So Is This What Red Rank Is Like?
Tomorrow ranks reset and I've just reached red rank for the first time since I started playing in October. Well, my first three matches have been against flashlight toting t-bagging click-clicky gen-popping loop to death bully squads.
So is this what red rank, which has NOTHING TO DO WITH MMR, and is essentially MEANINGLESS is like, or am I just having an unlucky few rounds?
Its pretty random I guess
I took a month break of Killer and now I am playing again and got the last 3 days pretty chilled games just 3 super sweat games (actually 10min ago also a super sweat game that used badham map offering and ofc abused the ######### out of this map with boons).
However I cant tell if the MMR adjustment of "taking extended breaks and your mmr is lower" is secretly already in and now I am climbing back up.
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The game thinks I'm good at Nurse and gives me these squads.
They aren't even good, just cocky and annoying.
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The latter.
BHVR are tweaking MMR soon which will hopefully help somewhat. I also see at least one game a day against what's obviously a 3-4man SWF afk/suiciding, obviously smurfing their MMRs down to prey on less skilled killers.
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It's a complete coincidence. Grades have no relevance to skill.
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Grades are worthless.
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Incorrect! Red ranks are, what, up to 250k BP?
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This one of the things MMR got worse than ranks. It's just easier to lose MMR and basically go seal clubbing.
Funny is that as a killer to lose MMR you would have to actually let multiple survivors repair gens and leave, but you can just bully a killer whole game, finish all gens and then just die to egc to lose MMR as a survivor.
It was way harder to stay in low ranks with old system.
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Well, that is worthless...
If you think how many games you need to get there, then 250k is nothing compare to what you earned with those games, if you use BBQ / WGLF.
250k is basically 10 perk tiers. It's +/- 6 games with BBQ.
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Oh hell yeah 3 killers game with pudding
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Nah, that just means it's not worth a lot. It has a value. Just a very low one. xD
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I’m stuck at gold with killer lmao
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Alright, fair enough...
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Red ranks dont exist anymore. Now its all random
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Apparently, not even that.
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It goes up to 250k for rank 1.
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200k for Iri 4, up to 250k for Iri 1.
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Na red rank has nothing to do with it. I've tanked all of my killers mmr so I can farm with newbs for fun but I'll still get a bully squad 1/10 matches at the absolute lowest mmr. I get 4 stacks of BBQ and just farm and let everyone escape on every killer so I know I'm at the bottom of mmr. I've got 2k hours on killer and have been rank 1 with almost every killer before mmr was added and if these bully squads can put up a fight against me then they would annihilate any killer that is actually at that low mmr.
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Has this always been like this or is this new?
The three instead of normal five i think...
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There's probably somewhat of a correlation between grades and MMR. Someone who gets to Iri 1 in a month is probably escaping on survivor and is most definitely getting kills on killer.
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I'm not sure.
Smurfing under ranks was way, way easier. It was so simple to do (you could shed ranks in about 5 games if you did it right) that even fog whisperers admitted to doing it.
That doesn't mean it's not still a problem though.
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It was so simple to do (you could shed ranks in about 5 games if you did it right)
How so?
Wouldn't it be only 5 pips?
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Yes, that's what I mean. You could shed a full rank in 5 games, and once you hit your desired rank it was easy to remain there. I'm not going to name names, but if you just google 'fog whisperer smurfing' you'll find a ton of threads on it.
Now, it's a lot more time consuming if you want to do that.
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I think process is easier for survivors, you can play normally and just make to sure to die to egc, or killer, or escape by hatch.
Noone knows how many games you need to actually get that low tho... So it might take longer.
Thing is now, you can play and do whatever you want during that game, it was kinda hard to get your rank under 9 unless you killed yourself super early, or were afk.
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I wouldn't know there is no such thing as red ranks.
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You just DC'd. Once the penalty got hairy, you started suiciding.
You can definitely still do it under SBMM, but yes - as you can't see your MMR and as MMR (by the example numbers given by the devs) will take a lot more matches to manipulate.
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Congratulations on reaching red rank for the first time. 🙂
I’m sure there’s more bully squads at high MMR than average MMR simply because in order to get away with bullying a killer you need to have the skill to escape afterward. I don’t think every match is like that though, I’ve gone against plenty of solid people with red grades who just play the game normally without all the teabagging and clicking. (If anything the survivors who don’t strut their stuff in your face like that are the more dangerous opponents honestly because they actually do the gens and get rescues an heal other survivors instead of wasting all that time going for flashlight saves and trying to get you to chase them.)
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Grade = nothing.
I haven't played in ages, my games as an Ash 4 are insane in terms of skill and what they will use/bring as well as their game knowledge.
No matter your grade you will verse the mmr the game rates you at. So for me the unfun high level of play which actually makes me hardly play now and seek fun and balance in other games.
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So, the game thinks you're good... by matching you against people who are not good?
There's some food for thought in there.
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Grades are pointless in determining our matchmaking according to our mods.
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Unfortunately if that were true we'd see a lot more disparity in our games... not full teams of red ranks. Unless that's telling me that every full team of red ranks is only a SWF anymore.
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