The most accurate Freddy meme ever

ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
edited January 2019 in General Discussions
Full credit below, first post on Reddit in a long while that made me laugh

Post edited by ChesterTheMolester on


  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Lol I never really got people do claimed he was weak I never had a problem playing him
  • RabidWabbitz
    RabidWabbitz Member Posts: 93

    I am a Freddy main and I do enjoy Freddy obviously but I want Freddy to be actual Freddy. I don't want him to be the Sandman and do things that are not in Freddy's power range. Freddy as a villain should be in the top tier with Michael Meyers and not in the bottom to mid as he is now. Freddy is a masterful killer in the movies and he should have a more creative feel to him in the games.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited January 2019

    Freddy is by far the worst killer in Dead by Daylight. The only real purpose of his power is to remove the hindrance he has by default (can't interact with survivors), and he gets cucked by the most used perks in the game (Self care, Sprint burst and Adrenaline). He's the only killer that has to give a up to 9.5 seconds head start to his targets, who can, by the way, keep doing whatever they were doing right in his face without him being able to do anything about it. He's even less than your regular M1 killer (like the Doctor or the Trapper). He has a laughable stealth and the most basic-ass offense you can think of, that pretty much only kinda works if the survivors ignore him during the transition. He's so bad that he can't even camp properly. He can't even secure a kill. He has no way to stop/punish hookrushing, bad positioning or stupid plays by survivors in general. And, as we all know, killers win if the survivors play non-optimally or if they make silly mistakes... I don't think you people realize that Freddy is the only killer that can't capitalize on these situations. No matter how you "mindgame" survivors you still have to wait 7 seconds to hit them. If a survivor is anything but braindead, they will run to the nearest pallet/loop, and proceed to loop you for 5 generators.
    Every other killer is far better than Freddy, because they don't take nearly as ######### long to take action against survivors.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Oh this was great.
    Had a good chuckle

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    I always have enjoyed Freddy but have found it far too easy for survivors to wake up.

    ALso, once in the dreamworld, good survivors can out maneuver you since you are really just an m1 killer at that point.

    I don't want his power to change dramatically, but I want it to be more challenging for survivors to wake up and I want SOME sort of POWER to be useful in the dreamworld. I mean, c'mon...he owns that world but all he can do is walk after people and slash. Seems silly.

    PS: it might be interesting for him to be able to use lockers as a sort of "portal" in the dream world...just an idea.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Lock on through walls you say... 🤔

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    And he does counter BT as the lullaby does not count as a TR, which punishes hookrushing. 

    Actually it does count. I'm positive of this.

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    What is that discount Freddy on the "recognizing" frame?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184

    The ending is amazing lmao. A friend of mine who is a Freddy main was feeling all the emotions when the changes were announced.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @Acromio said:
    Freddy is by far the worst killer in Dead by Daylight. The only real purpose of his power is to remove the hindrance he has by default (can't interact with survivors), and he gets cucked by the most used perks in the game (Self care, Sprint burst and Adrenaline). He's the only killer that has to give a up to 9.5 seconds head start to his targets, who can, by the way, keep doing whatever they were doing right in his face without him being able to do anything about it. He's even less than your regular M1 killer (like the Doctor or the Trapper). He has a laughable stealth and the most basic-ass offense you can think of, that pretty much only kinda works if the survivors ignore him during the transition. He's so bad that he can't even camp properly. He can't even secure a kill. He has no way to stop/punish hookrushing, bad positioning or stupid plays by survivors in general. And, as we all know, killers win if the survivors play non-optimally or if they make silly mistakes... I don't think you people realize that Freddy is the only killer that can't capitalize on these situations. No matter how you "mindgame" survivors you still have to wait 7 seconds to hit them. If a survivor is anything but braindead, they will run to the nearest pallet/loop, and proceed to loop you for 5 generators.
    Every other killer is far better than Freddy, because they don't take nearly as [BAD WORD] long to take action against survivors.

    It's like you didn't read the post literally right here.
    It's not like he's good though he's still only midtier. He only has mediocre map control with no real mobility and is the only killer that can't hatch standoff unless they're already asleep.

    In conclusion, DARN

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited January 2019

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    And he does counter BT as the lullaby does not count as a TR, which punishes hookrushing. 

    Actually it does count. I'm positive of this.

    Hmm maybe an update changed it then? 

    Still not as problematic as you think, its not like they can hide, or heal, and in doubt you can avoid pulling the others in the dreamworld to avoid bodyblock. 

    Plus Freddy can use the DW effect to his advantage, once you hit him you can go for the savior and juggle back and forth to have the DW go down while still keeping pressure (mending does not wake you up).
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    As a Freddy main since he released, this is all true for me
    Oh also 
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I can do some nasty stuff to Survivors, the fact he has a natural tracking ability makes things a lot easier. I like to slug the first person I find then hook the 2nd person because it creates pressure.

    My nastiest build that barely gets me a pip because I win so fast is
    Sloppy Butcher

    I slug the first person in an isolated area then keep hunting and hook the 2nd person. Every time someone gos for an unhook I'm usually there and get both of them in transition. I hook the rescuer and maybe find the one who got rescued and of not I repeat. If someone gets out of the Dream world I can track their blood, if they save their friend on the ground I know where they both are, in short the tracking allows me to be everywhere I need to be.

    But even though I dominate I still want the rework because he can't protect his hook, his speed is reduced during a transition and if everyone rushes the hook and I transition everyone I am very slow for a long time, enough time for them to go out the Exit. In the beginning when he came out I don't think the transition made him slow so he could keep up during it and always immediatley land the hit but when they made him slow during the transition it made him weaker for chases.

    I don't know what the rework is but I hope it's good, one of them mentioned they would like the amount of people in the Dream world to have his power grow with each person. That sounds cool and if they stick with that then I think he'll go up a tier or two.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    I freaking love this xD


    Check this out
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    That was pretty funny and just faced a Freddy on Macmillan Estates and go figure i was the obsession but I didn't get tagged until really late game. I made it out but just barely.

  • Lateral
    Lateral Member Posts: 77

    Bought this Killer despite all the bad reviews just because Freddy is a rock star pimp and have had a mixed experience, Fun but extremely challenging.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    I hate playing against him, and he doesn't interest me to play. I get that he gets smashed by SWF, and can struggle greatly against good randoms, but I don't think he's all that mechanically challenged. Some of his addons are utterly absurd to play against.

    Freddy's real issue is his RNG swing. Take Pig's RNG and then amplify it by 10,000. Freddy's power is like Ruin 5000, but his RNG is massive, and some survivors can get out quickly, and other times they're locked in the dream world, spending an eternity on a generator trying to get out.

    Ex: Get two instant self care heals while being chased one time, both of them occurring right before getting hit.

    However, another time, I was sitting on a generator from 0-70%, CRAWLLLLLING through trying to get a skill check that never came. That was, like, 2.5 minutes of repairs, including a full Self Care heal, in which I never got a skill check to get myself out, and no one nearby to help.

    He just falls into one extreme or the other where, like The Pig, the only real buff he needs is the narrowing of this band in his favor. His design is actually very strong at even punishment, and his addons further support this intent.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Eninya said:

    I hate playing against him, and he doesn't interest me to play. I get that he gets smashed by SWF, and can struggle greatly against good randoms, but I don't think he's all that mechanically challenged. Some of his addons are utterly absurd to play against.

    Freddy's real issue is his RNG swing. Take Pig's RNG and then amplify it by 10,000. Freddy's power is like Ruin 5000, but his RNG is massive, and some survivors can get out quickly, and other times they're locked in the dream world, spending an eternity on a generator trying to get out.

    Ex: Get two instant self care heals while being chased one time, both of them occurring right before getting hit.

    However, another time, I was sitting on a generator from 0-70%, CRAWLLLLLING through trying to get a skill check that never came. That was, like, 2.5 minutes of repairs, including a full Self Care heal, in which I never got a skill check to get myself out, and no one nearby to help.

    He just falls into one extreme or the other where, like The Pig, the only real buff he needs is the narrowing of this band in his favor. His design is actually very strong at even punishment, and his addons further support this intent.

    Yeah thats one reason he can be difficult for either or both sides, its one of the things i adressed in my idea for the rework, a simple "forced skillcheck" channel on gens and healing, should be more balanced for both sides as it takes the RNG out.

    Lateral said:

    Bought this Killer despite all the bad reviews just because Freddy is a rock star pimp and have had a mixed experience, Fun but extremely challenging.

    I can link you some material (guides and such) which helped me a lot if you wish.
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,261

    I've never understood why people say Freddy is the weakest. I 4k with him roughly 75% of the time, although that might be from my experience from getting his daily every other day.

    Great, no. Boring, yes. Weak, not if you play him right.

    Now Leatherface... HE needs help (yes, I realize my hypocrisy here).

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @VolantConch1719 said:
    I've never understood why people say Freddy is the weakest. I 4k with him roughly 75% of the time, although that might be from my experience from getting his daily every other day.

    Great, no. Boring, yes. Weak, not if you play him right.

    Now Leatherface... HE needs help (yes, I realize my hypocrisy here).

    I'm glad more and more people are realizing that Leatherface needs help, not Freddy.

    But it's too late, the devs are changing Freddy and not Leatherface, at least as of now.

  • Lateral
    Lateral Member Posts: 77

    @ChesterTheMolester said:

    I can link you some material (guides and such) which helped me a lot if you wish.

    Hey that'd be cool, I'm having trouble once I have a Survivor hooked, their allies come along and rescue them and I can't do anything to stop them because their not in the dream state.

    I have noticed Survivors that aren't in the dream state can be picked up from inside lockers without putting them into the dream world first. Would be cool if they'd add that to non dream state Survivors who try to de-hook an ally.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,255
    The fact Freddy can lock on the dream thru wall make it easier to get people. Although the dream demon tend to lock on the air for sum reason. The class photo is a personal favorite beside the paint brush and z block combo.  This meme is just the best for Freddy 
  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495
    edited January 2019

    i love how ppl say that a killer that literally can't hit survivors unless he use his power is a strong killer...
    I play freddy, i have him p3 full perks and i love him as a character, but do not call him strong.
    I can do 4k with legion at rank 1 but that does not mean he/she is strong.
    A killer is strong if you can "usually" do 3 "or" 4k without addons.
    Nurse is trong, Billy is trong, Huntress is strong Myers can be strong in the right situation...
    Freddy is not strong. Can you master him and take him to rank 1? sure as for any killer, take wraith with no sound addons and you will wreck rank 1 survivors, trapper? red addons and go for a massacre, same for freddy, only worst since even with red addons if you are not really good with him you are going to be bullied.
    He need a rework, and a good one, as someone else said, he is not freddy, he is the sand man... we want freddy.

    But i have to admit, the meme make sense and is funny :)

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Freddy is a mixed bag. He is an excellent slugger but horrible at finishing off survivors. He is one of the best trackers but bad in chases. He has one of the best end game perks, but one of the worst end game play styles. I enjoy playing Freddy and run him often but I know and understand his limits. He is not viable against skilled survivors. He is great though if you want to annoy the hell out of a SWF team.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    At no point should a normal 115% ms M1 killer have to wait 7 seconds just to defend what's theirs... whether that be a hex, an almost finished gen, a downed survivor (at no point should freddy not be able to pick that survivor up because at the moment if their being healed freddy cant pick them up) he is terribly and since legion can down people simply by walking backwards he is still the weakest killer in the game.. 
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    And let's not forget that Freddy is not just getting a rework because of the fact that hes weak AF... he is getting a rework because of the fact he is unfun.....

    Let's think about the opportunities that BHVR missed because they rushed him... freddy controls the dream world and dream world does nothing!! For him... he is a shape shifter, changes the scenery to whatever he wants... hes pretty much a God! 

    Now something's bhvr cant do with him but a lot of people have asked for a shape shifter killer and that's what he could have on top of the other "dream world benefits" 
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Bravo0413 said:
    And let's not forget that Freddy is not just getting a rework because of the fact that hes weak AF... he is getting a rework because of the fact he is unfun.....

    Let's think about the opportunities that BHVR missed because they rushed him... freddy controls the dream world and dream world does nothing!! For him... he is a shape shifter, changes the scenery to whatever he wants... hes pretty much a God! 

    Now something's bhvr cant do with him but a lot of people have asked for a shape shifter killer and that's what he could have on top of the other "dream world benefits" 

    In the movies he was a god. But according to his own bio he apparently had felt his powers were tweaked. Boosted in some areas, and loosened in other areas. This had happened once he was brought into the Fog. I feel he should have much better control over the match then what he has now.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    Recently started playing him and I've just been having a blast! Always hated going against him because A) Rarely saw him so it would throw me off and 2) You CAN'T hide from him. But playing him, I'm just amazed at how easy I'm getting my 4Ks. Probably cause I don't play the games.

    Had a toxic Claudette try to flashlight blind me, just walked into it and smacked her down. Another time was carrying a Meg only to see a Nea hiding near a pallet, just dropped Meg, chased Nea off, come back to find a Dwight trying to heal up Meg.

    He's just good at putting pressure on Survivors I feel since his power still affects Survivors whether you're chasing them or not.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    I put off playing Freddy because of how everyone said he was the weakest killer and he was being reworked. But I just finished leveling Pig and Freddy was the last of the killers, so I am leveling him now. 

    I am so glad they brightened the dream world because I am genuinely having fun with Freddy like I do with Doc and Hag. I didn’t realize how well his style suits me (I LOVE LOCK ONS) and now that I know how he works, I think I will actually play killer more again. Maybe I saved the best for last. 
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    You forgot the last meme when the Freddy player realizes he's still at rank 20 and that these actually don't make a difference once you actually play against players that aren't brain dead.