I swear Im just going to...

IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Facecamp every hook when I am on gideons. The map is way to safe. Theres no way to cause pressure to survivors on a map where every tile is a safe pallet. So to counter act this when I do hook someone they will not be getting off. I will take the L im over it.

PS. I don't mind losing but when it is due due the fact that a map is as safe as Game its annoying. None of of any of that map is enjoyable on the killer side. Someone argued its because there aren't many window based tiles. POPPYCOCK its nonsense Game map has THE best L&T tile in the game. Don't come at me with that arguement because it is just nonsense.


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    No one blames you.

    My hatred for reworked maps is no secret, but that one is a monster among monsters.

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    I just don't know how it got past testing like YEP this is PERFECT... TOTALLY balanced.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    I could do almost a "break 25 pallets" challenge in one game on the game... There are a few pallets on this indeed.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 544

    The game is ruff for sure but I think coldwind is by far more atrocious for killer. The rework for coldwind is truly truly awful… The devs need to revert back to old coldwind and same with crotus…

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    At least there are Dead zones on Coldwind. I have yet to come across a variant of gideons where there is a deadzone. closest i have seen was there were 2 tiles in a row that didn't have pallets. But still enough distance to make it to one.

  • GreenDemo
    GreenDemo Member Posts: 276

    While you can win on meat plant...

    Yeah it has the most and safest pallets.

    Since you hate the map so much, could I suggest farming instead of facecamping ? If you know you will have a bad time, might as well get some bloodpoints out of it, instead of frustration.

    And if the survivors don't get the point, just kill them as usual. You will get more familiar and better at the map with time (even tho it's survivor sided af)

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    There's also no dead zones in terms of hooks. You ever tried running a sabo build on Gideon's and seeing that the killer can reach 9 different hooks between 2 floors and sometimes there are literally 2 hooks in the same room?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    So even if you get the map randomly you're going to facecamp? Kind of odd to make the game as miserable to everyone as possible because of a map.

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    It shouldn't be a thing IMO. Until its changed that's the game plan. I am not sure it is going to happen but the map is an auto win for any survivor with half a brain.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    By that logic facecamping shouldnt be a thing either, so I should just use game map offerings?

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited January 2022

    I disagree. I would take gideon over a handful of maps. Yes there are way to many pallets but majority of them make little difference in the game. most of them are super unsafe and allow easy hits.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Yea, and I choose not to ruin the game for others just because I'm unhappy with the game myself

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Gideon is particularly egregious. You pretty much have to play around a 4 gen and proxy one level. 90% of the pallets are absurdly safe and there are zero deadzones. It's not really possible to even zone survivors away from tiles. Really one-sided map.

  • TomBombadil
    TomBombadil Member Posts: 36

    Meat plant is my favourite map for survivor and for killer, and I'm a killer main.

    Lots of los blockers to mind game on the bottom floor and even some dead ends! Personally I think it's a death trap for survivors but I guess everyone is different.

    Plus I just love being able to move around the map quickly through all the trapdoors and holes and jump on survivors :)

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501
    edited January 2022

    When survivors burn a map offering for a map I hate, I blame them. I usually go idle somewhere as a way to say, "You wanted this map? Fine, it's all yours." It happened with RPD yesterday. I stood and stared at the gen in the main room and wouldn't let them work on it. They could have every other gen uncontested, but that one was mine.

    When I get a map I hate randomly, though, it's not the fault of the survivors. I might try to participate a little. I'll maybe even participate a bunch if it's not frustrating.

    The idea of punishing the devs for bad map design by facecamping a survivor to death makes no sense to me. By facecamping someone, you're playing the game, and if you get a kill then the map obviously isn't too bad. So.... good way to show the devs the map is fine as is, I guess?

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Use up your Marvin's Bloods while you can; Nemmy is basically a guaranteed 3k on the game

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I love the Game. I basically never face camp there, and you know me! Give me that Fleshpits or whatever it is called and I will face camp even if I intended to play nice. You can't get me to leave the hook no matter what. Not even a twerking Jane...

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Play Nemesis. I actually enjoy Gideons on Nemesis. Plenty of narrow areas for zombies to block or trap people in or get a surprise hit, and Nemesis is probably the best pallet breaker around, so the resources get used fast and aren't as punishing. But yeah on 90% of the cast the map is god awful and an insult lose. M1 only killers are extremely wrecked on this map.

    I'm not gonna face camp survivors to spite them for getting a random map, but I will absolutely play harder and less nice on a bad map. And that does generally mean more camping and tunneling. Even if they didn't pick it, they still have a strong advantage on the map, and I'll have to play that much harder to counteract that advantage. If it's something like Haddonfield or Springwood, I'm gonna play in absolutely any way that can make those hellholes more than an auto-lose.

  • IsMmrReal
    IsMmrReal Member Posts: 201

    Tbf blight with compound 33 is untouchable on that map but I dont want to restrict my play to 2 killers.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    That map is why I run enduring, spirit fury and brutal strength on all of my m1 killers

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    I'm surprised you need to think twice about facecamping on that map tbh. As a veteran player my tolerance for BS is like 0 so I just facecamp anytime I get sent to some blatantly survivor-sided map. And well, that happens alot so there's tons of facecamping in my games.

    Once you give into the dark side, it's hard to go back. Now I just facecamp all the time. SWF? Facecamp. Map offering? Facecamp. 4 medkits? Facecamp. It's about as easy as playing survivor so it's not like I feel bad.

    It's like yeah, you can sweat your ass off dealing with boons / 12+ second chance perks / BS maps / SWFs / etc......or you can just play rancor Bubba and get a 3k while chilling.