No Perk AFK Killer Challenge.

I have started doing this in reverse order. So instead of starting with Trapper I started with The Artist. So far I have won (3/4K with no one leaving through the gates) with Artist, Pin Head, Nemesis, Trickster, Blight, Pyramid Head, Oni, and Demogorgon.

I have Drawn (2k) with Twins and Deathslinger.

I have not lost (3/4 Escape through the gates.) yet. I am up to Ghostface and will be continuing this challenge.

I get Otz is trying to show the game is not survivor sided and that it is just a matter of perks and addons. But I have found playing to just outright kill the survivors without relying on perks and addon and trying to get value from them I have played most efficiently than ever.

Let me know if those of you who have been doing this challenge have had a similar experience. I am curious as I was watching someone on stream last night and they weren't doing to great, but they were also assuming because they were perkless that they were going to lose anyway.


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Do you have videos?

    That's the really interesting thing to me. Exactly how someone is playing and how their opponents are playing.

    I know that at what's likely an 'intermediate' MMR, I get the whole gamut. Teams that want to play as chill as I do, and complete sweatlords that, if I'm not running something very meta and got a bad map, I probably lost the match before it started.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    You should really keep this in excel so you can show the data. You can copy & paste excel snippets on here.

  • legrosporc69
    legrosporc69 Applicant Posts: 250

    Otz did not try to show the game is survivor side or not with the experiment he did that for challenging himself because you know when you are close to 10k hour in the game you need some challenge.

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201
    edited January 2022

    I have the stream vod. I will admit that I had to play pretty nasty to get the 4 kills and all that but even so I am most certainly at a decent MMR as well.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Clearly this was too easy for him. I want to see the 1 minute afk challenge with no tunneling.

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    I will go through my VODs and put that all together when I complete the challenge. Believe it or not I had Haddonfield about 3 or 4 times

  • legrosporc69
    legrosporc69 Applicant Posts: 250

    Tru3talent did the 30 sec challenge and he play for hook and he average a bit less then 2k i think it was around the 1,56 kill per match. Otz said that if tru3 played a bit more merciless he could have easy get a better ratio and he got unlucky with map too. Ofc he compare that to his personnal experience during the challenge.

    The player need to take those stat with a grain of salt because lets be honest both of those guys play this game for a living and they are close to 10k hour so ofc they are going to be good.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Tbf I also question otz there aswell, you cannot show data of something of just 1-2 games each Killer. You need much more to be more accurate on an average.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited January 2022

    I will admit that I had to play pretty nasty to get the 4 kills 

    Things like that just don't really prove if game is killer / survivor sided. It just proves that killer can win most of normal games if he really wants to win any means necessary.

    You sometimes lose even with best everything and most tunneling, just bad map and good team.

    But most games is just contest who brings better resources (addons, perks, items, offerings) and playstyle matters a lot for both sides.

    And let's be honest, most teams still can't handle camping / tunneling. It's hard to deal with it as soloQ tho, but even most SWF groups have weak link. There is not many dead squads, those are usually either in KYF or trying to stream snipe.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Tru's approach defeats the idea of the challenge. It's meant to show that you can easily tip the scales in your favour as killer with some extremely sweaty but easy strategies along with some decent game sense and handling tiles properly. He just played normally with every handicap imaginable. Guy literally got roasted because he couldn't follow the instructions properly.

    Survivors can do the exact same by SWF'ing up and pounding gens like psychos, letting their tunnelled/camped friend die as they sweat out gens.

    Otz's hours have little to do with it. His game sense is the same with half those hours, and killer players shouldn't use that as an excuse to dismiss the findings. Otherwise they have to admit they have a skill issue (which they don't do lmao).

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    going for hooks is asking to skew what this challenge stands for. The game doesnt say you HAVE to 12 hook. It says kill by any means. So I don't think i agree with tru3

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    That is nothing. I was afk as Myers one time for a while (like 7-10 mins) since I had to take care of something. When I got back I saw all 4 survivors around me, blinding me and doing their tribal dance.

    I got to tier 3 and lets just say the rest is history. Otz and Tru3 have nothing on me my friend Booba.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    Been saying it: just accept that if you want the most consistent results possible as killer, you must discard the survivor rule book and play to get kills by whatever means the situation calls for. I think killers have been convinced that they should "play nice", but there is literally 0 benefit for doing so. Play to complete your objective and crazy enough, you will complete your objective lol. This is why/how survivors beat killers into the ground so often. They focus on the objective while killers play nice and then wonder why they lose or feel frustrated lol. When more killers wake up and start playing to win, survivors will complain about how not fun it is for them and then maybe just maybe something will change (ie pig nerfs).

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I watch Tofu do the challenge until Legion (which is when I went to bed), he got a 4k in every match. Most matches he won easily some, he only just barely won.

    I think that the test shows 2 things.

    1. You can win as killer as long as you're good enough and sweaty enough. There are very very few death squads that are unbeatable and they're definitely not every other game.
    2. The best way to win the game as killer is to Tunnel, use the basement to camp, and then slug to secure all 4 kills. These strategies exist at a core level and are not fixed even with survivor perks like BT, DS, etc.
  • Synzicle
    Synzicle Member Posts: 31

    The issue with this challenge, at least in my opinion, is that you don't know your personal MMR as well as the MMR of your opponents. Some of Otz's kills were from really massive misplays, some literally just running into him. Not denying he's a way better killer than probably any of us are, myself included, but when you see things like that you kind of just go "idk man, I think the game just randomly placed you since those players couldn't find a killer in under 5 mins."

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Its not just Otz, most streamers who did this challenge had even higher killrate than he had. And OhTofu has every killer 4k except one

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Yeah, agreed, I'm questioning the motives here since his narrative on balance would be harmed if he played like the others that did this challenge did. Hell, even Spooks'n'Jukes, a guy that admits to not being very good at killer (I disagree, when he doesn't lean on NOED he actually plays decent), got a very good 3k average by sweating the easy strats which was the point.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I did a average kills and you were getting an average kill rate of 2.46, that's about a 61.5% kill rate. That's actually much better than I would have thought you would do.

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735
    edited January 2022

    But…Where I see a catch.

    Killers that you dont or rarely play have by default lower mmr.

    So how about a:

    Choose your main killer:

    Use the same rules for 25-50 games in a row.

    In other words be the king of the hill (i mean mmr…) and lets prove that game is killer sided

    The game gets survivor sided when SWF brings heavy artillery into the game. Comms, boons, toolboxes with BNPs and the sweaty perks.

    DH DS Unbreakable etc…

    When 30secs while ur

    afk or converted into a chase its almost a miracle if you do get 2-3 hooks without gen popping.

    Spawns especially 2x2 on seperate generator is hardest hit

    Post edited by Smuk on
  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093
    edited January 2022

    FWIW, OhTofu actually had done this already before. On his channel, he did a series he called the "Masochism Series", where at Rank 1 (before SBMM) he was playing every killer perkless with no add-ons (unless the killer had an add-on that made their power worse, in which case he used it). He did NOT go AFK to start those matches.

    I didn't see his recent undertaking of this "challenge", but I DID see all of his "Masochism" matches. In those, he had some 4K's with the strongest killers, some competitive matches where he secured a kill or two with other killers, and other matches where he got absolutely destroyed by the survivors, which means he did better now than he did then with arguably harder conditions imposed on his play (the 30 seconds AFK is far more punishing than the use of a meme add-on, especially on certain killers).

    What made his results different this time around? SBMM not working correctly, playing these matches at different times of the day (his previous attempts were taped matches in the morning and not during a stream), not sweating/camping/tunneling, etc. the first time around (he did say during the series that he found himself concentrating much more than he normally did since it was such a challenge), small sample size that lends itself to inconsistent results -- or something else? I'd be curious if someone would ask him during a stream what he thought the difference was between his matches now and the matches he played then.

    ETA: A quick look back at that series and his actual results, which were better than I remember them being (he did call it the Masochism Series, after all, lol), but still not 4K's across the board. His results were pretty strong, but not as good as his recent test -- maybe his time playing those matches helped his performance in his recent attempts?

    Totals from his Masochism series (which looked to go up until Twins, so no Trickster, Nemesis, or Pinhead) -- he played two matches as each killer back-to-back, so a total of 44 matches over 22 killers:

    13 4K's

    15 3K's

    9 2K's

    3 1K's

    4 0K's

    64% of matches conclusive victories of 3 or 4K's. 9 "draws", and 16% conclusive losses of 1K or less. He had unlikely results with double 4K's as Clown, of all killers, but had one of his two matches as pre-nerf Spirit end in just a 2K. What does any of this prove? That's subject for discussion, but I thought his prior similar attempt was worth noting.

    Post edited by ChiSoxFan11 on
  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    Majority of streamers do not work 9-5 in the office. They practically make money by streaming. If you have made urself as brand why not?

    So something is a natural talent combined with more or less doing shifts on dbd is not comparable with majority of community. Yes, you cannot

    make balance around newcomers or so, where majority of games are 1 perk with brown addons on wraith and its 4K in 3minutes.

    We could take 10000 killers with same challange and we could se the outcome then.

    The problem is as it was said by many, even so called streamer (gods). The sweatier side will always win.

    You as a killer against comp team have 0 to nothing chance to win a fair play, and get 8 hooks before sacrificing starts

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    There are definitely games where no matter how well you do or good you are you lose.

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    Lets just say I am DEV 26 and play every killer on rotation.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Honestly, I just want to see 50 wins again. These challenges are lame, I want to see something that I cannot do myself with ease. You know? Something only the best of the best could accomplish.