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And again here we see why dbd doesnt really need new content anymore

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

I would arguably say that Portait of a Murder was a pretty solid Chapter, no huge or game breaking bug. The survivor looks alright, his perks are okey, nothing too crazy but also nothing too broken, I would say at the very least Overcome is just a lazy excuse of a Perk.

However the Artist was amazing, she has 3 VERY good perks which makes her for newer players already one of the best chapters to buy right off the bat. She is very well designed, arguably one of the best designed Killers in this game (Gameplay design). She offers a lot of counterplay which also isnt too annoying to deal with and play against, she feels pretty smooth and is hella fun. Her ability utilizes everything in this game, what a Killer needs and also what you can use against it. You can use Flashlights effectively on to burn the crows or swarms, use lockers and also requires a lot of skill and practice to master her. Whenever I play her the game feels very tense and I need to pay a lot of attention to so much stuff, I just love it. She is also pretty strong and can be easily played on comp aswell. She also looks great btw, great design there.

And yet ppl barely play her, I bet half of the community doesnt even know what is possible with and against this Killer, I would say that BHVR has put a lot of effort into this chapter, especially the Killer and most of it has just gone to waste cuz ppl dont really chew threw the new content and still demands more that they are not gonna pay more than a few days attention to it anyway. Its just sad to see and I feel really sorry for the devs that put so much thoughts and effort into the Artist.

And thats why I say, dbd doesnt really need more content.


  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    They could release less killers / survivors and focus on game changes + skins for money.

    There is so many things they could create and make money on.

    -Let me buy a new mori effects, that would be big one, they said they want to make it somehow base mechanic in future, so it would make a lot of sense.


    -Gen / Hook / Locker skins

    -Loading screens

    -I want skins for Victor.

    -new emotes for survivors (you really don't need some fortnite dances to ruin this, but some emotes would work like "hello", thumbs up / down etc.)

    -Higher tier skins that might change during game based on number of gens / hooks. That would be cool.

    Hmm, any other ideas?

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    If you stick only with the same killer or role then yes.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Honestly dbd is almost at the point where just adding new chars wont keep bringing new chars this game honestly needs to almost from the ground up be rethought. Otherwise its really just a battle of perks ive bought every dlc for this game except for PoM which im just grinding to buy the chars with shards instead of buying with money. My guess is they will eventually just announce dbd 2 and hopefully let alot of the chars from this game transfer over or something. The game definately needs to make every killer a threat and not just a select few i mean we have a few killers where its a joke if people picked them most of the time like legion and like i said legion can be played very well and be menacing but the fact that he cant down in his power is what makes him a joke espcially with CoH. I just hope they figure out what they need to do to keep players playing. Personally i feel like killer needs a companion almost think of it like someone gets to play as THE ENTITY and they cant kill but they can observe and offer bonus advantages to the killer only like tagging gens being worked on or creating fake terror radiuses to scare players off gens. I dunno what else to say with that but killer is no longer a threat aside from blight and nurse sometimes huntress and they shouldnt be the only threatening killers. Nemesis was at first but now his player bases has almost died out as well as with Deathslinger they often create these powers that seem so cool on paper but in practice they are too easy manage around and it ends up hurting the killer more than making them good. Anyways if you dont read any i say here read this at least....Killers need their terror back


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    I think OP might be downplaying Artist’s counterplay too much. A team that knows how to play against her is truly difficult in a unique way that pretty much only Hag and Trapper can relate to.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Ohh they asked that once in a poll on twitter, beeing able to customize your basement. I would love to have a bar down there! I would pay everything for that.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Oh, so many roleplay options. I want to be The bartender Bubba!

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    BUBBA is more of a messhall cook then a bartender tho

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Hey, I can be whatever I want in my basement. So I will be both. Grill your butt and make a drink from your blood for other survivors.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Yes: Customizable basement. Let me make that place personal and show people my collection of random stuff that I aquired by playing the game.

    As a cookie for free player: Charms that come with your rank at the end of each month, changing every 2-3 month or so never to come back.

    I would also play for new Moris. Make Moris base, give them a stupid condition and let me buy a costume Mori for my character and I will do it. Even if Ghostface and Pinhead already are in S and A tier Mori-wise.

    I also like the Artists very much. Good counterplay, hard to play and master Killer yet fun mechanic that makes such a difference if one knows they tricks. Also the chase music and the design are a kicker, her pallet kick animation...overall a good Killer. Yet nobody plays her and I wonder why. I see more Legion than Artist...

    I personally only bought Jonah. Cool looking dude, funny perks (Boon: Exponential made it to my heart quickly and Corrective Action is so good with one of my friends who can not hit skillchecks for her live...). Also good design and a good scream.

    I think a new character at least per 1/2 year is pretty good for the game. However they need to find something to keep things fresh and spicy during the waiting time...

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I hope that condition will not be something to use on last survivor only. RIP free hatches :D

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Maybe there is a reason nobody plays the Artist despite all of the hype for her. So strange that just everyone would refuse to play the new killer despite her being the closest to waifu bait. Hmm, I wonder 🤔

    It was probably her amazing gameplay and strong power level. Definitely.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Nah, I also do not hope that. Giving hatch is one of the few moments of wholesomeness and I have to let somebody live as Ghostface to tell the tale.

    I hope it will either be something specific for the Killers, something about hooks and survivors alive or both. Like "get 8 hooks and if all survivors are alive get to mori one" or for Myers "reach T3 3 times, get 6 hooks while all survivors are alive, mori one survivor who can not be stalked anymore.". Should be something hard as I think about Moris like Brutalities and Fatalities in Mortal Combat...

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    shes literally so boring. anyone with half a brain holds w forever. can't even use her power, only to find survivors then m1, yawn

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465
    edited January 2022

    I like the new map alot but this doesn't stop me from being bored of the game. I kinda want new cosmetics, I'm over the ugly Pyjamas I bought. so YES, we need new content

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,742

    I feel like I'd enjoy Artist more if we weren't already so massively oversaturated with anti-loop no mobility killers. As it is, she's absolutely not "amazingly designed" but instead puts me to sleep whenever I face her, or play her (because yes, I finally caved and bought her). It's been the same repetitive ######### for over a year now, with the exception being Blight, and I'm so tired of it all because every killer just seems to play the same and have the same counterplay. They use their power at a loop, hold w from the loop, repeat until you have to drop a pallet.

    Her perks are good on most killers, but on my main Pyramid Head? They're trash, absolute garbage, completely useless and then some. I've been testing them and no they're horrible for him.

    So if anything, I'm absolutely begging for them to release new content just so I can potentially have something new to play with, because at the moment the most recent killer content I've played with has been literally Silent Hill, a year and a half ago. Nothing after that has at all interested me, so it's like I've been playing a game with no new content in for a year and a half, and I am absolutely ######### begging fot something new.

    The only thing I can really agree on is there wasn't a massively breaking bug.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Well yeah, but that is on the survivors. Most of them listened to people calling her OP and unloopable ("anti-loop-killer") and do not even try. Holding W is just the easier solution, less risc, high reward. Looping is at least medium risk, high reward...

    This however is a whole other problem: No new content unless you buy a new Killer.

    Hit the deeper problematic that survivors get more content just because adding a new Killer brings few good aspects for a Killer player. Survivors get a new enemy to face (well and then come up with the clever idea that holding W is fun but that's another story), but Killer players...maybe a few new perks to face and a new map.

    I agree that these perks are bad on Pyramide Head: Why would you want to use a Scourge Hook, when you cage anyway. Why would you want to use Grim Embrace which triggers when you hook somebody...and so on...

    The biggest addition for Killers were Boon Totems as a "side objective". You never saw Overcome in your games that much and "Corrective Action" is also no perk a Killer "feels".

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428
    edited January 2022

    The thing is that we do need more content. In order for them to introduce new powers/mechanics content has to be made.

    In terms of the Artist, from my understanding she can be boring to play as (because survivors just hold W) and she is boring to play against (because you are forced to hold W). So I suspect that's why you don't see many of them.

    They need to come up with killers with unique powers WHILE also keeping maps in mind. Perhaps they already do this, but right now it just feels like you are forced into one way with certain killers.

    Post edited by Johnny_XMan on
  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Dont get me wrong but it seems to me that you are not playing her right. Yes you can play her like a nemesis or pyramid head and use the crows only on loops but this is up to you, no one said you have to do that, ofc if you play like this survivors will just hold w.

    I play Artist in a complete different way, kinda like a deathslinger I place crows at spots where the survivors has to run and zone them, for example if they want to run around a corner of a big tile, just place a crow facing the corner, they are forced to take a wide angle and you will therefore instantly catch up. Ofc this is just 1 single example, its hard to note down everything you can do with her but I ensure you, there is so much more to her than you think.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited January 2022

    If you get W as Artist then you do clearly something wrong, Artist is definatly designed against that aswell. That is exactly what I mean, ppl dont even learned her properly and think thats it how you play her.

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    The problem is people aren't having fun because of SBMM so the new content doesn't keep people playing for long. The numbers will only continue to decline until the core issues with the game are addressed.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,742

    still anti-loop no mobility boring ass design im so tired of

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Ye thats true, there is a reason why so many ppl keep quitting xD

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428
    edited January 2022

    So you think survivors do better inside a loop where she can clearly injure you if they come near the crow?

    I don't understand what you mean by "people don't even learn her properly". People who understand how she works have and will set up a crow to deter that survivor away from using the loop. Meaning their best option is to keep running.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    This game is gonna have more content to keep it alive. If not I think people would get bored of the same stuff and quit playing.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited January 2022

    This. If you ordered a steak and there's a cockroach on your plate. It doesn't matter how delicious that steak looks. Your not going to eat that.

    No matter what bhvr does the game will continue to bleed players until they address the various issues. SBMM, hackers, game balance. Eventually new content will fail to bring those players back. It's already starting to happen. With the exception to pin head I ignored the last 4 chapters. What bothers me most is I feel bhvr is totally fine with this. I feel they have given up on dbd and are just milking the game till the end comes.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    It does. How do you think this game lasted this long despite being a perfect game with great balance?

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252
  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    Actually there is a rather obvious point to proof this theory: go check the steam number of players before and after the RE chapter release last year. The only reason WHY DBD is so successful is the huge amount of licenses and the new players those bring in with them.

    I won't disagree with the game could really use more QOL changes and improvements than actual content ones but lets be real: the chapters, especially the licensed ones is where DBD gets its players/money from. So they won't ever stop doing them.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Maybe take a look at player numbers and licences as general. It doesnt verify that point in any way.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Take a look at before and after licenses drop and then player population.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352

    Honestly new content wouldn't be a problem if it didn't feel like BHVR was picking new content over balance changes.

    Like Riot with LoL manages to push out multiple champions over the course of a year and manages to maintain biweekly patches for balance changes. I know Riot is likely largely, but it shows that you can manage to both balance changes and add in new content.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited January 2022

    Artist is very strong, one of the strongest killers in the game. She is not easy to play and not someone you will immediately 4k every match, but she's also not super hard to master like Nurse, i would say even Spirit is harder because of the mindgames and 50/50 the survivors have against you. But i've seen very strong, multiple thousand hours killers doing very good with her. I've scrimmed against those with my team, counterplay is nearly no existent in some situations. Artist in some loops is just braindead.

    People always complained they want a new Spirit or Nurse, and here she is. Maybe not quite as Strong but definitely high A, low S tier.

    And the perks? Resonance of Pain with Pop is already the new meta, 40% regression is huge and most public players don't know the counterplay yet (let go of gen before hooking and then let it regress if you're sure shes coming to pop it).

    The chapter definitely shook up the killer meta, the chapter before (Mikaela) the survivor meta. Is it powercreeping? Yes definitely, the difference between the old M1 killers and new anti loop killers has become huge and Boons are so much stronger than something like Botany...

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252