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UPDATED: Killer Concept "The Baroness" EXPANDED With Chapter. WiP

Etsuhara Member Posts: 52
edited January 2022 in Creations

CHAPER NAME: "Fangs of the wicked" (Subject to change)


The Baroness

Susanna en Dupont or "The Baroness" as people would call her, was the epitome of perfection. She had three hounds that would never leave her sight, each perfectly trained, following any command. She always kept up with the latest fashion and trends. She was the perfect hostess at her parties,her conversations would never go dull and her jokes were always spot on. Every one loved her. Well... every one that mattered. For that perfection came with a price only those who would get close enough would experience.

At one of her parties a handmaiden spilled a drop of wine on one of the guests in front of the baroness. She appologiesd and quickly tryed to wipe it up in a panic. The guest said not to worry but the handmaiden was shaking, hyperventilating. The baroness didnt utter a word.

Later that evening the handmaiden was called to the undercroft of the mansion.She had never been down here, must ve another wine cellar she thought considering all the dtains of red liquid decorating the floor. In the furthes courner of the winecellar the baroness was waiting for her in front of a old moldy door. Her blood froze to ice when her eyes met with the baronesses, it wasnt those warm kind eyes you saw at her parties. She had heard the rumors from the other servants on what the baroness did in the undercroft. But they had to be just rumors.

 "Dont waste my time dear, havent you done enough already" the baroness scoffed.

"I'm sorry mylady I…"

"QUIET!.... Just get in"

The baroness guided her torwards the room behind her.

This room was the polar opposite to the rest of the house. It was dirty and cluttered with stuff, diferent odd devices and tools she had never seen before in the middle of the room there was a rugged chair. Next to it the baroness three dogs were standing attention, following her every move.

"Sit" the baroness commanded.

When the dogs didnt sit down she realised the baroness was reffering to her.

"You embarresed me today, and fir that I think dicciplinary actions are in order" 

The baroness walked with her fingers over the many tools on her desk before finally picking one up. A flogger, but not the regular kind, this one had barbed wire strapped to its strings. The handmaiden was in shock, she coulndnt be serious? But just as she thought that, the baroness raised the flogger and struck down. She barley had the time to cover her face and as the barbed wire riped a chunk of flesh from her arms. She screamed in agony as she stubled out of the chair and started to run thorwards the door.

"Naughty girl" the baroness said as she whistled at her hounds.

She didnt have to tell them, they knew what to do. The handmaiden was just about to reach the stairs as one of the hounds dug ther jaws into her lower calf. Followed by another in her thrashed arm, pulling her down to the floor. The last one took a grip around her neck holding her in place. She heard the heels of the baroness closing in until they stopped.

"What do you think you are doing!?"the baroness yelled.

She wasnt talking to the haindmaiden, on the top of the stairs the other handmaidens had gatheted and was looking down on them.

"If you dont get back to work you will be next" she yelled and then raised the flogger prepairing to strike.

"Stop it!" A handmaiden yelled.

The baroness just looked up and smiled, the smile of a devil. Then she struck down hard, again and again until the bones where exposed and the body went limp. She then looked up again with blood and chunks of flesh all over her.

"Who said that?"

The handmaidens scattered, exposing a small shaking girl.

The baroness grinned, formed her lips and whistled.

That night the baroness woke up by a wet, warm feeling on her face. As she opened her eyes her dogs where laying in her bed as ussual, but something where off. She sat up and lighed her bedside gaslight. Her white satin bed sheets where now crimson red. Colored by the blood pulsating out of her hounds headless necks. For the first time in her life she was filled with despair. She didnt even notice the handmaidens surounding her bed, equiped with the tools from her undercroft.

"My dogs, my beautiful dogs" she turned her gaze to the handmaidens and as she did her face warped into something inhuman. Just as she was opening her mouth again the first blow hit her head. Soon after everyone joined in, hitting her again and again until there where nothing left but a deformed lump of flesh.

"YOU DISGUSTING  FILTH! I,M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!" But everyone was allready gone. All that was left were a thick fog and somewere in the distance she could hear the barking of hounds.

AESTHETICS of The Baroness:

The Baroness is depicted as a lady in a victorian style dress. Her body and face is mangled by her own tools of torture with some broken ones still attached to her body. Her face is distorted by anger and a wicked cold wide opened stare.

She got chains wrapped around her waist acting as a corset, tightening it to unnatural proportions. The chains continue to wrap around her arms and are connected to her flogger in one of her hands and to her hounds leash through the other.

Her animations are ravaged/unsophisticated.

Her hounds are summoned when using her ability.

The animation is her pulling them up though the ground with her chains.

The hounds are ragged, wet, deformed and headless. They are connected to the chains by hooks pulling in their flesh.

When released, the chain snaps and they "run" in a janky fashion towards their prey.

If their lounge connects with a survivour (or the ground if they miss) they "POP!" in a blood splatter and disappear.


WEAPON: Barbed wire flogger

The Baroness has two zones of her M1

In close proximity it's a regular attack. In front of that proximity a hit will be a barbed attack, hurting healthy survivors and applying deep wounds to wounded survivors.

The baroness has no lunge, instead a lunge will extend the range of her barbed attack (by the same amount a lunge would extend the regular attack).

POWER: Release the Hounds

The baroness got 3 hounds att her disposal (3 charges)

When in a survivor is in sight and within range, holding M2 will lock-on to them and start filling a progressbar. This lock-on will not break if LOS is lost.

At this time the baroness will summon her 3 hounds and her movement speed will slow down to a crawl as she struggles to hold them back with their leash. 

When the progress bar is filled she can release her hounds (up to 3, depending on how many survivors she locked-on to.) And the hound/hounds will start to follow/TRACE the survivors movement for 10 seconds, when within reach of the survivor the hound will leap towards them. 

If the hound hits a survivor in a healthy state they will lose a health state.

If the hound hits a wounded survivor is will apply the deep wound status effect on them.

If the hound hits a survivor afflicted with deep wound, they will pin the survival down and start a short struggle phase with a skillcheck in the end. Missing the skillcheck will restart the struggle, hitting it will release you. Escaping will remove the deep wound status effect.

If the baroness picks up the survivor when they are pinned down the hound charge will be refreshed.

If the hound misses or if it doesn't reach them in time, that dog will go in a cooldown.

A survivour can only be chased by one hound at a time.

PASSIVE: Scent of blood

For each survivour with a deep wound status effect, the baroness will get a stack of bloodlust.


Double Edge

When culling the weak the others will grow stronger.

By pressing the "Active key" on a generator the killer can instantly complete it. The remaining time needed to complete that generator will instead be added to 1/2/3 random generators.

"If you dont work harder you will end up like him…" - the Baroness

Hex: Isolation

Every person for themselves in the pressence of your terror.

While Hex: Isolation is active, there can only be one survivor working on a generator at a time. If another survivor try to help the generator will explode and start to regress.

"If i help you, she will punnish me aswell…"- handmaiden of the baroness.


The pain inflicted by others will strenghten you in what to come.

Getting stunned by any means gives a token up to a maximum of 1/2/3. Next time you pick up a survivor and you are stunned or blinded you will not drop the survivor. Instead lose a token.

"They will all pay for what they did to me - The Baroness"

THE SURVIVOR: Margaux Lion

Lore: "WIP" But she is the girl who speaks up in the Baroness lore.

:A thin small framed girl with a timid posture. Wearing a Victorian era maid attire.


Hysterical Strength

When another survivor is downed within 5/10/15 meters of you and you are in the injured state, gain the endurance status effect for 10 seconds. This effect is canceled if exhausted.

Speak Up!

Press the "active button" to scream. Alerting the killer and filling an area around you with scratch marks. For the next 3/4/5 seconds none of your actions make any sound.

Thin boned

When a generator is completed and you are hooked. Pause the struggle timer for 5/10/15 seconds if the killer is within "a certain range".


The mansion is a mixture of an indoor and outdoor map with 3 main parts.

First is the courtyard, a lush garden with hedges and a grand fountain in the middle. 

Second is the mansion's main floor. Consisting of 4 big rooms, the main hall, the kitchen, the library and the dining room. The mansion has no roof and should be looked at as an outdoor space. Imagine as if the upper half of the building are being ripped from reality.

Third is the undercroft/wine cellar. Located under the main floor, This is the indoor part of the map with the room stretching under the main floor and is accessible through two stairs located on seperate sides of the room.

The jungle gyms consist of wine shelves/ broken furniture and the baroness different torture devices.


Disclamer: drawn with finger on phone and I am not A good Artist... be kind....

Thanks for reading!

And sorry if my english is broken or dont make sense... 

Post edited by Etsuhara on
