why bloodwarden is getting ######### on so much?

Bloodwarden getting rating by 2 out of 5 by otz due to the reason he said that survivor have to be stupid to make bloodwarden works, maybe in tournament lol
In average game survivor will always try to help their teammate, will t bag Infront of exit gate, they won't leave as soon as exit gate open if they teammate are being chased.
Yes they will 99% the exit gate, but you can easily slug the survivor and run to the exit gate, or hook the survivor and run to exit gate, they will 100% open and won't leave, because they think they can try to save the teammate.
Such a good clutch perk, will rate it atleast 4
"In average game"
So like, the average game where 90% of people are dumb?
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lmao, in average game you saw people leave their teammate instanly if they are not dead on hook? That almost never happen.
Btw average survivor are smart for doing it, stupid one won't try to help their teammate and just leave.
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No, a smart Survivor will leave some one on hook. Going for a save when a killer has literally no reason to be anywhere else is risky
Risk how ever is what is more fun. So a Survivor looking for a good time is obviously gonna gamble and attempt that save
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No, in high MMR survivors always sacrifice the 4th person on hook, leaving before they get put on.
They don't care about fun or trying to get everyone out, they just want the quickest 3 man win any% speed run.
Blood warden only works at high MMR if survs have a long que time and you played horribly, where no one feels like they had enough interaction in the game. THEN they might feel like going back for the save and blood warden can delay them escaping for 1 minute.
Even then, good survivor teams will still get their 3 man and 1 survivor dies regardless, usually through a trade or what have you.
This is why blood warden is pointless.
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smart survivor will always try to help their teammate, 2v1 you can still help if you have barrowed time by letting killer m1 you, put your teammates of hook, let the barrowed time guy block one more hit, both run to exit gate, dead hard, profit.
in 3v1 situation or 4v1, it's garuntee they will help their teammate.
So if you have 3 people fully heal you should just leave and don't help people on hook? lol
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lmao, even with 3 man left they still don't give a #########? That's new to me.
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If people are going for end game saves, they will almost always 99% the exit gate. Meaning that even in trades bloodwarden is not likely to proc.
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It's a terrible perk that needs to be updated since it was not designed with EGC in mind. It's the most outdated perk in the game and I hope one day to see it fixed so it actually fulfills its intent again. 99ing the doors was not a thing when this perk was designed.
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Ill ask you this, was benefit does that Survivor get for saving their teammate? Sure they might get BP for the save, but theyre risking 5k BP for 2k.
Assuming its a SWF, if theyre playing optimally and making sure the killer gets the least amount of points possible theyre gonna leave that guy on hook. This is shown in tournaments where most of the time a hooked Survivor during Endgame is left to die so the rest have a guaranteed out.
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I've only ever opened the door fully if I have that daily that makes me open it with X character.
But only if the other hasn't. If it has, tough luck and go again.
Can't risk blood warden lol
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It's pretty easy to come up with 50+ perks that are more useful in every situation than the few times Blood Warden works. Use what's fun for you, that's the game, but there's no scenario where Blood Warden is anywhere near a build that's trying to be sweaty.
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I am one of the five people who run BW
It comes in play MAYBE two out of ten games and it actually allows me to secure more kills maybe one in ten games. Most survivors I go against 99 the gate and are smart enough to realize when I'm the one who opens the gate, I probably have BW and they stay away and hide for the minute rather than try to leave.
It's a super fun perk for me to run though, especially because when you nail the SWF jerk squad with it, it is literally the best feeling you can have in the game but I fully acknowledge that it is almost certainly detrimental to my killer games running three perks the entire game on the off chance that BW might come into play. I'm honestly surprised he'd give it more than 1 star but maybe he factored in how GD fun it is to nail SWF squads with it rather than rating it on strategy alone.
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Imagine if it got a delayed activation, that blocks the exits when doors get opened
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Blood Warden is a high risk high reward perk.
If you manage to slug one survivor far from the exit gates and force the others to open it or you open it and they don't leave you just have to wait until the EGC time is under the 1/2 and you hook the survivor the other 3 survivors can't scape and die if they don't leave ASAP. It happen 1/10 times at best but it's very satisfactory when happen, but prepare for the enrage in the endgame chat. Is the best "JUST LEAVE" situation, haha.
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Survs on average are less selfish than Killers, and want other survs to have fun
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Blood Warden is objectively worse than No Way Out. No Way Out blocks the exits the same amount of time but automatically works every game. For Blood Warden to trigger the exits have to already be open AND you have to hook someone at that point. The only minor advantage Blood Warden has is the auras are always on versus the noise alert in No Way Out only happens once, that’s not nearly good enough to make up for that unreliable trigger condition though.
I honestly find it hard to imagine anybody who has both perks available choosing Blood Warden over No Way Out if they only want to run one such perk. Now if Blood Warden just automatically worked when the doors opened with no hook required then it would be a solid perk.
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yeah, but the whole thing is about Survivors being smart
Smart Survivors would just leave, we're not talking about the average Survivor.
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Yes they will 99% the exit gate, but you can easily slug the survivor and run to the exit gate,
by that point the survivor you slugged is getting up and probably on their way to the next gate
or hook the survivor and run to exit gate
no blood warden
they will 100% open and won't leave, because they think they can try to save the teammate.
they can, they just need to prevent you from getting a hook,