory tool for the Killer to gain extra hits and downs even. Oh ye lets not forget map offerings aswell.

Now compare this to what Killers can bring? 4 Meta perks, a mori? Sacrificial ward? Which doesnt garuantee your map outcome, you can still get unlucky and get a bad map for you. well thats basicly it. More Killers are also using stretched resolution and also other programs like Reshade to make the colors more vibrant and easier to see. I really dislike those 3 party program abuses though and still believe it is blatently cheating, anyway many veteran and comp players still use them so ye. Thats it with everything, Killers cannot bring nearly as much as SWF teams can to get better chances of winning. Sure you can tunnel, camp and slug as much as you want, however if a team is experienced enough they can and will overcome this and can still win the match with way less effort than a Killer ever can.

This is it, to make the point simple.

Many ppl dont complain about the average Kill rate Killers have, its about the fact that if a swf team decides to go all out to win, they will have a way higher chance and will also have it easier to win rather than the Killer. And the Killer has barely any control over it.

Keep in mind that it isnt only my opinion, I asked a lot of ppl about that and took all their thoughts into this. Thanks for reading if you made it this far! I am not a native English person so my English isnt the best, thanks for understanding.
