DC penalty rewards campers
So thanks again dead by daylight by continuing to reward toxic killers by penalizing survivors who don't want to be camped and tunneled. I love spending a couple hundred bucks on a game to be told how to play it, or face a timeout. How about we get to see the killer in the pre-game lobby, that way the survivor gets a say on who they want to be camped by? It's only fair huh?
That's like Killers being pissed they can't DC when flashlight-blinded.
If you can't handle a Killer winning in a way you, HIS OPPONENT, don't approve of; don't play a PvP game? 🤷
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Instead of dcing just give up on hook.
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Have you considered giving Killer a whirl? Its impossible to be face camped, and its you who gets to pitch tents instead, if you want. If you rather stay survivor, then you have to roll with the punches unfortunately, or get some friends to lessen queue times/camps.
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because the majority of DC's I've seen when I play killer aren't because of camping or being toxic. they're because they no they're about to die and don't like it. I've had people DC as I'm about to pick them up from a legit down more then once. It's being selfish.
DCing is not a solution to a problem and that person made the choice to do so most of the time. so they should pay the penalty for that choice.
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Well you might as well just ######### on the hook instead of d/cing. Either way you are giving the killer the win.
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Translation: “I don’t want to play against top tier killers like Nurse, Blight, Huntress ect and want to rage quit every game without consequence, ruining the match for my other teammates.
“I only want to play against the ‘worst killers’ so I can run them for 5 gens”
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DCing is for cowards and pricks who don’t care about ruining the match for their teammates.
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I see there are some camping killers that left comments, any opinions from survivors?
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Are we reenacting the Boston Tea Party? Because you just spilled some major T.
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Listen, everyone knows survivors are entitled to getting out every game. Killers that don't let survivors escape are just bad people.
This isn't a thread to make good players get butt hurt, it's about camping and freedom to decide if you want to tolerate that without being punished.
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I play survivor and killer evenly. I don’t DC when I play survivor cause I’m not a selfish POS.
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So, you don't want to be told how to play, but you want to tell others how to?
Just take your 4% chance and move on
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You can just let yourself die on the hook. Like you don't have to d/c to leave the match.
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Look I'm not saying camping and tunneling don't happen but we got to stop seriously acting like survivors only disconnect because they getting camped or tunneled.
Because you know that's a load of bull and I know that's a load of bull. Survivors disconnected for whatever they want to whether it be because they're the first person down, because they don't like a specific map or killer, they were trying to be toxic and got punished, they didn't agree with the way they got downed.
There are tons of reasons camping and tunneling only make up a fraction of it stop acting like it's the only reason why it happens.
No this is not Survivor exclusive problem before someone brings it up Killers do it too for their own BS reasons.
Like it or not disconnection penalties are there to stop people from ruining the game for others if you don't want to play against specific things get a group of friends or a group of like-minded individuals and just play kill your friends matches
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You're spot on, it would be nice to have a way of punishing bad sportsmanship without punishing everyone. Rumor has it there's going to be a DC lobby where those who quit out a lot get put together, where they can wallow in each other's misery.
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Or people who are tired of the BS. You're not wrong though.
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Don’t care. Don’t queue up if you’re not going to play just cause something you dislike happened. People need to get over themselves or quit the game so they quit ruining it for others.
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Think of it this way.
The goal of a camper is to eliminate one person ASAP. No DC penalty = more DCs = rewarding campers.
'Tunneling' isn't a thing. That's just playing killer correctly. It's your responsibility and the responsibility of your team to distribute damage.
When this game has no DC penalty, it's miserable for everyone. People DC the second they get a map/killer/start they don't like, screwing over everyone else.
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That's a good point, maybe I am looking at it the wrong way.
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Play something else, if your gonna dc it's not like your playing this game anyway.
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I was being sarcastic. Don't take things so literally.
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As someone who plays both sides, I actually do have an opinion. Stop dc'ing. If you're being camped, take your 4% chance and leave that way. If you're not even on hook, then you have no reason to complain. Do your objective. We all have matches that we hate, but 99% of us don't dc just because of that. Survivors (and killers) who do that look like spoiled little brats who think they're the only one who's allowed to have fun. It's one thing if you've just had like 10 games in a row and dc. Should you still do it? No, dc'ing under any circumstances is bad unless your game is being held hostage by a hacker, but it's something understandable. If it's just one random game, please don't dc and play the freaking game.
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You are.
It's very, very annoying when I'm playing survivor to have someone DC because 'I don't like Midwich' or 'I don't like playing against Pyramid Head'. Now we've lost the game because someone was sulking.
It's also annoying as killer. I want to win, but not like that.
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You could just humor the killer who's camping do a little roleplay be like, Hey killer how you doing? You doing great? That's good I'm doing alright too.
If a killer wants to camp it's optional just like if you wanna Tbag or Click a Flashlight as Survivor
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Or, if you're getting face camped you could dc without a penalty. If a killer wants to make it suck, then why stay in the game? Just get the DC and leave, that's my point. Vice versa for the killers. Or, fix the match making so casual players aren't getting paired with sweaty pricks
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So you don’t sabotage the game for the other 3? Get over it.
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It's just a comment, stop taking it so personally and being toxic. You're the problem with the game I imagine. But that's just my opinion, you're entitled to yours.
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Surprised to see such poor bait get so many bites.
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Yet here you are.......
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High, bored and waiting for my taco bell, been a good night for you?
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You're now my favorite comment so far tonight. Respect mate.
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Okay, and? Don't DC then, easy.
My friend and I played against a Nurse yesterday who didn't camp or tunnel, someone gets hooked, and I unhook them and then they decide to DC. Someone else got downed for the first time and they DC too, my friend and I ended up popping 4 gens by ourselves before we finally died.
The DC penalty is in play for a reason, not because you don't like someone's play style, the map, or the killer. You really don't like it? Then suicide on hook or afk, why should your teammates be punished because you can't handle that, yeah it's a crappy strat to go against, but it's not the killer's job to make gameplay for us survivors fun, just like how it's not our job to make the killer's game fun.
Don't play PvP games if you can't handle it, or better yet, go play some killer and see how difficult it is.
Sincerely, a survivor main
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I hear you, and I agree with you. But what is the dc penalty achieving? It isn't stopping people from quitting out, so what's the real issue, and let's fix that instead.
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Just because you bought a game and spent money doesn't give you the authority to decide how to tell people they have to play because guess what other people spent money to so should they get to tell you how to play of does that only work for you?
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First, it's just an opinion, don't take it personally. And yes, I've spent money on it, so yes, I should have a say in what I do. This is a discussion, not an authoritarian order to tell people how to play.
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Unfortunately although playing against campers does kinda make the game unfun for survivors, I rather deal with it than abandon my teammates, at least the devs said they're planning to do something about tunneling if I remember.
And yes, people still do DC with the penalty, but I've seen it 10x more when it was disabled, imagine every game you play, 2 people on average DC at 5 or 4 gens for some dumb reason. It can ruin things for your team, and depending how efficient your teammates are and how good the killer is, they're forced to suffer because of someone else.
That's the point I'm making, unfortunately not much can be said about camping except to bring kindred in solos so someone doesn't rush in and the killer just slugs them beside your hook.
I wish you luck in future games but please don't DC, and if you still wanna DC, think about the impact it'll have on your teammates.
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Taco Bell arrived, good luck with the fishing trip 🙂
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Yes you said you shouldn't get any consequences for braking set rules by the devs. You do have a say so with in what the devs said you can do in game. The devs have specially said that camping and tunneling are not against the rules so guess what you have to deal with it but guess what is against the rule doing. So if I'm reading this right the killer was doing something that I'd allow by the creators of the game but is toxic and you are doing something completely and clearly against the rules and shouldn't get in trouble.
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First, it's just an opinion, don't take it personally. And yes, I've spent money on it, so yes, I should have a say in what I do. This is a discussion, not an authoritarian order to tell people how to play.
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In saying that I shouldn't be punished for staying in the game with a camper, who's sucking the life from a game. If someone wants to camp, let them camp. If a survivor wants to tbag, let them do it. If you don't want to be part of a game like that, then leave. Without consequence. If you leave a toxic game, you're not the problem, the behavior that led you to leave is the problem. Everyone's ideas of toxicity is different, and I respect them all. I'm not a bootlicker, and like many others, I shouldn't be forced into being one by getting penalized for leaving. That's my point. Just because not quitting is a rule doesn't make it a good one in every circumstance. I hope that makes my stance clearer.
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Thats not how online pvp games work almost every online game has a dc or deserter penalty because it's against the rules and is universally excepted as a d*** move in all online games. So if I think survivors doing gens is toxic I should be able to DC or if a survivor make a flashlight save and I think that's toxic I should be able to DC or I don't like David in my match that's toxic so I should be able to DC? That idea would just ruin ever game every time.
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My favourite part of this
" I love spending a couple hundred bucks on a game to be told how to play it," While telling killers how to play by saying don't camp.
Also you don't have to DC against camping you can die on hook and leave the game.
I don't think you are DC'ing because of so called "toxic" killer behaviour, I think you are DC'ing because you don't want to die and that's called rage quitting.
The DC penalty punishes people who rage quit as it should.
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Again, not my point. My point is I shouldn't be told to stay in a toxic game, or be penalized if I leave. If course I've rage quit, so has everyone else who's commented in this thread, but that's not what I'm saying. And I'm aware I can just die on hook, but what if I just want to quit a shite game? And it's not "so called" toxic behavior, of course camping is toxic.
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Normally no to the first two, and yes to the third. But none of these answers matter anyways, because there is no excuse for intentionally that isn't an IRL emergency or an actual cheater.
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First of all, you are expected to play a game out fully when you queue up. Get over yourself. Don't like it? Quit.
Second of all, camping isn't inherently toxic. It's just a strategy with its own risks and benefits.
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"Get over it" doesn't fit in a discussion. But I do agree with your point about camping being looked at as a strategy, albeit a really ######### one in my opinion.
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The only thing toxic here is your attitude towards the game.
This is not a personal attack, just a moment for some personal reflection.
Basically if you are rage quitting because there is some element of gameplay you don't like... then the problem is you.
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Personal reflection is always a good thing, and you raise a good point. Maybe it's the matchmaking, or the constant sweat of the game, but some things wear a guy down. I'm not some pro player, just a casual player that wants a fun experience, and the ability to choose to leave when I want to, but spoiling others fun is not a side effect I want to have upon the game either. Maybe a "sweaty" mode and a "casual" mode need to be an option for matchmaking.
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I'm pretty casual gamer myself and the highly competitive, and often obnoxious, players of this game can get under my skin too.
Unfortunately match making penalties are a necessity because you've seen the game when they switch them off its a DC bonanza.
First down DC, totem cleansed DC, lose first chase DC, first hook DC it gets nuts. There are some really unfun sweaty games sometimes but its online PVP there isn't much you can do about it other than recognise when its getting under your skin and step back for a moment.
Personally I'd enjoy this game more if it had custom bots and I could just play it solo offline once in a while, especially if I'm not feeling sociable which is often.
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Well said.