Who do you think you would beat in a fight?



  • DeadSacrifice
    DeadSacrifice Member Posts: 86

    Well some of us are going of them without the Entitys power

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Edited my post earlier to factor that in:

    Even without the steroids, having a weapon is a massive difference. It doesn’t matter if they’re an idiot that doesn’t know how to use it properly, they still have a lethal weapon. One wrong injury and you’re dying. And they don’t have qualms about killing. So they wouldn’t have issues going for killing blows immediately.

  • DeadSacrifice
    DeadSacrifice Member Posts: 86
    edited January 2022

    But you cant harm her with her own disease and she does have corrupt vomit too think about that too

  • DeadByStreetlight
    DeadByStreetlight Member Posts: 150

    Doctor -> Eat an apple (I don't know why but it works)

    Ghostface -> Not accepting calls from strangers

    Demogorgon -> Placing dog food somewhere and sneak to the exit

    Ok realistically no one. 😞

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I disagree. While Hag may look physically weak, she can still take the same hits every other killer can, hit just as hard as every other killer, and carry full grown men around with one arm. Plus, with the way she scuttles about, she is likely very agile and would be hard to hit.

    Also, OP mentions how you are unprepared. That means that Hag could have already set up her web of traps, (which is just instant death), and you are likely unarmed.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 976

    The only killer be even possible that can be beaten maybe would be Amanda/Pig as she's a scrawny drug addicted women. If you get caught up in one of her traps though good as dead.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 349

    Trickster. Use a chair as a shield from his knives, knee him in the groin before he switches to the bat, tase him and then use his own bat to beat the living crap out of him. Then tase his ass again for a good measure.

    Legion. Wear my backpack in front of me to protect myself from knives, use a taser and a flammable hairspray to set them on fire. Either use the ruckus to go for the gun safe and delete them or knock out one of the girls with a taser and use her as a meatshield and proceed to the gun safe. Or go to Valhalla trying to pull it all off.

    Amanda. Use a makeshift flamethrower to make sure she is too disoriented to stab or inject me or make her remove her mask, smack her on the head with a vase, use a mace spray on her while she is unconscious to make sure she won't be in the rate state to try and escape while waiting for the police.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Are you sure about Legion? That's FOUR edgy teenagers who all have knives, plus they're Canadian.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I have nothing better to do so I'm just going to evaluate all of them.

    Trapper- Probably not.

    Wraith- I could maybe land a few good hits before dying, if not for his cloak I think I'd have a chance.

    Hillbilly- Would probably knock me out immediately with his hammer

    Nurse- Would be hard to hit, but if I do land a hit I think I could win

    Shape- I would die but I wouldn't mind

    Hag- She would literally go down in one kick. EZ win.

    Doctor- I'd be incapacitated before I got the chance to even throw a punch

    Huntress- I'd die, but judging by that anime fight scene in her archive, it would look extremely cool

    Cannibal- Can't do much to a guy with a chainsaw

    Nightmare- Death

    Pig- I have a fair shot, I'd just need to make sure she doesn't get the chance to slash my neck.

    Clown- He'd probably throw bottles at me until I was too weak to fight, then go in for the kill. If he doesn't do that, I think I can outmaneuver him.

    Spirit- Would I even be able to hit her? Or would my hands go through her because she's a ghost? I think I have a fair chance if not.

    Legion- I could 1v1 any of them and win as long as I had SOMETHING to use, even if it was a big stick. But in a 4v1 I would lose, especially because I wouldn't be able to bring myself to hurt Joey.

    Plague- Win, but then die later from the disease

    Ghost Face- If I happen to have some sort of weapon on me I have a small chance, otherwise I'm dead meat.

    Demogorgon- Demo would tear me to ribbons

    Oni- Bonk.

    Deathslinger- I don't think Caleb is a poor shot, but If I can dodge the redeemer then I can beat him.

    Executioner- If beating him by coming to terms with my guilt and grief isn't an option, then there's no way I'm winning.

    Blight- At first glace it would seem easy but anyone who is able to slam themselves into walls at breakneck speed and shrug it off can probably beat me no problem.

    Twins- Victor would be easy, but Charlotte not so much. I give myself a 50/50 chance of winning.

    Trickster- Trickster doesn't even know how to fight.

    Nemesis- Lmao

    Cenobite- Nah.

    Artist- I don't really see how Ink can hurt me, So I guess I can win.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Without his knives, I would easily take Trickster. Not to brag, I mean, most people could. That is the only one that sounds actually fun. People keep bringing up Hag, but I do not want to get scratched, or whatever disease she is carrying. No thanks, bruh.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Trickster, Hag, and maybe Danny, he might not do that well in an actual 1v1 since all he does is stalk

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited January 2022

    People really underestimate how deadly weapons are, huh. The literal most important rule of fighting is if one side has a knife, you don't. That's how you end up dead or crippled. Which would also apply to other weapons. It doesn't matter if the killer is a novice, they're still a killer without qualms about killing.

  • Hannon
    Hannon Member Posts: 221

    If they have their weapons, no one

    without their weapons, also no one xD

    I would not even try to fight

    have you seen trapper muscles?

    or daddy i-i mean… Myers knife?

    no thanks 😅

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    So many delusional people think they would beat anyone, kinda fits the dbd community very well

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    I also have nothing better to do, so I'll answer a question that DemiPlays has already asked.

    Trapper- LMAO no, this man is JACKED. I am the dead.

    Wraith- He might get me if he surprises me. If not, I have a KNIFE and know how to find a man's vital arteries.

    Hillbilly- Would probably also knock me the [BAD WORD] out. He literally can wield human, to use a phrase I heard once.

    Nurse- She can teleport, but she's also an average woman otherwise? I could choke her, probably?

    Shape- Please, sir, may I have another knife in my ribs?

    Hag- She's Lady Spiderlegs's personal Wendigo. I'm a dead man, no joke.

    Doctor- HAHAHAHAHAHA, and I'm dead after several hours of vaguely scientific torture.

    Huntress- I'd die, as I am not a cute baby gill.

    Cannibal- He had a chainsaw, true. We'll call it a draw, as, again, I know where his vitals are. (JK, I die)

    Nightmare- IDK, I die, probably. Slowly, at that.

    Pig- I know how to trigger Mandee's EMOTIONAL DAMAGE, and also she's a regular young (pun not intended) woman. I beat her to death with a chair, then regret my life choices.

    Clown- I don't know. He may be fat, but he's persistent, and an ambush predator. Time to see if my chair wielding skills are better than his usage of knives.

    Spirit- Considering what kind of spirit she is, I die even if I "win" so I can't win; I die, then she kills her father and ceases to be.

    Legion- I'm bigger and angrier than a group of edgy Canadian teenagers are. I've bitten someone's nose clean off and taken a chunk out of a man's throat after he stabbed me. I'll make this a draw. But it'll only be a draw.

    Plague- She might win if I die of diseases first, tbh.

    Ghost Face- Stab me, [BAD WORD]. I dare you. Better make it hurt. Better kill me in one shot.

    Demogorgon- Uh. I don't know. I probably die, because it took multiple people to bring one down canonically.

    Oni- HAH! I die. Messily, at that.

    Deathslinger- He may be a cripple, but he still has a literal spear gun. I'm dead, most likely. If he misses, I have a good chance.

    Executioner- @DoritoHead has the right of it.

    Blight- Mr. Hyde kills me with his cane, then messily devours my corpse with his oozing maw. This man has Entity-Cocaine powering him, you think he's going to feel whatever the hell I do? He killed a literal mountain of people while dying of wasting away, I have no chance.

    Twins- Uh. I don't know, honestly. I'm not sure how big Charlotte is, but methinks she kills me, probably. Then Victor eats me for fun.

    Trickster- STAB ME, I DARE YOU. I beat him to death with a chair.

    Nemesis- I die. Messily. Then I get up as a zombie, probably. 1/100000 chance I come back as a better zombie and kill him, but I won't hold my breath. Because I'll be dead.

    Cenobite- He's an extraplanar entity with telekinesis and the ability to summon pieces of said plane to wherever he pleases. I don't die, but I beg for it for the rest of eternity.

    Artist- She either drowns me in ink, or I disrupt her ephemeral limbs long enough to kill her. I lean towards my demise in this case.

  • DeadSacrifice
    DeadSacrifice Member Posts: 86

    No EVERYONE but we all can agree on who we can beat Hag shes a TWIG snap her some other ones we can beat cause there stupid and irl not the game so it would be so much eaiser

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    And Hag is also based off a Wendigo, so she probably have the strentgh of one.

  • DeadSacrifice
    DeadSacrifice Member Posts: 86

    Mabey but i serverly doubt it based on her story shes weak

  • DeadSacrifice
    DeadSacrifice Member Posts: 86

    Like i said in the rules you can use whats around you, you could be in a house full of guns and kill them easily all depends where you are envioment is the most imporent part of fighting with wepones or not than enviorment is not imporent (cant spell sorry XD)

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    About half are just dudes in a mask, so I'd stand a decent chance as long as I can choose where I face them.

    The others range from spirits of vengeance to actual demons and I'd be in trouble.

  • DeadSacrifice
    DeadSacrifice Member Posts: 86

    Yes but you dont choose thats the bad part you could be on vaction and they come or in your house its random

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    She isn't weak on her story, she turns into a monster, escpaes and then kill a group of caniballs.

  • DeadSacrifice
    DeadSacrifice Member Posts: 86

    But if you reaad it properly thats not much if your a monster but she does eventelly starve and starving makes you really skinny and weak not much energy

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    She was starving and pretty weak but still defeated a whole group, what chance does a single person have against her?