Does anyone else think that they should stop adding new characters soon?

I genuinely believe that this game is getting bloated with characters. The game mechanics are limited enough that they're basically only making new variations of older killers now. Nemesis is a play on Pyramid Head, Pinhead was like Clown mixed with Nurse, Trickster is a play on Huntress, they can't come up with many original ideas anymore.
There are also way too many perks for survivor and 90% of them are bad. Nobody uses any new survivor perks (except for boons ig) and it's basically wasted content. I really feel like the game has too much content shoved into the limited gameplay of pallets, windows, and holding W.
Nope. As soon as they stopped adding characters the game will die. I want the game to dedicate a whole chapter to fixing the game but you know just being realistic about the whole thing. They need licensed killers to keep the player base alive.
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They tried to fix a good amount of bugs this mid chapter update and people yelled at Behavior for not having enough content in the update.
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Too bad the community has a ######### ton of original ideas.
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Most people I've seen are mad about pointless addon tweaks/nerfs while CoH still hasn't been addressed.
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If they do that the game will die. They do need more unique ideas and could slow down the amount of killers a year but completely stopping it would kill the game. Not saying that's not entirely a bad thing either but if I'm speaking as someone from bhvr then yeah it's a really bad thing.
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Nope, the more the merrier.
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They should focus on game healthy & balance issues. But if they stop add content, game will die. 2 chapters will be enough, at least for one year.
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Did they really? I thought people were more angry at the actual changes.
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Perhaps slow down on the Character release cadence if needed. Maps can be enjoyed by the entire player base just as much as a new Character. Same with new mechanics/Items/Addons/etc.
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The game will die without licensed Killers, but this game needs a health chapter, like right now
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They should slow down with new content. game improvements should be done every 3 months instead of new content every 3 months. a game that has been around for 6 years will be better off.
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Problem is that if BHVR announced that they take a break from new content to make a "health chapter" people will cry out that the game is dying and getting stale the second the announcement is out. They are under quit some pressure to change a few things every month or so...
Now onto the topic: No, I do not think so.
League of Legends has a bloated rooster through the roof and it works. And the fundamentals of that game are not that hard or complex.
Also you got to see what happens when they create a new mechanic or concept: People are not able to handle it. Take Cenobite as an example: People to this day have a problem of getting the box and not panic vaulting back over a pallet. And when they released the Artist people where crying about her as well even thou her power is quit unique.
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Yea I seen a good amount of people complain. Especially on twitter and reddit. Mainly because the devs said the Ghostface and Legion changes were coming soon but because it wasn't in this ptb people got angry. Personally I don't care as we got a few good things this ptb but a good amount of people are still complaining like normal.
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I doubt you have any proof for this conclusion.
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No. This game basically profits off of new content and cosmetics. New content is the only thing making this game fun at the moment, as well. With no new content, the game will eventually die out.
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I bow them on nurse fixes. But the rest…
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This ptb is mostly a health ptb and everyone is calling it a major letdown so no I don't think people want operation health as much as they say they do, at least not in the way they suggest.
I also don't think the number of things you can do is anywhere near reached it's limit as long as they add extra elements like jigsaw boxes and fountains and boxes there's plenty of things that can be done.
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The vocal part if the community over on reddit and twitter. Personally I could care less that CoH wasn't touched because that means the devs are still thinking about a solution that makes boons strong without making them feel super oppressive to killers.
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They're eventually gonna run out of perk ideas and licensed chapters.
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Yea the nurse fixes are the highlight of the ptb for me. Other than that the new toggle interaction is cool and the one solo buff is good but other than that I don't know how I feel about everything else.
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Imo they could slow down a bit. And rather make some new maps and fixes.
But too many people complain.
Also i think they use the new killer/surv perks to try to fix things.
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Honestly yeah the character select screen is getting a bit ridiculously long. There’s so many characters yet so little content in this game.
Personally I think they should focus on creating a new game mode.
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Even then this is common sense. How do you think Dead by daylight survived when this game was so terrible years ago? Compared to now.
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That mostly will never see the day of light tho
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All new characters should come with a one time use million blood points offering.
And, every one in that game gets rewarded, because why not?
The grind is BS at this point
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Thats nothing to do with licences holding playerbase alive, like you said. In fact, since Nemesis and Cenobite the playerbase decreased, even after Pyramidhead the playerbase decreased a little, which shouldnt be the case due to you logic. In fact last player increase came with the release of Trickster, an original character (even though it was likely due to anniversay event). There is no proof that if they stopped pumping out characters the game would die.
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The problem with this game is that the gameplay is limited, having only one game mode, so if they didn't add new characters and perks it would become monotone and people would lose interest.
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The game is already bloated, most Killers released lately have been variations of the same thing, almost everyone has a ranged attack or antiloop mechanic.
Its not that they have ran out of ideas is there is so much you can add in a game without repeating yourself.
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Can't have enough characters.
I'm trying out the new perks and look how I can use them.
It's nice that we got a new map with the last chapter and I hope we will get more maps and a replace for Hawkins.
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Yes, they need to focus on fixing their game before releasing another killer or survivor.
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Incorrect. They finally fixed the bugs with nurse, that should have been fixed a long time ago, and also gave us unnecessary nerfs to some perks/add-on and questionable buffs to others while once again ignoring the main balance issues players are complaining about. Other than fixing Nurse, which is the bare minimum they could do since the characters they sell should at the very least be functional, this update gave us nothing worthy of a whole midchapter update.
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Your providing my point. Behavior is slow about fixing stuff and as a result you are complaining about how they "gave us nothing worthy of a whole mid chapter update." I get that you and many others want more in the update I did as well however this patch was less about new content and more about trying to fix some bugs, making solo queue a bit more bearable, and giving a qol mechanic with the toggle button. I agree with the addon nerfs and buffs only a few needed what they got and the random perk buffs are cool as they are trying to make them more viable.