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FNAF Sister Location chapter idea. Killer: The Circus Baby. Survivor: Michael Aften

LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283
edited January 2022 in Creations

I thought I would make a FNAF chapter that has Baby as the killer instead of Springtrap as Springtrap just seems so obvious and when people think of FNAF chapter they instantly think of having Springtrap. But I’m gonna make one with Baby instead as I think Baby is better than Springtrap.

Killer: The Baby (Or The Circus Baby)

Height: Tall and quite big (a bit like nemesis) Apparently Baby is 7 foot 2 😳

Weapon: Microphone and The Scooper


‘Why didn’t you trust me?’, ‘I thought you loved me’, ‘The Scooper only hurts for a moment’, ‘I’m always aware of how many people are in the room’, ‘I can inflate balloons, right at my fingertips’, ‘I can make ice cream’ - These are some lines Baby says in FNAF SL and I thought it would be great for her to have some lines in game.

Backstory: (this is a quick explanation of what happened to Elizabeth. I don’t know if everything is correct but it’s what I could sort of remember from the lore, there is a lot more that happens in the lore with Elizabeth’s family so I recommend looking into it more as it’s really good. FNAF IS NOT JUST FOR KIDS, THE STORY IS SO DEEP)

They we’re a happy family once. It was her father (William), her mother, her two brothers (Michael and Evan) and herself (Elizabeth). Her father had just opened up a Pizzeria with 3 animatronics: Fredbear, Bonnie and Chica. Fredbears Pizzeria was always popular for kids birthday parties which resulted in lots of income. They soon turned into a wealthy family. It became too much for William and he started getting stressed and then his abusive side kicked in. He had made a Spring Bonnie costume. He went over to some children at the next birthday party and told them to follow him into the back room for a surprise. He murdered them… he stuffed each child into the animatronics to hide the evidence. He loved the thrill of it so much that he made a new animatronic called The Circus Baby. He made her to attract more kids. He gave her special abilities like making ice cream in her stomach that she would hand out to kids, she could inflate balloons at her fingertips! She was what the kids were always on about. But something was odd with Circus Baby. She would always count the amount of people in the room, always aware. There were 4, there were 3, there were 2 and then there was 1. When there was 1, Circus Baby always changed. She didn’t know why, but her stomach would always open and she would grab the child and stuff them inside of her. Then when all the kids came running in screaming of joy, the screams of terror from the child inside Circus Baby would be overrun by all the children laughing. William never let Elizabeth up to Circus Baby as he knew exactly what she was capable of, but one day Elizabeth left her dads sight and went to Circus Baby on her own. ‘Daddy doesn’t know I’m here, sshh don’t tell him’ was what she said to Circus Baby, ‘I think you’re amazing’, ‘I don’t know why daddy won’t let me see you’. Then, all of a sudden Circus Baby’s stomach opened wide and grabbed Elizabeth and crushed her inside. When William found out his daughter died in the hands of his creation, he got rid of Circus Baby so that it could not happen to any more children again. Elizabeths soul possessed Circus Baby. Elizabeth was now Circus Baby and now she wanted her revenge.

Her power includes BidyBabs who are always by her side, The Scooper that shoots from outside her stomach and Always Aware as she is always aware of how many people are in the room with her.


Baby comes with two BidyBabs by her side that follow her around.

Hold L2 for 2 seconds to get ready to release one Bidybab that will charge towards at a survivor at 150% speed.

BidyBabs will have auto aim, but because of the speed BidyBabs would run, it wouldn’t have great turning skills.

When BidyBabs hits a survivor, it will grab hold of the survivor (similar to Victor) and will damage them a health state.

Survivors can struggle to get BidyBabs off and when they do, The Circus Baby will have to pick BidyBabs up from the floor to use it again. Hitting a survivor with the second BidyBabs whilst the survivor already has one BidyBabs on them will cause them to go into the dying state. Both BidyBabs will come back to you if the survivor did not throw the first BidyBabs off.

Bidybabs can down an injured survivor, but the Circus Baby will have to pick it back up again from where the survivor was downed.

Bidybabs has a maximum range of 16 metres.

When a survivor carries BidyBabs out of a 16 metre range from The Circus Baby, BidyBabs will instantly fall to the ground, waiting for the Circus Baby to pick them back up again.

Always Aware:

Baby always counts the amount of people in the area.

When 2 or more survivors are within 12 metres of eachother, their auras are revealed to you. But only if you are within 16 metres of them.


When The Circus Baby encounters a survivor that is alone (not within 12 metres of another survivor), she can use her Scooper which has a range of 4 metres and can be used over pallets and windows. (The scooper shoots out of her stomach, the survivor will know if The Circus Baby can use her scooper as her stomach will be slightly open). The scooper will injure and down survivors. Downing a survivor with the scooper will knock them out for 15 seconds, meaning that they cannot crawl and cannot attempt to wiggle when on the killers shoulder.

The Scooper has a charge up time of 2 seconds and has a cooldown of 5 seconds after being used.

Perks: Childish Behaviour, Scourge Hook: Target Located, Hex: Good Is Now Evil

Childish Behaviour

When the Exit Gates are open, Childish Behaviour activates.

Every survivor becomes oblivious for the rest of the trial and become exposed when in the Exit Gate area, the survivors will not be aware of this. Downing a survivor in the exit gate area will result in the entity blocking the survivor from crawling out for 5/10/15 seconds.

Scourge Hook: Target Located

At the start of the trial, 4 random hooks will turn into Scourge Hooks.

When placing a survivor onto a Scourge Hook, the last survivor that was placed onto a Scourge Hook will be exposed for 30/35/40 seconds and their aura will be revealed for 3 seconds.

Hex: Good Is Now Evil

Whilst the Hex totem is standing, any Boon Totems created by survivors will have no effect whatsoever. Once cleansed, any Boon totems standing will be destroyed along with the totem carrying the blessing.

Whilst Hex: Good Is Now Evil is standing, survivors will not have the ability to bless hex totems.

Once Hex: Good is now evil has been destroyed, The Killer can rekindle any destroyed dull totems one time to turn them into their standing position, survivors can then bless them again into Boons.

Survivor: Michael Afton

Perks: Boon: Controlled Shock, Inner Demons, Hidey Hole

Boon: Controlled Shock

When the killer snuffs out your Boon totem, they will be momentarily stunned for 2/2.5/3 seconds.

Every time the killer snuffs out your boon totem, the stun will be decreased by 0.5 seconds each time.

Inner Demons

Inner Demons activates every time a generator is completed, starting with the 4th generator. Everytime a generator is complete you will gain these statuses for 20/25/30 seconds: 5% haste, 15% vault speed, Self heal at regular speed and stuns on killers are increased by 1 second.

Each time a generator is complete, one of these statuses disappear.

Hidey Hole

When inside a locker, you see the aura of the killer when within 8/10/12 metres.

Everytime I see a FNAF concept it’s always about Springtrap, so I thought I’d make one for Baby. In FNAF, Baby is 7 foot 2 so it shouldn’t be hard to implement her into the game.

Post edited by LuluTheLion14 on


  • Etsuhara
    Etsuhara Member Posts: 52

    Personally I am not a fan of FnaF aesthetically. But then again, I think twin's "Charlotte" character design is super bland and terrible, but I still play her from time to time…(victor is dope tho)

    So I will give my thoughts about the killer's powers and perks anyway.

    What happens if a survivor throws off the Bidybabs in the corner of the map? Must the killer walk over there and pick them up to use them again. (Thinking on how kidnapping victor is a popular thing to do)

    Scooper sounds like an insta down nemesis m2 which sounds kinda OP and unfun for survivors.

    Is "always aware "a passive or a perk? Feels to powerful as a passive and I feel it's to similar to "nurse's calling" if it's a perk.

    Childish behaviour.

    Love it just for punishing exit gate teabaggers or bodyblockers. The oblivious part feels unnecessary tho.

    Scourge Hook: Target Located

    Like this one, like a one person BBQ. But I would change: "the last survivor that was placed onto a Scourge Hook" part with something like " the survivor furthest/closest to the scourge hook." Because sometimes you can only get 1 scourge hook per game and in that case this perk would be useless.

    Hex: Good Is Now Evil 

    Like the anti-boon part. But we already got Hex:undying for the hex "second chance" and Hex: pentimento for raising cleansed totems. So I think those effects are too much.

    Just my thoughts.

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    Thankyou for the feedback.

    For the power, I’d say if you was gonna release BidyBabs towards a survivor then surely you would probably stick to that survivor in chase. But I can change that to when BidyBabs goes out of a certain range from Baby, it instantly drops to the ground and then Baby would have to go over there and pick BidyBabs back up. It would also help Baby find out where the survivor is. So I could do that.

    Always Aware is part of the power but I don’t think it’s as powerful as you may think it is considering the survivors have to be within 12 metres of eachother and you must be within 24 metres of them. I’ve tried not to make it powerful anyway. If you see a survivor you are most likely just gonna go for one of the survivors and one will get away. I can reduce the range to 16 or 12 metres instead of 24. But I do still want to keep this ability as it is part of her character as she always counts how many people are in the room/area in her lore.

    The Scooper only takes away one health state and can only be used when the survivor is alone (not within 12 metres of another survivor). It cannot be shot over obstacles like The Nemesis’ tentacle can. It can only be shot over windows or pallets or just in a straight line. I should probably add a charge up time so that she can’t use it straight away with the click of a button. So maybe if you had to hold down a button for 2 seconds to charge up the scooper, it shouldn’t be too powerful or annoying then. Hopefully.

    Childish Behaviour - The oblivious status effect may seem stupid. But it really could help killers make sneak attacks on survivors waiting at the exit gate. They may not know you are approaching them and they are exposed. Would be really good on Deathslinger I think if you got it as a teachable.

    Scourge Hook: Target Located - like every Scourge Hook perk, you may not get any hooks onto a scourge hook in the game. But if you add it with perks like Agitation which quite a lot of people do, then you should practically be able to get every survivor onto a scourge hook. I did consider the survivor furthest away but that seemed a bit boring. But the survivor furthest away could help the killer out more as the previous survivor to have been hooked on a scourge hook could be dead. Idk, I might tweak it if I come up with something great 😅

    and the last perk - I get what you mean, I don’t know what I was thinking tbh when I said the killer could rekindle it. I’m gonna get rid of the ability to rekindle the hex totem, but I wanna keep the ability for the killer to rekindle the dull totems that were destroyed otherwise there may be no totems left for NOED at the end, if the killer ran NOED obviously.

    As always, Thankyou for the feedback 👍

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    I’ve put the changes in place. I haven’t changed Scourge Hook: Target Located though as i think it would be fun to have the sense of mystery as to where the survivor would be. If it was the furthest survivor from the hook, it would be a bit boring. Whereas if it was the last survivor to have been hooked on a scourge hook, then it would kinda be scary for the survivor as they could be really close.

  • Martincoon3
    Martincoon3 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2022

    DUDE!!! Baby Circus from Five Night's at Freddy's Sister Location is the best idea i've heard. I made another idea that instead of SpringTrap, is Nightmare Fredbear as a killer. Nightmare Fredbear will be terrified if he joins dbd as a killer.

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    Cool! I’ll be sure to check it out. Literally, FNAF sister location is my favourite Five nights at Freddy’s, I think Baby is such a cool character aswell, the way she manipulates Michael into doing everything and then betraying him at the end. She has such a cool story

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    Just realised, I was going to check your concept out and then I realised that I don’t think you’ve actually made it have you? 😂

  • Martincoon3
    Martincoon3 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2022

    No i never done a chapter conecpt. I'm about to plan. I'm trying to find a a blank chapter concept. Like this example. This is not made by me.

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    Oh yeah. I’ve made some of them for my personal chapters that I have made. I’m not an artist tho so they aren’t good 😭

  • Martincoon3
    Martincoon3 Member Posts: 9

    Yeah me too. I'm not an artist too. I need to try to think of the best way to make my first Chapters. I guess i can try to create my own Chapter Conecpts.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Weird suggestion, but what if the Boon: Controlled Shock, Stunned the killer some time AFTER the snuff the totem.

    Lets say. 5-10 seconds after?

    Maybe that would be op, imagine you get downed killer snuffs boon near you. when you get picked up you wiggle for 6 seconds then boom, stunned and released from grasp.

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    That is what usually happens in game tbh. The killer snuffs the totem after downing a survivor. But I do also think it would be unfair for the killers side. Imagine spending a really long chase and downing a survivor just to be shocked by a perk. The idea of this perk was so if the killer snuffs the totem during a chase, it gives the survivor an extra second or two to get distance. Just like in the FNAF sister location game, when Michael uses the controlled shock, the shock happens immediately, not a few seconds later.