is dead hard ever going to be looked at

or has it ended up like league of legends flash where the get out of jail free card has become so ingrained in the meta and balance of the game that it can't be changed because its expected that 95% of players will run it
its just really frustrating to make a smart play and have it utterly negated because somebody pressed E, especially when it happens often 5 or 6 times a game
inb4 whataboutism, i realise there are other stupid perks like noed on killer side, but at least you can counter that perk, you can't exactly make someone not have dead hard
Honestly it took them 5 years to give trapper 2 traps so we’ll be here for awhile
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Itd be nice. I have no problems with any other exhaustion perk.
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I like the other exhaustion perks, aside from Overcome they all require varying levels of planning and/or skill, especially ones like head on
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It wont get a change faster if you create more threads every day with different accounts.
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if you're implying i have multiple accounts, lol no, this is the first time I've even posted here in like what a year or something
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JuSt WaIt It OuT
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I think its time to recognize that every perk will eventually be complained about, as the current hotness gets nerfed, the next hotness will get complained about incessantly
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Looked at? Sure...Fixed....No
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That doesn't mean that this perk doesn't warrant being looked at.
Are you going to argue that old Object of Obsession was fine because people "complained about it incessantly"?
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Why should it be? It's a decent perk at best. You have many killers that don't even care it exists (Bubba). Wait it out if you are worried about DH.
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Okay there, Dane Cook.
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Imo the only thing that should be looked at is when you hit the survivor and their character screams as if they got hit but they escape because of deadhard. So stupid and doesn't make sense.
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Oh trust me they're looking at it but are probably too scared to change it cause twitter will have a melt down if their most used perk gets changed.
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They should do a test day where the perk is disabled just to see how people play without it and if they find builds that can work. Its definately become a crutch for a lot of players i dont think it would upset the balance as much as we might think SB probably wont replace it but lithe might still requires proper planning.
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I honestly don’t see DH ever getting changed.
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It does make sense, read the description: Avoid any damage during the Dash.
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It's a weird one. The devs have moved quickly on problematic perks in the past, so my guess is they don't have anything pointing to it being overly unbalanced. It's certainly far and away better than the other exhaustion perks outside of Sprint Burst. Doesn't necessarily mean it's OP though. It could just mean the likes of Lithe, Balanced Landing, etc., are too niche and limited in their value. Dead Hard definitely feels bad on the killer end, though in practice a well used Sprint Burst is taking you to an identical spot in the end. Taking away the i-frames and making it exclusively a distance-maker might be worth looking into.
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It will be 'looked at' (they will buff it)
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If the hit and deadhard occur at the exact same time the hit should take priority.
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Hopefully, whenever they look at the broken, built-in powers that are blatantly too powerful or poorly designed on killers.
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What do you mean? They just looked at it and buffed it.
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In addition, the latest change that made DH absorb a killer's power, such as when Nemmy uses a tentacle over a dropped pallet & the survivor DH's away. Fair and correct that the tentacle doesn't hit the survivor, but it also doesn't break the pallet which is what it should do if it doesn't hit a survivor. Fix that ASAP. It's even worse for Twins and they've already been nerfed into the ground far too much.
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Yeah, they "buffed" the exhausted on the ground hits you didn't deserve in the first place. Sorry.