DC penalty rewards campers



  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    You're hurting your teammates more than the killer by DCing. You just gave the killer an easier match.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    I think that's the general consensus, and the thing I've been doing myself, in lieu of the DC penalty.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    I agree, but if you're just going to die on hook in lieu of quitting, aren't you rewarding the killer anyways?

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    "If a survivor tbags let them do it" really? Well then in that logic " If a Killer camps you for bming let him do it" should be viable as well.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    Yes but it wastes the killer time more and screws over your team just a little bit less.

  • SoloQKev
    SoloQKev Member Posts: 164

    Or instead of DCing stay on the hook as long as you can. If the others are smart they will do gens and try to get out the only way to punish the killer. But in my solo experience, the others always try to help lol.

    The only time I DCed when I had no choice was when a hacker keeps the game hostage. I only thought this happened to streamers until it happened to me a few nights ago.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    Great way to look at it, I honestly didn't even think about that one. I've only had a couple games where we've been held hostage, otherwise it's been a decent experience really.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    My comment was at 3am ,half awake and ended reading more stuff about the games balance issues but Yeah I did and pretty much said what was on my mind at the time while I can agree being the first one camped sucks I can't really blame killers at this point cause of the ######### MMR system,

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Another thing I would like to add is that right now thanks to the meta not changing much and the top perks not getting tweaked most people have this mindset that everyone uses said perks so for things like BT,DH,DS ,UB and COH people think to get rid of them asap cause it will lead to problems later.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2022


    I had two disconnects in a game today. The first one disconnected when he realized a gen had Ruin and I was running straight for him, and the second one disconnected after I barreled around a corner and downed her.

    Unless you do it every single game, you get five minutes.

    I do agree that the DC penalty indirectly rewards campers, but that's only because survivors directly reward campers by DCing and/or throwing themselves at a camping killer instead of doing gens.

    If a killer is camping, and both of the other survivors are taking turns getting themselves hooked to death trying to save each other, you can still win the game all on your own by running around the map and doing gens.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited January 2022

    Camping, tunneling and / or slugging are part of the game, esp. in high MMR. (nobody asked for this, but hey)

    If you take it personal and can't deal with it, don't play. Simple as. Don't ruin the game for others by DCing or killing yourself on the hook.

    You would be supprised, 5 gens aren't that hard to finish if 4 survs are just STAYING IN THE GAME.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    Camping is toxic, at least let's be honest about this. If you want to say "don't dc regardless" then that's one thing. But let's not lie.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    So you shouldn't dc, or ######### on hook also? Just trying to figure out what the rules are to this.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279


  • habmaniac88
    habmaniac88 Member Posts: 8

    I hate dc'ing and I think it's a selfish way to play. Having said that I understand where the survivor frustration comes from. I turn on my Xbox, wait 15 minutes for a match. I get nabbed early on (sometimes my fault, sometimes another survivor) and bam my game is over. If my 15 minute waits consistently produces exiting 15-20 minute matches I don't care if I escape or 0K as a killer but damn when you wait for 15 minutes for a 5 minute match it really does suck.

    I don't camp and I am pretty putrid as a killer past the lowest levels but when I only have an hour to enjoy a little DBD it really does suck to have those survivor nights where you either die on first hook or 2 idiots DC while you are the only one working on a gen. I don't mind bad games, it's the WAITING for a bad game that causes the frustration.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    I definitely relate to this! I wish there was a lobby for us casual players, and one for sweaty campers. That way, everyone is happy.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    You'd see camping, even in causal play, because camping is not 'sweaty'. It's a tactic to win, like...oh, I don't know; doing gens with a toolbox.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    I see your point, but I disagree. Camping is sweaty, if it wasn't then why do so many people dc or kill themselves on hook when they're being camped? Using a toolbox is similar to using noed, or a killer perk, but not camping. In my opinion. It ruins the game for everyone.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    if it wasn't then why do so many people dc or kill themselves on hook when they're being camped?

    Because they are babies who can't stand losing, and don't want to accept their own toxic behavior, so they blame the Killer for 'cheap killer/perks/tactics'.

    And it works in reverse, too; Killers can DC and blame Survivors, when the real fault is their own garbage attitude.

    Camping, tunneling, slugging. Using items, add-ons, or tactics are all ALLOWED.

    Calling any 'sweaty' or 'tryhard' is a BS attempt to shame the opponent for trying to win. And it creates a toxic mindset that absolves people of their own garbage actions. IE: 'I only disconnected because the Killer/Survivor was being toxic FIRST!'

    Reality: No, they were not. They were trying to win. My hypothetical person here needs to suck it TF up and not DC.

    People will use ANY excuse to shift the blame. And calling an ACCEPTED TACTIC 'sweaty' or 'tryhard' fosters an atmosphere of blame-shifting and toxicity, where players will DC, then blame everyone else for their own, truly toxic, actions.

    For example, in another thread, someone recently said '99% of all Survivor DCs are against campers and tunnelers'. This was shifting the blame from Survivors DCing to Killers 'playing toxic' and FORCING them to pull their router plug.

    People who think like that will ALWAYS DC, because they will ALWAYS blame everyone else for their own garbage actions.

    So please; stop with this '<x> tactic/perk/Killer is sweaty' BS. All it does it shame people for trying to win and increase the toxic attitudes this player base is known for everywhere else.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    Listen mate, I respect your opinion, and your raise good points. Camping IS sweaty, it's already been identified by the dbd community as toxic and a cheap way to play, but that's not the point of this discussion. The point is should I get to choose whether to stay in a game with a camper or leave, and why am I forced to stay with threat of a DC penalty. Dcing is just as cheap and sweaty as camping in my opinion, yet you're the problem if you quit out of a game like that. There's got to be a middle ground.

    Thank you for your opinion though, it is very well written, and I definitely agree with the majority of everything you've said. I know this is a very loyal community, and my intent is not to offend anyone, just get some thoughts going.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    As are you friend. There is also no world in which your comment here is right.

  • Zidane_Tribal112
    Zidane_Tribal112 Member Posts: 4

    Never have I seen, so many boosted and ignorant arguments from killers.

    Did you guys read the question, he didn't say he want bad killers or anything.

    He's already facing losers that face camp him and tunnels.

    He wants the game not to reward the losers for being losers.

    How was that so hard to understand?🤔

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 300

    Sorry not sorry, but I will never not shame sluggers. In 99% this tactic is used for pure BM, not because the player is actually trying.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    I think people are taking it too seriously, and getting insulted easily, especially the ones that support camping and tunneling as a tactic. I'm all for playing the game whichever way a person wants to for sure, I just want to be able to get the heck out of there if there's a sweaty camper!! Thanks for your comment!

  • Nikatara69
    Nikatara69 Member Posts: 273

    with new hook mechanic sometimes is not possible to give up on hook as surv, cuz with new timer someone always come to save u without BT and let killer farm

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited January 2022

    Tunnelers and campers (at first and each hook) are just the weakest players. If they would be good players they wouldn't feel the need to tunnel or camp.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    This thread has turned into a bunch of Survivors, salty they lost, insulting Killers for not following made up rules.

    Once again: Camping, tunneling, and slugging are accepted tactics. Anyone insulting people for using them (calling them 'sweaty' or 'tryhards' etc.) is just continuing the toxicity in this game by belittling their opponent for not following their made-up, unenforceable rules.

    Also, every time you shift the blame to 'The Killer was a tryhard!' to excuse your loss; you fail to learn from any mistakes you made, never get better, and thus will lose again. And then make up another Killer-insulting excuse as to why you lost, and thus not learn from any mistakes you made, and thus make them again...

    Stop. Being. Toxic. Camping is not 'sweaty' or 'tryhard'. They are not the 'weakest players' or they would not have won. Camping does not carry the game that much, since they still have to find you, chase you, hit you, chase you more, and hit you again. They also have to use their Killer's power well enough to do all this.

    Bottom Line: If you think camping, tunneling, or slugging is 'weak', 'tryhard' or 'sweaty'; you are the problem with this game. You'd rather insult your opponent for winning in a way you don't approve of, instead of learning for your own mistakes.

    And frankly, I'm gods damned sick of being put on blast by this toxic mindset that 'The Killer camped, so he deserves insults'. Because, 99% of the time? I did NOT camp, but Survivors decided I did, and since there's this atmosphere of 'He was toxic (according to me) first, so I can be toxic back!'; I get treated like shite by Survivors simply angry they lost.

    Knock it the hell off and grow TF up.

  • I think a lot of people here are forgetting something, and it might sound mean and I apologize. There's more than enough anger in this thread to go around, regardless.

    It's a game. It's people mad at a game, that don't even know saying stupid #########. It's people, in a game, doing something admittedly that is just not fun to play against at times. This happens on both sides, killer and survivor. (Both sides have things that just, anyone who's played magic the gathering knows what I mean. You stop playing the game. It's just no longer something you can do.)

    Personally I'm thankful that its harder to direct message people with steam and it really just doesn't happen. Consoles don't quite have that maybe? Regardless, people being ######### happens. Doesn't make it, doesn't make it right.

    Regardless, while currently the thread isn't wrong, I mean the game does give the killer a free kill for someone dcing. (I'm not 100% sure what survivors get, I'll admit I don't play survivor. Like at all.) As for killer leaving, eh its a time out. Personally in either case it makes sense. If you're dcing from a game, you're probably tilted. Upset, annoyed, not in the best state ever and particularly at dead by daylight. So to me the timeout, is a hint I should take a break. (I don't normally dc too often, but it happens. Thankfully I really only play killer so grats on the win I guess? oh well?)

    As for survivors, there is other people involved, normally you don't know them and have no way of communicating to them. As it stands I can't imagine any good system that could happen that would somehow detect why someone dcd, that just no. That's a horrid idea. Punishing everyone in the match, is also a horrid idea. Yes matches happen where people make things very much not fun. Likely its perfectly fun for them, but its a game. Rewards and punishments in a game, don't mean anything. It's a game.

    Behavior towards other people in chat? Behavior towards other people in social settings, even virtual spaces like forums? That means something. My suggestion, the only one I can give to anyone who is currently angry at someone in game for making the game unfun.

    Take a break, seriously just have a drink, coffee, something. Do something else (and don't even look at the end game chat. Just go. I can nearly guarantee that someone will say something stupid that they shouldn't say) DBD will still (unless you uninstalled it) be there. Beyond that, don't make dcing a habit. It starts with games that are unfun because there is something legitimately unsportsmanlike and eventually it becomes "oh well I'm losing".

    I believe once losing games just becomes a lesson in frustration rather than a challenge, that might be a sign to find, in all politeness and well meaning, another game.

    If you absolutely must to talk to the person after a really frustrating game in end game chat. Take a breather, and talk to them. Don't yell, don't accuse, don't attack. That's really difficult, likely everyone is upset. However, I don't know how anyone here expects the game to get better if the community remains willing to just attack people over things inside the game. Keep the attack and pallet stuns to the trials, not the end game, the forums, etc. etc.

    We're all playing the same game after all. Just my thoughts on this and the general discussions I've seen in this thread. (And thank you my dc timer is up. Yes I originally came here to rant about a bully squad, but I took a breather and realized there was a better use of my time. Not sure if this was it or not, but I tried. So there hope everyone has a good day, and happy trials.)

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    This is a discussion, no need for bigotry. You want others to accept your position on something, then respect theirs. I respect your position on this. Thank you for your comment.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    I think this was a great use of your time, and your points were spot on. The whole point of the DC time out is to give people space to calm down and take a breather. I think the devs saw what you explained in your comment, people getting upset and reacting badly, and the DC penalty was their solution for it.

    I honestly don't know how you keep your sanity as a killer, game after game I see survivors getting mad because they're getting owned by a fantastic killer. I watch survivors dc right by their third hook, but because they've been bullied or camped for 3 hooks, but they've just been outplayed.

    My whole point at the start of this discussion was just to address fair play, and a killer sitting by your hook for 2 minutes while you die isn't fair by any reasonable standard. I suppose, in hindsight, I could have addressed bad survivor behavior, but it took it forgranted that people already recognize that happening.

    I think in the end of the day it's all about respecting other people, their opinions and play styles. But also giving someone a fair choice about whether they want to be around that. A killer DCs, survivors win. Survivors DCing hurts everyone, but gives killers points, and makes it easier to kill the remaining survivors. I'd be fine with getting put into a game where a survivor has quit out, but matchmaking has such a long way to go I'm not sure if that could ever happen.

    I think that people just need some place to vent their frustrations, in a respectful way, and I was hoping this could be it. I guess I touched on a topic that people are passionate about, but some people are reacting in an angry and hateful manner. Your comment, however, I found to be insightful and relatable.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    This is a discussion, no need for bigotry.

    Ok, then what about:

    If they would be good players they wouldn't feel the need to tunnel or camp.

    This poster Insulting Killers for using a valid tactic.

    Sorry not sorry, but I will never not shame sluggers. In 99% this tactic is used for pure BM, not because the player is actually trying.

    Once again; a poster openly saying they will shame Killers for using a valid tactic.

    I think people are taking it too seriously, and getting insulted easily, especially the ones that support camping and tunneling as a tactic

    You, once again attacking people for using a valid tactic.

    Camping IS sweaty, it's already been identified by the dbd community as toxic and a cheap way to play

    You, once again, insulting Killers. And no; the entire community has not decided camping is toxic. This is you talking out the side of your mouth again.

    So you sit here and act like you have the moral high ground every time someone calls out the BS swimming in this thread. While you also sit here and insult and shame Killers for USING A VALID TACTIC.

    That's the BS mindset that salty Survivors use to attack, insult, and send death threats at Killers in game. They rationalize 'They camped! So they DESERVE my vitriol!'

    You want to have a discussion? Stop being a part of the problem. Then, you can have a discussion.

    All you're looking for is an echo-chamber for your biased opinion on camping, then talking out the side of your mouth to pretend you're 'having a discussion' when all you're doing is getting an echo chamber of 'Camping is sweaty!'

    I hate two-faced people. Hypocrisy makes me sick.

    So either 'have a discussion', which means STOP INSULTING KILLERS FOR A VALID TACTIC.

    Or just admit you were looking for an echo chamber for your already admitted view on camping.

    Because I'm sick of watching Survivors vomit weak excuses to allow themselves to insult me in-game, just because I did not play by their stupid, made-up rules.

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    It's an opinion, that's supported by the majority of the community mind you, but an opinion. In not forcefully trying to impose my opinion on you, or personally attack you for yours. Stop being so hateful in this discussion, or leave. Nobody is forcing you to be here or asking you to make it uncomfortable for everyone else. Sorry your personal experience with the game has made you so bitter, my personal experience has done the same. Share your opinion respectfully, or don't share at all. Your choice, but don't do this in my discussion any longer, your hate has no place here.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    That makes sense, camping isn't against the rules, DCing IS.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    It's an opinion, that's supported by the majority of the community mind you, but an opinion

    Citation needed. All you're doing is making claims with 0 evidence to back them up. Hell, this community can't even agree on what's 'camping' and what's 'face camping'. I've been accused of 'proxy facecamping' by a Survivor salty he lost.

    In not forcefully trying to impose my opinion on you, or personally attack you for yours

    No, but holding that opinion, and reinforcing it, is contributing to the toxicity in game that gets me death threats because I 'camped'.

    Share your opinion respectfully, or don't share at all

    Funny; I don't see people being respectful towards Killers. Just the normal insult sand shame for breaking a made-up rule that, even now, you pretend is accepted by the 'majority of the community'.

    I'm done here. All you're doing is talking out the side of your mouth to pretend you're being civil while backhandedly insulting Killers for breaking your made-up 'no camping' rule.

    It's nothing but ego stroking garbage hidden behind purple prose to create an echo chamber of toxic behavior. You sit here and pretend it's a 'civil discussion' while insulting Killers for breaking your fake rules by calling them 'sweats' and 'tryhards'. Or the people saying they camp because they suck.

    Nothing but a hypocritical echo chamber reinforcing the same toxic idea that 'camping is toxic, therefore I can be toxic back' that is slowly turning this game into a bad punchline in other gaming circles.

    Congrats; you're the problem.

    Don't bother replying. If this forum had an 'ignore thread' function; this thread would be on mine. It's nothing but Survivors having one big circle-faff about how evil Killers are, and how they're not to blame when they insult said Killers for 'toxically camping'.

    And you, OP, are a massive hypocrite.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 300

    I never said anything about tunnelers or campers because I don't consider their approach bad or BMing. I only have beef sluggers - because whenever I encounter those, they clearly play to waste people's time, not to win.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Yea I was playing Nurse, because I'm a baby Nurse and want some practice in and I did one teleport and e people DCd.....no one was face camped no one was tunneled they just DCd because it was a Nurse. OP said allow Survivors to see who they are facing to allow them to decide who they want to face.....the issue with that is it would allow Survivors to bring in Perks and Items to counter. Now OP can counter by saying well Killers can do that with Survivors, but the difference is there is only so much a Killer can counter...like flashlights.....

  • onekingbee
    onekingbee Member Posts: 37

    That's a good point about being able to see the killer in the lobby, pretty much throws out that idea!! Maybe from the standpoint of picky Survivors not dcing when they find out it's a killer they don't like it might work, but I personally enjoy playing against different killers. The Nurse is one of my fav to play against, and a good nurse is hard to win against for sure.