Ok killer mains....
I took a break from the forums a few months ago because at the time I felt like the killer mains here just complain about EVERYTHING. I also took 2 months away from the game and came back to it about 3 weeks ago. Well today I decided to play killer. I never liked playing killer because of the first person view but I went through with playing a few games.
Killer mains....I'm sorry. I doubted you guys and now I see how irritating the game can be for killers. I feel like it's worse than I remember it being. The game was rough before but now it's almost intolerable. The worst part is now with the new pay off for grade reset, tryhards will try even harder.
Now I'm not saying buff killers to the point of being gods but they need more than a little help. The issue is to not make them too strong but I'm not really sure Bhvr can manage that. I don't say that as a slight on the devs, it's tricky to do. I have some thoughts on how to maybe help alleviate things on both sides but the changes I have in mind wouldn't be quick easy ones.
Killer mains enjoy as much of this game as you can, if you can. I thought I'd come back to the forums and say I understand the killer perspective little more now.
Glad to see that you took the steps to actually understand the complaints of the other side.
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Your opinion on playing killer changed by playing only 1 day. Imagine how much it would change by playing a whole month.
Whenever I play solo survivor and gens fly, I think how bad the killer must feel. Then the match ends and my teammates write: "ggez"
Most people don't play both sides and never will understand how much the other side struggles.
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I honestly really love this post. It does take playing both sides to truly understand what each side goes through and why they make the arguments and complaints that they do. I think playing both sides does also help with understanding where the balance of this game lies. I'm glad to see that when you decided to come back you decided to give the other side you don't generally play a shot. Not everyone does what you did and they really should.
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Thank you for doing that. I think a lot of the problems with DbD would be greatly alleviated if more people tried both sides.
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Upvotes to the right, ladies!
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Perspective really helps. I started playing some survivor games every day, even though I am a totally killer main, and it opened my eyes to some of the survivor problems.
I took lots of notes during my last games, and the most popular survivor perks are (to no surprise) DH and BT. DH needs some more tooling, as its way too versatile and easily utilized, compared to the other exhaustion perks, while I wouldn't mind if a minor version of BT was basekit for survivors, because getting tunneld off the hook, with no chance whatsoever to do anything against it, feels truly aweful. Offensive use of BT (bodyblocking, sandbagging) shouldn't be possible as basekit, though, and probably shouldn't be possible at all.
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I think it's fine that you try the other side, but along with that there is also experience.
Many of the people who complain don't have the tolerance or patience to learn. So rather than learning they would rather call it out as a "balance issue" when in reality it is really their own skill that isn't there. You can't learn killer (any killer) in a single day.
No matter who you are you it makes sense that you would have a rough time in the beginning, especially if you've taken a long break. This is normal.
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I don’t see why players don’t play both sides. It seems limiting.
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Killers dont need any buffs right now or ever... they were designed to already be the power role in the game. Nerf survivors, and specifically SWFs, and most killers will shine again
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Play both sides for maximum experience
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I'm not really sure what your point is. Killers who are complaining are just bad at the game and want to vent. I play killer and something extremely special needs to happen to not get 3 kills in a game. I don't even think I'm that good at the game, but killers just have an extreme advantage is just about every situation once you understand all the mechanics of the game. It's not at all difficult to play killer, and I love it when a group is actually coordinated enough to have multiple people escape.
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I feel like a minor basekit BT wouldn't help much, 6 seconds a killer can wait out, 12 seconds is more wiggle room, idk, maybe it's just me
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I probably don't have as many hours in the game as most others (500), so I am having fun no matter what side I play. Who knows as this moves along but today I had a nice 3K with Wraith and STILL got a teabag from the last survivor as they found the hatch..LOL. And it didn't bother me, I laughed and moved on. We shall see how my view of the 'fun' factor changes as my hours go up.
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I wish more people play both sides more often. I believe there would be far less toxicity is people didn't live in these meaningless pretend tribes that currently exist.
Well done for trying both sides! Props👍
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These posts have to be taken lightly.
Oh, I never played one side of the game, I tried it, and I sucked. The other side has it so hard.
I applaud you trying both sides of the game, but perhaps wait until you get some experience before posting about how hard it is.
Both sides require experience. The more experience you have the better the odds of winning .
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I'd go so far as to say that if someone hasn't played a decent amount of both sides (like a lot more more than "I tried killer/surv for a few games"), they can't really have a well formed opinion about power balance, or the game in general.
And it will absolutely make you a better player.
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Killers dont need more than a little help. Most players are just bad and need some kind of gamesense. If I see killers with thousand hours running around pallets til bloodlust kicks in, its hilarious. thats the average dbd killer skill and like 90% of the playerbase and literally 99% of the killlers crying on the forums.
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Seems as you are the almighty. I believe you are also that nea with flashlight who loves to do clicky clicky and tbag. But once sacrificed its OmG yOu ArE sO bAd TuNnElEr GiT gUd
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Everything you said backfired at you.
_ First of all: In every game most player is medium to bad. Base on your logic, no game should have any balance or further fix. Being bad or good has nothing to do with an in-front issue that needs to be fixed.
_ Second: Bloodlust is a bad defense mechanical against an issue that the dev said it themselves that the game map is survivor side. Everyone with a decent mind knows that even if you brute force all the pallets and windows, survivors can still gush all gen before all pallets dropdown. And this is a scenario where no stunt happens. It's all about a mind game that depends heavily on luck which if good then means it's processed as it should be for the killer, if bad then it's a very bad penalty for the killer.
I have seen a lot of survivors' main, or survivor trolls who like to bash killer's opinions. If you are one of those petty, I'm sorry for wasting my time on you. If not, hope this is enough to clear your mind.
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It doesn't have it be based just on how game ended, but it's interesting to see how most survivors react when you are losing. Which is more likely main reason why his first experience was so bad.
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Noed makes too bad for the killers ego
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No, certainly. I'm just saying, these posts must be taken with a grain of salt.
If you have little experience on one side, then switching will often be miserable at first.
I remember playing survivor for the first few times after maining killer for a year and half or so. I was downed in seconds, seriously I was a joke.
If I would have posted then, I would have said how under powered survivor seemed as well as unfun.
While accurate to my own experience at the time, not completely true.
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Hey, it depends on what is reason it was terrible for him...
If he is upset just because survivors escaped, then well, welcome to killer world :D
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I don't think anyone will "tryhard" for a mere 1 million bloodpoints at the end of the month. What do you even consider a "tryhard" anyway?
I have a friend who only plays killer, because he doesn't find the survivor side appealing. Every now and then when he decides to play survivor, he thinks it's a terrible experience. Is it terrible? I wouldn't say so, but it will seem like it for someone who mostly plays the other side.
When you don't have much experience on one side, of course when you play it it wont feel great, specially when SBMM keeps putting new killers/survivors against people who aren't new.
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Ikr. Killer main life. All day in the forums complaining about everything.
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I think deep down they have some idea that they will get their ass kicked. Between all the complaints on the forums or all the matches where survivors are running circles around the killer. They must know the killer experience sucks right now.
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See the data of solo vs SWF
step one buff solo <--- BHVR is currently here
step two buff killer
Nerf Survivor if needed
Nerf killer if needed
obviously I'm oversimplifying its not that easy
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It's hard to be in a good mood when you play killer for a day. You want to be. You try to be. I always go in the game thinking it's just a game who cares if you lose...
Then you don't just lose. You get stomped. You get bullied. You feel powerless. You struggle so bad against sweat squads and endure the breakout meme perks and it all ends and you get 1 or 2 kills maybe and ask yourself why you even bother if your not having fun?
I have a good time 1 out of every 5 matches and on bad days I don't at all bc I'm going against teams with meta all day and I'm mentally exhausted when I log off.
I keep at it bc I love the game. I just hate what they've done, and it's in a rough spot for killers at the moment. God forbid you play clown, wraith, trapper, or mikey... for giggles and memes. You eat dirt every time.
No I don't play dbd just to play blight nurse and pyramid head every match. I wanna play all the killers. They are fun. But most eat dirt against teams. You can't enjoy a game that way.
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OK. What about the countless killer mains with experience who post very similar.