Why do you think Twins are the least picked killer to play?
Even the worst killers like Trapper, Legion, Mayers, etc. are MUCH more played compare the Twins while they are much stronger than bottom tier killers.
They're probably the most neglected and buggy killer in the game now that Nurse has been mostly fixed, on top of that most people don't really enjoy their most effective playstyle of heavy slugging.
Their pick rate is only going to get worse after the patch since they're nerfing Toy Sword.
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Simple the 5 second stun after a viktor hit, the introduction to boon, the constant nerf she get, the time it for charlotte to pick a down survivor when she use viktor is counter productive and many more thing that i cant think of right now
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Dead hard being used to avoid a down by victor. Victor's cool down after a successful down lead to a kick 🦶.
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Probably because they are clunky, uninteresting, ugly, buggy and horrible killer to play
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Everything added recently is a hard counter to twins on top of them getting uneeded nerf after nerf. Zero cosmetics because they are trying to kill her off. It's sad because she is one of my favorite killers but she feels so much worse to play than on release.
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The POV curb stomp + clunky gameplay
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I have to put the veil mask on charlotte so she looks more like a scary killer and less like a disgruntled walmart cashier.
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dont forget ugly
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-High skill floor, how you use them isn't obvious and then once you figure it out it takes a while to learn
-Sometimes you're forced to slug and some people don't like that
-They're not cool, I don't feel this way but other people look at iconic slashers and other threatening killers and people generally don't try the french peasants
-Victor's cooldown on a good pounce is a crime against humanity
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Imagine eating a DS stun for using your power lmao.
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They're clunky and I haven't really enjoyed their gameplay. I like dressing up and The Twins have practically no cosmetics. Also, I'm shallow, and Charlotte's face is just... no thanks.
For me, strength doesn't matter. If they don't feel fun to play, I won't play them. BHVR's idea of balancing strengths is to make everything clunky, slow, and hindered by huge cool-downs and stuns. That's not fun in the least and there are a lot of killers I don't play because of that.
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Because the design team had a good idea for a killer but the balance team took a massive ######### all over it.
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That happened with every killers. You can reel them as Deathslinger and eat that stun.
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Twins just feel awful to play. Their QoL is through the floor. Constant stuns and cooldowns for doing anything, frequent 'you can't switch to your other half because you're still too close to a hooked survivor, even though someone's looping you around the hooked player or there's a contested gen about to go off and you need to switch now.' No other killer takes as long to just pick someone up and put them on a hook.
Add in that survivors tend to take Victor hostage if you send him at a healthy player, and that CoH neutered their most effective playstyle, and Dead Hard validation turned into EZ Victor yeet mode, and yeah. They need help, because their above average potential (if that's even true in the era of CoH, they relied heavily on mass injury and Victor can't even touch boons) is not worth the extremely above average suffering it is to play them.
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I just think people think they're unfun to play as and against. Kind of like Hag, the gameplay loop for Hag is just placing a trap at each end of the pallet and rise and repeat. You can guarantee to hit survivors with victor at every single pallet so it just isn't that fun and kind of brain dead to play as them. That's my theory at least, same with why The Artist is unpopular right now. Just place crows at each end of the loop and win.
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Horrible to play and when played effectively, they are even more miserable to play against.
With a few changes they could actually be somewhat fun and fair. Devs seem to have forgotten about them, though.
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Because playing Twins feels extremely sluggish to the point where I'd compare it to old school survivor horror games with tank controls. Playing Twins doesn't even feel rewarding when you get a 4k.
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That's not right. If something is both braindead and effective, it'll be super popular to play. In the short time I've been playing, there was pre-nerf Freddy, pre-nerf Spirit, and now there's a ton of camping Bubbas. Wraith was really popular in the short window of time that he was actually decent, too.
I think you're drastically overstating how easy Victor is to use, especially when you have survivors that don't mindlessly drop pallets in front of ranged/semi-ranged killers.
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Well the easy/effective thing isn't necessarily true because nobody plays as Hag but she's super brain dead and very effective. If you play like one or 2 games with the Twins you'll definitely be able to use Victor pretty easily, it just might take a bit to get used to him.
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Way too punishing on yourself if you mess up even a little. Doesn't feel rewarding at all either.
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I played The Twins once since CoH and the "DH Hit validation" came out
I jumped on a survivor and downed them and then got kicked
It took me a good ten seconds once I got to the area looking for the downed person that I got Hit Validated by a DH...
Twins have always been strong spreading out pressure and hurting survivors (much like Legion). Circle of Healing and DH Hit Validation both completely and utterly neuter them. Twins pick rate wasn't great even before these changes but now they're on my list of "Characters I will not play as period" and now thinking about it, I don't know if I've ever played Twins since CoH was introduced...
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Hag isn't braindead lol you need knowledge of the most common routes survivors take on every map and predict their pathing after they spring a trap. She has some of the highest skill expression in the game.
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Reason: fake hit with dead hard and then kicked
Another questions?
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Hag is braindead against solo survivors - which isn't saying a lot, because solo survivors are bad against everyone. Against coordinated survivors, and even uncoordinated survivors where everyone is baseline competent and you have a player or two that are proactive about nuking her traps while she's busy, she struggles more than most killers. She doesn't like CoH and she doesn't like players who run in a straight line away from her zone of control. She's also not as simple as you're setting her up to be. She has to think about where she puts her traps and plan them around the gens that get done, and she can be slow to adapt if her 3-gen is broken or her setup gets obsoleted. A smattering of traps at loops all across the map isn't very effective because of her range limit and the inevitable thinness of such a net. And trapping windows/pallets requires you to chase survivors into them the correct way (trapping doorways and thin hallways is more all-purpose), and carries a short time penalty to set mid-chase that will see survivors break from the loop if they have a brain (unlike how Freddy used to be able to do it.)
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Trapper comes with the game, Legion looks edgier ig and Myers is a horror classic.
Twins is.... twins.
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Because they are super buggy and really clunky to play as. They are also very unfun to play as because of all of the nerfs they went through.
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Probably because they're extremely clunky to play, with long cooldowns and a lot of time spent just to get to the survivor you just downed.
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You spend 50/50 of your play time doing killer stuff and waking up from slumber cool downs. Also they are crazy to wrap your head around. I know that in theory, being in two places at once, should be an awesome advantage, but the cumbersome switch mechanism at a glacial pace is killing the mood and any "playing catch" vibes.
And now they even got some of their add-ons nerfed. It doesn't matter how insignificant the nerf is, but that's just so uncalled for.
But I got super lucky with them and got my "Adept Twins" achievement the very first game I ever played with them. So glad that I got that one behind me without a hassle.
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Buggy, harmed by boons, clunky power design, and less interesting gameplay.
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I know I am in the minority but I like playing as and against them.
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Their power is very weak for pressure and is only strong when slugging or camping survivors. It's very limited if you want to get something more from it.
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Last time i had Twins was 3 weeks ago. And the guy was not happy at end game. Because i had Mikalea as teammate and she had all boons. So game really did not go well for Twins.
But anyway poor Mikelea got facecamped and hard tunnelled, game ended with 1 kill.
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Playing as the Twins makes the game feel like a slog. You're constantly stunned, waking up with Charlotte, walking over to a slug, etc. They're strong but really unfun to play. Plus you get a 5 second stun for doing the most fun thing with that killer (landing a Victor hit). Look at the average length of a Twins game vs any other killer.
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Isn't it funny some of the least played killers are receiving nerfs.
God these devs are all clown mains irl.
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They're my main and have been since they came out but these nerfs man... toy sword was all I used to need even with then 5sec stuns
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To me the main reason why people wouldn't play them is that their "Tag team" style(Using both Charlotte and Victor together to down) of play is also one of their LEAST effective ways to play.
Meanwhile only using victor(Thus missing the point of having 2 characters) and going for mass slugs every game is their most effective but least fun(To me) way to play.
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Killer's design even when used effectively causes more time to be wasted than other killers. No matter how quickly you down survivors there is always the travel time to find and pick them up unless not using victor.
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So many reasons:
- The character models are not scary at all, not gross enough to be disturbing, not cool enough to be appealing, and not creative enough to be iconic.
- Their lore is lame and paints them as being super pathetic, not especially sympathetic, and completely devoid of the ruthless drive one would expect of a killer.
- Their power set is bizarre, with the big one having no power at all, and the little one demanding a whole set of new skills despite not benefiting from any perks. Also, his initial injury-jump is too weak and easily exploited while his secondary down-jump is hilariously easy for survivors to counter play (since he's super vulnerable and got even more vulnerable post-nerf).
They're designed badly from the ground up and have no business being in a game with horror icons, both original and borrowed. Twins is, by a wide margin, the worst built killer the DbD team has ever thrown together. No part of them works for a horror setting.
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They feel clunky and many external factors have hit their performance. You used your power successfully five second cool down. You were able to get a slug going they get picked up with COH since age long cool down from Victor to Charlotte.
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Because they're incredibly buggy and clunky to play. To do well with Twins, you need to slug and camp quite a lot, otherwise you'll just be gen rushed since it takes you 20 years to down a singular survivor.
Oh, and COH legitimately makes them trash. You need to keep survivors injured for Victor to get downs, now with COH, Victor will never down anybody because they're always healthy.
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If Charlotte looked like feng min then I'm sure she'd be super popular
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they only took 0.05s of toy sword so I doubt it
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Simple. They aren't fun. That's what people want. It's sort of like Aritist and a lot of recent killers. They just aren't all that fun so you don't see them.
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5 second fatigue, dh validation making you end up next to the survivor, Circle of Healing.
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Their patch came with alot of issues so that left sour taste for players to get them in the first place.
Most see their game play as camp/slug and there are better killers for either of those play styles.
The players that did enjoy playing as them haven't liked the nerfs they've received.
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They'll still have the lowest pick rate by an ungodly amount, and I don't see how nerfing their most used add-on wouldn't have a negative effect, regardless of how minor the nerf is.