Bad hitboxes...again

I know the hitboxes are always not the best but now the hitboxes are really bad from what I'm experiencing, I don't know if lag or high ping/ms affects the hitboxes, if yes then my problem is solved (my internet is almost as terrible as free internet). If the problem is really the hitboxes itself then I hope that in the mid-chapter update they fix the hitboxes.
No it's definitely your internet, friend.
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It's hardly ever "the hitboxes". Just latency + dead hard validation being/looking janky
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Hitboxes in this game certainly aren't amazing, but I feel like this is probably your internet; you admitted yourself it was bad, and having high latency definitely does no favours in terms of hits looking good.
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Yeah, probably the only time the hitboxes were actually bad was in the new survivor animations update
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In the internet being almost as bad as free internet I was exaggerating, in my matches Im like from 100 to 150 ms/ping the whole match, but still it's probably the internet
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100-150m/s is regarded as "relatively bad to very high" in terms of DBD- ideally for a melee game you'd want sub-20, but anything around 50-80 is fine in DBD.
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Ok, thanks for taking your time to kind of help me, I'll try to get a better internet so I don't play almost only killer <3